matthew   Albany, New York, United States
My info is secret. You... are secret, we... are secret together.
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joe 5 jul. 2017 às 22:17 
i met you playing tf2 years ago, just stopped by to say hi! :)
[mlp]drummerBoy1864 19 abr. 2011 às 3:58 
.................... __
..... _.----.__./ /
[mlp]drummerBoy1864 4 fev. 2011 às 19:47 
its a song:}
Milf & Cookies 18 jan. 2011 às 12:36 
good to see yah back, even tough he hacked you, he wasnt very smart
[mlp]drummerBoy1864 13 jan. 2011 às 17:34 
i back ,im sorry about the hacker problem, but im back
Milf & Cookies 9 jan. 2011 às 11:11 
lol, i like this part of the convo: 19:05 - Drummer Boy1864: i think some 1 hacked drummer boy