
Последние обзоры Clooman

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4.3 ч. всего
I noticed a lot of graphical downgrades in this version, so I would stick with the original if you can.
Опубликовано 22 сентября 2020 г..
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172.0 ч. всего (5.8 ч. в момент написания)
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This game made me happy, and it's a game. Best Early Access game this year!

Go in as blind as possible.
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2019 г..
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14.4 ч. всего
Excellent writing, disturbing imagery, and a simple-but-charming soundtrack that sticks with you long after completion.

Despite a fairly slow section in the middle, this is certainly among the best point-and-clicks ever.
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2016 г..
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124.2 ч. всего (101.1 ч. в момент написания)
Probably the best co-op experience I've ever had. There are too many great things to say about this game, and I can't get enough of it.


Worth noting that the experience is somewhat lessened if you're a solo player. Find a good friend with a lot of time on their hands for this one.
Опубликовано 16 ноября 2014 г..
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61.3 ч. всего
Same general silliness as 3 and 4, but with a more serious and interesting edge to the story. Oh, and there's customizable walking animations. And they're awesome.

Very fondly enjoyed this one.
Опубликовано 26 октября 2014 г..
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7.8 ч. всего
If I tell you anything about this game it would ruin it.

All I can say is that you need to play it. Right now.
Опубликовано 23 декабря 2013 г..
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294.7 ч. всего (209.3 ч. в момент написания)
Pretty shallow combat/gameplay mechanics, but there is a huge amount of content to be had here. Too many quests to count, hundreds of hours of exploration, and a top notch soundtrack to back it up. And if you get tired of that, there is a ton of third party mods to dabble in. If you want to immerse yourself in another world, this is the game for you.
Опубликовано 17 августа 2013 г..
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260.7 ч. всего (182.0 ч. в момент написания)
Starts off kind of slow, but as soon as you start getting points into your skill tree it becomes one hell of a great time. Add to that some of the best DLC money can buy, solid references, and excellent voice acting and you have yourself one of the best games of recent memory.
Опубликовано 17 августа 2013 г.. Отредактировано 24 июня 2021 г..
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1,364.3 ч. всего (634.0 ч. в момент написания)
Favourite game of all time.
Опубликовано 31 декабря 2012 г..
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