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4.5 hrs on record
I'd rather buy AC:Shadows DDE at full price and buy mtx than play anymore of this.
Posted 24 March. Last edited 25 March.
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66.1 hrs on record (23.2 hrs at review time)
$75USD is a bit steep for what you get. The campaign is probably 12-15 hrs to completion. Then it's just repeat-ability, not replay-ability. Used 1 weapon and upgraded it twice and was all I needed from start to finish. As opposed to the other titles. The campaign is so linear that it actually stops you from deviating to explore the area or grab a resource really quick. The difficulty seems sub par. I don't mind a cake walk here and there but the whole way through was just meh. Truthfully I would wait it out for the next sale. Even then its still a bit much for my liking and I've wasted a good amount of $$ on games. Lots of issues with graphics (7800x3d/4080S TUF) which could have been partially my fault as mobo not up to date on bios. and timings somehow got out of whack. After bios and timings fix I haven't crashed.
Posted 3 March.
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65.5 hrs on record (49.1 hrs at review time)
/ eye garbage
Posted 18 October, 2024.
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283.4 hrs on record (45.0 hrs at review time)
I am having a blast in this game. I dropped $200 for 10k creds and grabbed all them all to try em out. I don't have time to grind like when I was younger. All in a days worth of work I was able to buy all of the characters and energy boost a few of the ones I liked better than others. Bought the fireworks and loved popping them off during the fourth of July. About to cross over into hard mode and e joy the hell out of that too.
Here's the typical negative review points
OH NO, skins cost too much, move on we don't care.
I can't customize the skin without buying a skin, maybe you should have made the game.
It's just an endless grind repetition, ummm isn't ANY GAME repetitive???
I don't want my info sold but I have Facebook IG tiktok Snapchat discord they say they don't sell it but show me proof.
Posted 8 July, 2024.
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26.0 hrs on record (25.0 hrs at review time)
Half way decent arpg to scratch that itch. I wouldn't buy at full price, only when on sale.
Posted 8 June, 2024.
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200.6 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Changed review from Negative to Positive.

First week of initial released just sucked. From server cap with hours waiting to random crashes and issues this game had a rough and rocky start. Now that it has been overhauled extensively. The crashing issue and server cap have been fixed. I have absolutely zero complaints with the game itself.

The anti cheat they used could have been a better choice as the game is in no way shape or form PVP competitive. Some will have issues with that and others wont. That is on you to chose. I don't cheat so no need for me to worry. I'm doing my part! Now its time for you to do yours and help spread managed Democracy.
Posted 18 February, 2024. Last edited 26 August, 2024.
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30.7 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 14 January, 2023. Last edited 22 January, 2023.
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251.9 hrs on record (177.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Game was fun for the time being. Boasting about sales of your game and not fixing much or providing content for it will kill it most certainly as it has done with this game currently. This game was sitting at the #2 spot for a reason and while we have had lack luster updates about the game and hear more from their "sales" dept nothing has been introduced into the game since its launch with all that extra revenue. While they may be a small indie team, it still gives no excuse to work on content than tell everyone how much of hit your game was for flavor of the week.

Game was fun for about the first 50 hours. Now that the content has run out Im left delving into caves for iron to make bigger chests to store all the items I no longer need and for items that will be of future use "hopefully". While it is early access, there is much that is left out in terms of building. Not very many styled building pieces all the while they have many types of meads/recipes for health stamina. End game recipes are simply just not there like they forgot about it completely calling some items "placeholders"
Posted 20 March, 2021. Last edited 10 December, 2022.
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2 people found this review funny
47.1 hrs on record (33.0 hrs at review time)
Name of the game: SAVE YOUR GAME.

Hungry and need to hunt? SAVE YOUR GAME.

Need wood/mud to build? SAVE YOUR GAME

Going for a stroll? SAVE YOUR GAME

Been 15 or 20 minutes since last save? SAVE YOUR GAME.

tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, I hope you SAVED YOUR GAME

I cant say it enough to you, SAVE YOUR GAME

I really like this one. I bought with brother and we've only played coop. I have started the story but only the first 5 minutes or so to understand what controls are. Proceeded to advance the game in coop only so I am going into this completely blind. After exploring, true to its name Green Hell, What I am placed in, is a literal green hell. There is so much vegetation it can become overwhelming at some points. Quickly forgetting what I learned for that brief moment in the story mode, We begin our adventure. Quickly we are overcome by exhaustion and starvation we quickly learn we are in for a bit of fun. Within the 30+ hours I have played this, I have learned many valuable lessons.

After playing some depth to the coop I tried out single player. I am just going to say SAVE YOUR GAME. So many threats that can set back your progress without not having another player in the game to keep it going. Overall the game is really fun and cant wait until more and more things begin to appear in the Green Hell world.
Posted 8 May, 2020.
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1,600.6 hrs on record (314.8 hrs at review time)
If you are a fan of ARPGs then this is a good game
Posted 3 February, 2020. Last edited 15 February, 2023.
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