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350.0 hrs on record (315.7 hrs at review time)
Just like Skyrim but with guns, set in a fictional future where WW2 ended not with the atomic bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but with a new source of "clean" energy. Everything was great until it wasn't, after years of using Nuclear power it resulted in a world-wide energy/food crisis. Culminating in total annihilation, but fear not for Vault-Tec has constructed numerous underground vaults to avoid annihilation. Skip forward over 200 years to the year 2287, where the player has awaken from cyro sleep.

You awake to find everything you once knew destroyed, set on a quest across the commonwealth to find the one surviving family member you have. (I would recommend you install vortex mod manager from the nexus, just search Vortex mod manager on google or some other search engine. Install either SIM Settlement 2 ch 1, ch 2, and ch 3, or install some other overhaul that will give you more options for the main story line such as Project: Valkyrie. Otherwise you'll be disappointed from the limited options the default story line gives the player, especially if you side with the institute.)
Posted 28 September, 2023.
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3.7 hrs on record
This game is fun, but once you unlock the infinite loop where you can mod your own run game balance dies, and you'll soon find yourself on the 51st floor asking yourself where is the rest? There is no rest, you get to the end and a cut-scene takes place between you and the final boss, you don't get to fight them. A shame really I'd rather like to fight the final boss. It only took me about 3 hours to complete the game if that doesn't seem long to you it's because it's not, all and all I enjoy my brief time climbing the spire, but the game is sorely lacking in content at the moment.
Posted 13 November, 2022.
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278.2 hrs on record (214.8 hrs at review time)
fun but hard for beginners to learn.
Posted 13 July, 2021.
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17.8 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
I like the sequel more so than Doom 2016. There are some challenging parts but I have enjoyed myself so far. Now there are still plenty of Demons needing to be slayed by THE DOOMSLAYER!!!
Posted 24 March, 2020.
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107.1 hrs on record (97.0 hrs at review time)
Very nice RPG that ties your background very nicely to the overall plot that is the invading threat of the DARKSPAWN invasion. Pending another dark age. Also if you haven't played this game yet you really should give it a try, and if you liked it possibly pickup the DLC? Awakening is essential New Game + for those of you whom have played Dragon's Dogma, or Final Fantasy XIV I think, the one with the mustange and guns and magic and ♥♥♥♥, you know the one that was recently released to steam called: Final Fantasy XIV: Windows Edition? Anywho, getting off track but you should at least try a demo of this game, or wait for a sale if you have not already played it.
Posted 16 February, 2020.
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158.4 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
Have not played in awhile. Excited to see what the new legion dlc is all about. Im so glad that this game is free to play, and that the dlc is free. Thanks Grinding Gear for not trying doing what other $60 Triple-AAA developers have done and are doing. I highly recommend everyone play this game. Its free to play and quite fun. A warning though, you'll lose track of time very quickly due to all the fun you'll be having. Enjoy :) .
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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228.6 hrs on record (219.6 hrs at review time)
I love this game, reminds me of my childhood. One thing i did notice is that the points you accumulate through various battles stack rather quickly. Furthermore, these points can then be used in the in-game card pack store to unlock cards. By the time you finish the game you will have around 100,000 points or more. It would be nice if the game allowed you to buy multiple card packs at a time instead of having to sit through the animation of the card pack opening. Also the cards you get in the higher ranked, more costly packs tend to be more powerful than lower ranked card packs, this is especially the case in the first series of card packs: Yu-Gi-Oh, in the highest ranked pack of cards you have a chance to get an egyptian god card, except that the game allows you to purchase said card pack multiple times and accumulate more than one copy of the egyptian god cards. This can be quite game breaking seeing as no other yugioh series has cards as powerful as Slifer, Obesilk, and Rai.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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323.4 hrs on record (249.0 hrs at review time)
If you like games where you spend countless hours designing customizing and upgrading any thing that can move then this game is for you. Whether you want to just build for the sake of making something cool, or you want to climb the leaderboards in battle royale then you should get this game. It's also free-to-play.
Posted 18 October, 2018.
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113.7 hrs on record (34.5 hrs at review time)
Oblivion VS Skyrim:
1. No flying lizards (see Skyrim "dragons")
2. Feels more like a rpg than anything else. What I mean is that Oblivion when compared to Skyrim feels more like a role playing game than SKyrim ever did.
3. Character Creator allows for more customizaton than Skyrim, the character creator in Oblivion allows you to not only mold your ideal character be they any race, but also allows you to change the tone and shape of your entire character. Skyrim limits you to just cosmetic changes such as hair, war paint, and eye color. As far as tone goes in skyrim there is only skin tone.
4. Graphics are still great even though Skyrim has better graphics thanks to a new game engine.
5. Should you buy this game Yes.

I could go into greator detail but I'd rather not spoil the game for you.
Posted 12 August, 2018.
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13.8 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Great Zombie game. Emphasis on the Zombies because they're pretty much everywhere. And don't think homebase is safe, because it's not. Make sure you close the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ door, otherwise you'll let the all the zombies in. Keep an eye on your inventory space, cars are both transportation and mobile storage lockers, until they blow up. Grand theft auto game mechanics intergrated to allow any player character to use a vehicle. But beware, cars make noise and they are most certaintly not indestructible.

Zombies come in many shapes and sizes, much like what's left of humanity. Beware the hordes, a few are fine to deal with a car torpedo, but nine or ten and you might want to relocate.

Don't feel safe in your current town? Or maybe you've striped minned your current location of all avaliable resources? Either case you can comand your fellow survivors to pack up their ♥♥♥♥ and relocate to wherever you choose.

You command your fellow suriviors with influence. Which is earned by influencing people by completing missions, making choices, and killing the zombies that keep on coming.

Large open world. Tons of choices to be made. Lots of vehicles to collect. Your game, your choices, and the zombie legions that march towards you in hope to bite into that juicy brain in your skull.

Posted 15 April, 2018.
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