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Useita pelikieltoja merkitty | Tietoa
2579 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
SuPeR SoaKERR 8.3.2019 klo 4.47 
boosted animal, just delete this game you are trash
Turtle 12.1.2019 klo 6.14 
boosted rocket league player die with cancer
Turtle 12.1.2019 klo 6.14 
hey garbage idiot remember me?
Alf9n5o 18.11.2018 klo 10.01 
Lol tons of bans and still not permbanned. I am making sure this is your last day with this account. Reporting you with a demo to devs and whishing u a fast death. Braindead toxic kids are not worth for this world.
none 12.5.2018 klo 3.52 
Рия киса :3 9.11.2017 klo 12.07 
easy ban