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3.7 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
You should try this type of games someday. This game is on fire!
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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279.5 hrs on record (272.0 hrs at review time)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⭐Grandson - Blood // Water
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Posted 14 September, 2019. Last edited 14 September, 2019.
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12.6 hrs on record

Birinci oyun ve Alex Mercer. Ama bu sefer James Heller yani Amerikalı bir siyahi abiyiz. Oyun başlarken Çavuş James Heller abimiz kızının ve karısının öldürüldüğünü öğreniyor tabi haliyle sinirleniyor ve göreve katılıyor. Görevde tankın içinde giderken Alex Mercer tekrar görünüp tankı patlatıyor. Bunu gören James abimiz ona sinirlenip yürek yemiş gibi saldırıyor. Sonuna kadar cesur yürek olarak kovalayınca Alex Mercer tabi ona virüsünden bulaştırıyor ve hikayemiz burada başlıyor. Ah sh*t, here we go again.

Oyun Genel

Oyun tam anlamıyla 2012'de çıkmasına rağmen çok iyi detaylara ve grafiklere sahip ama bana birinci oyundaki kadar zevk veremedi. Hikaye de kısa çok çabuk bitiyor. Ama birinci oyunun aksine oyunda skill kasmak daha değiştirilmiş ve yeni silahlar gelmiş; Bio-bomb, whipfist ve Hammerfist. LAIR yani sığınak gibi yerleri tamamlayıp yetenek kasabiliyorsunuz ve karakterin James Heller olması benim için daha iyi geldi. Gerektiği yerde küfür etmesi benim hoşuma gitti. Mesela LAIR görevi tamamlarken sinematikte James abimiz Infected Pustule görünce; "Oh sh*t, i thought i had big balls" demişti.

Şahsi Başarımlar ve Başıma gelenler

Oyunu HARD modunda oynadım ama o kadar zor değildi, zaten vur-kaç taktiği olmasa yaşatmazlardı herhalde ama refleksler de gelişti tabi. Mesela DR. Gutierrez ve iki evolved kankasıyla dövüşürken ve o kadar abartılan DR. Archer ile dövüşürken iki dövüşü de tekte aldım. Ama ne gariptir ki Roland'ı bulmak için Blackwatch'larla birlikte saldırırken 2 hydra ve 2 brawler aynı anda saldırınca afalladım baya. Bir bölümde tankın içindeki Commando'yu çıkarmak için tankı patlattım, Commando öyle bir uçtu ki denize düştü, sonra görev başarısız oldu tekrar yapmıştım. Tek Operation Vivid'e kadar intel toplama görevlerinde fail olmamıştım, bilen bilir son inteli toplarken binayı tırmanmalısınız ama arkanızdan saniyede 5 milyar tane roket atarlar ve roket yiyince James abimiz afallar ve düşer. Onda fail oldum sonra çapraz koşup bitirmiştim ikincide. Zamanım olsa BLACKNET serilerini bitirirdim ve tüm başarımları tamamlardım. Oynamazsanız çok şey kaybedersiniz.
Posted 24 August, 2019. Last edited 24 August, 2019.
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1,966.4 hrs on record (1,131.3 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Hello! After 1132 hours, let me speak about this game.
Firstly you shouldn't install the game if you don't have any patience and luck or if you can't speak English. Sorry but, it's a team game, not a singleplayer game. Don't trust your aim that much, you could do something with AWP when your team is eco. But until high ranks. You should watch your team's economy. I was playing solo queue until I become LE rank and saw some people didn't ask for a drop when I got way too money. I actually like Russian people and was trying to learn a few words from Russian. But of course, I had toxic teammates. Don't just be racist to Turkish or Russian people, please. Even English people are been toxic, flamer at us. This game has a really bad matchmaking system at all. My teammates were playing like NOVAs and enemies were playing like it's FPL match. Yesterday I one tapped one guy so hard and he said "its hacker vs hacker now" it was sad. Sometimes it is satisfying to be called a hacker. CSGO in general, can't beat CS 1.6 or CS:S. I played CS 1.6 since 2007. Yeah CSGO has awesome graphics but, it doesn't have CS:S or CS 1.6's awesome people. Only OG players play the old games.

About Skins:
I used to bet in May 2017 a lot. I made a profit from 30$ to 260$ by small steps. Then I lost them all on 19 May. Then I paid 20$ again and lost all. After that Hydra Operation came out. I sold my TF2 inventory in the summertime to buy new CSGO skins in 2017. I changed my knife a lot. Besides the knife, I got 100$ CSGO inventory. I wanted to have a profit again in January 2018. I played coinflips. I won a few skins and lost all of my skins again. But I didn't play it with my knife. I had to sell my last knife to buy a new laptop. My total lost is 360$. I want to gather it again. I have 170$ CSGO inventory now. I'll never ever play bets or coinflips.

About CSGO's Esport:
As you know, I was betting in 2017 May. I used to follow esport matches at all. love Gambit, Immortals, Space Soldiers, Virtus Pro and I hated Dignitas, LDLC, Immortals, SK. Probably of their matches but. I'm still following the HLTV forums. I didn't bet for ages. But I like to watch it now. I learn a lot of things. You should watch professional matches too. I like Mouseports and Natus Vincere now. I like Astralis team and their tactics but, they're getting old. Probably Natus Vincere will try hard and win the ESL One Rio Major 2020. I hope I'll find a friend who follows those things. I'm a fan of s1mple. Not because he is good awper, besides he is a good awper, he has a really good personality. We can discuss whatever you want whenever you want about CSGO Esports. I know every team's history. I know every clip that shakes the world or troll things that professional players do.

About my Rank:
My wingman rank is "Global Elite" and my competitive rank is "Distinguished Master Guardian". I was trying to be LE by playing it solo queue but as I said, people are weird. You should play the game with friends who have decent aim and game sense. I had one by one lose or win.

I'll leave the game for 4 months. Don't worry, I'll come back for Major Pick'ems :p. But I won't sell my skins or leave it forever. I have to study. Thank you for reading all of those!
Posted 16 March, 2017. Last edited 11 March, 2020.
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