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21 people found this review helpful
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7.7 hrs on record
I've always been a big fan of this game, hoping sometime there would be another sequel, but it seems the idea was dropped. To give you an idea of how much I adore this game, I've played through it about four times by this point.

There's always question about which Overlord you should pick up if any, the first or the second? Personally, I say both. Here I will just review the first one though.

A fantastic singleplayer RPG with clever humor, good boss fights, enticing story and an interesting combat system that I can't say I've seen in any other game.

You are the Overlord. Your job is to restore your tower to its former glory, convince the lowly townsfolk that you are indeed the Overlord and to wreak havoc with your minions (although sometimes you might decide to be nice to the citizens of your domain to make them praise you rather than fear you)

But what is an Overlord without his minions? There are four types of minions, which you unlock over time, but pretty early in the game you have all four. The first type is your default melee minions that just love to get in trouble and start fights, the second is a ranged type that are terrible in melee but can put out fires and throw fireballs, the third is a sneakier kind that can be used with clever positioning to take out key targets rapidly, but they suffer in direct confrontation, and the fourth is a healer that can resurrect your fallen minions for a while before their corpses decay (They can also swim, unlike all your other minions)

The overlord himself of course also has combat potential. He can hit people with his melee weapon of choice and cast spells that he has unlocked, there are plenty of spells ranging from direct damage (throwing fire at all your enemies and watching them burn to death while laughing horrifically) to buffing your minions (and watching them claw your enemies apart in a maddened frenzy before they start tearing each other apart)

There's also a crafting system that lets you craft weapons and armour with special stat bonuses given by letting your minions throw themselves into the flames to enhance your equipment.

This is definitely one of the most overlooked games that I know of, and that couldn't be a more undeserving title to have.
Posted 23 September, 2014.
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18 people found this review helpful
90.2 hrs on record (73.4 hrs at review time)
This game definitely has all the characteristics of a roguelike but is modernized in a way that let's us mere mortals enjoy it as well, has a great artstyle and enjoyable humor, and of course, extreme difficulty.

Your goal is to get through all ten floors and defeat the dreaded Lord Dredmor, but DLC adds an additional 5 floors as well as bonus floors. I would definitely recommend getting all dlc and the base game at the same time, especially considering the price for the amount of content.

If you're not daring enough to get through the entire game on its intended settings you can disable permadeath and/or lower the difficulty.

This game is also highly moddable, which should further extend the large amount of replayability that already exists in the base game, just look at the steam workshop for some fantastic user created mods.

And remember, dying is fun! Sometimes!
Posted 23 September, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
389.9 hrs on record (273.1 hrs at review time)
A 2d sandbox game with randomly generated worlds.

Offers a lot of hours of gameplay before you finally "beat" the game but you can enjoy it for quite a while even after that, due to the randomly generated worlds you can even enjoy starting anew, or you can raise tall structures and let out your creative mind.

Think of Minecraft, except now it has a working combat system and is in 2D. Has a lot of boss fights, minibosses, rare encounterable mobs and plenty of spelunking to find rare treasure. There's also no confusing crafting system as everything you can make with your resources automatically shows up and you can ask the guide NPC about what can be made out of your materials.

It's going to get a couple extra content updates at some point in the future but after that I would rule out "new content", still, the content already in the game should be enough to convince a purchase.
Posted 23 September, 2014. Last edited 23 September, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
88.2 hrs on record (194.1 hrs at review time)
Fantastic 2D platformer that I will never quite get tired of, I still play it every now and then despite it being an old purchase.

I first heard about this game by watching a Let's Player play the xbox version, I was immediately convinced to try the original PC version (as the updated one wasn't out on PC yet) and loved it. If you wish to try the old PC version before purchasing this one, by all means: http://spelunkyworld.com/original.html

As for the updated version, a lot of good new features and items, still very difficult and still very fun. A real test of your reflexes and mechanical skill as it often pits you up against one-sided situations that must be bested before you can claim the title of having beaten this game. The difficulty is also very fair, so you get to blame yourself for every death.

The game has fifteen default levels (and a boss at the end) that must be beaten in succession, after learning the game in and out you'll be surprised to hear it's not over yet as there are another three levels (and a boss at the end!) after the "final boss". There are also five hidden levels. Oh and you must beat all of this in succession, in one single run, in one life.

Has a score attack element to it too, when you eventually get good enough to consistently beat the game you can try to get the highest score, still plenty of fun and lots of challenge.

It doesn't matter how many times you die, you will want to try again and again and again to get further and further than you've ever been before! All levels are randomly generated, so you will never be the same place twice.
Posted 23 September, 2014. Last edited 23 September, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
51.0 hrs on record (40.5 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game, and at a good price as well!
It disguises as a very simple game with only 3 basic unit types, but within there is a deep pool of strategy to master. There are 4 different "monk" units on top of the 3 basic units, and your general. The monks all have different and unique abilities, most of them cannot directly attack enemies, but instead use spells. Due to the circular movement instead of hexagon based it also offers heavy use of skilled positioning.

The single player campaign is challenging and fun, and will take you at the very least 10 hours but probably more like 15-20. The dialogue is pretty funny and the missions are well crafted.

The multiplayer is incredibly fun and will last you for a long time, the only unfortunate thing with this game is that the multiplayer is very deserted, but if you actually get a game going it's good fun. You should try to get some friends who also own this game and play multiplayer with them, seeing as getting strangers is difficult. There are a lot of different multiplayer maps, although some are slightly unbalanced they are overall really good.

The game also offers a lot of replayability on single player levels. There are three "golden skulls" on each level that you can acquire by fulfilling certain conditions (example: Win without attacking with any other unit than your general), these conditions are different for every map, the example I used is only present on one level.

I also feel like I should point out that the art style is really unique and cool, and I like the sound assets as well.

I can't really discredit the game for a deserted multiplayer, so I will personally rate it 9/10 (because the 10/10 game doesn't exist yet)

For a large list of what the game contains in mechanics and gameplay, see my thread here: http://steamproxy.com/app/228960/discussions/0/864972399789762136/
Posted 1 December, 2013. Last edited 1 December, 2013.
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7 people found this review helpful
18.9 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
This game could've easily been a 9/10.. If it wasn't so poorly made.

You will suffer heavily from bugs, optimization issues and graphical glitches. To give you an idea of just how poorly optimized it is, I have a sapphire 7970 with a i5 processor (and everything else around the same strenght) and it lags even on low graphics (which looks worse than the original rome)

Campaign will be very unfun because you will spend at least 5 minutes literally staring at your screen and waiting, not playing, while the game processes through the turns of the 100+ computer controlled factions, and there is major lag all around the place.

The boat warfare is also literally broken and doesn't work at all, and they added a flag mechanic which makes you instantly lose the battle if captured, not counting troops or losses or who is owning at all.

On top of all this, the AI is horrendous and the HUD/GUI looks really bad and covers way too much of your screen.

All this could theoretically be fixed, but I really doubt that will happen.

Avoid like the plague until it has had some very big and major patches, maybe buy it on a 75% off sale in a year, then maybe it isn't broken anymore.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the campaign AI will literally never declare war on you or play offensively, they will try to keep peace at all times.
Posted 27 November, 2013. Last edited 27 November, 2013.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries