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393.6 hrs on record (35.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Still better then Diablo 3 & 4 in it's current state.

It's path of exile : It's the best Arpg ever created (After diablo 2), this is just the sequel to this masterpiece with 2024 standards for this genre of a game now a day. You can still do whatever kind of weird build you want to do with that supporting skills. I made countless of ridiculous melee or spellcasting necromancer builds that I still keep good memories of even years later.

Another example that comes in mind was the discovery of being able to have fortify as a defense layer on a spell caster by using a warcry... Not gonna lie that was a mind blowing moment and where the dots started to connect and I finally understood how to PoE.

Which brings to the next point : You are a new player until you have reach 10 000+ hours and even you are still gaining knowledge. That's another reason why I love this game so much

Lots of features/skills/support gems are missing, Melee is still not viable and is still getting nerfed after 10 years lmao. In the mean time we have 10000 sparks on 1000% cast speed though. (Still waiting on Coc Discharge builds please GGG)

To quote my favorite boss on my current thought of the early access : "Is life really interesting enough to warrant all this pain ?" Yes it is.

This is the most costy free to play game that I ever played and I would give anything to re-experience it from the beginning. Was totally worth the investment in supporter packs to receive poe 2 for free.
Posted 12 December, 2024. Last edited 13 December, 2024.
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8.7 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
It's the grandfather that created my favorite games such as DayZ, Metro & Tarkov and it's a masterpiece.

Cheeki breeki iv damke <3
Posted 20 November, 2024.
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14.7 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's hard to describe Elin & Elona (The predecessor to Elin). These games are very niche & has stuffs that are beyond writable in a review that you can do... You have to experience it to fully understand what kind of game you are playing but once you get the hang of it it's one of the best immersive rpg ever made. Would recommend as a second monitor game to waste a couple of hours without even realising that a 15 minutes session turned out a 3 hours + session.
Posted 1 November, 2024.
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50.6 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You're just a player scav wandering around in a lobby full of 70's chad with high tier armor class. You are that random shotgun scav they meet in the middle of a raid. Your goal is too find loot, complete tasks and extract the goodies to level up your scav with better guns and stats. You will never reach the status of that level 70 chad but you will be able to handle yourself and kill your targets if you take your time. One error can be critically fatal to your success, one loud shot can lead to a living nightmare for your mission or it could be a blessing in disguise.

Game's good, people are dumb & stupid on certain mecanics.
No your not john rambo, your nothing. A pile of literal trash starting from the bottom that will raise the ladders to power.
I can kill 20 enemies in one raid but that took me a good 3-5 hours of scavenging, Questing/leveling up my traders to unlock the attachments for my guns and the guns too. For the babies complaining that the gunplay is bad ---> Skill Issue.

Its take 5 minutes to get water for 24 hours, if you can't devote 5 minutes of your day simply for one extract, might wanna reconsider your priorities in life. Especially when you can stack up on weeks/months on water.

Love the MGS 4 vibes the game gives, very immersive.
Posted 29 September, 2024. Last edited 29 September, 2024.
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74.5 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Feels like the devs took the best parts of every survival games and decided just to mix it all together and wondered what has to be balanced in between all these mecanics to fit their own world.

It has a lot of influence from games like Ark, Conan, Icarus & Palworld with a kind of souls-like combat (clunky & janky :P) style of combat. Each weapon has different type of attack animations & special attack (Spear has Scorpion signature move "Get over here", 2 handed sword has Cyclone <3, shields can bashes while blocking, etc).

It has the survival elements of games such as Green Hell where you have to take care of your morale (Hence why green hell I don't know other game where I have to check my morale/sanity because I will lose 10% of my stamina), food, water, weight & mask energy.

It has bosses like Ark & Conan to advance further more into your playthrough.

It has a good building system that I have to give credits for because it was enjoyable as building in sons of the forest. The automation system of the thralls also is quite unique on its own when you know how it works and I love it.

It has a huge map with a lot of stuffs to explore with methods of fast travelling.

Overall : Good game <3
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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62.8 hrs on record (56.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This review should be negative because all birds are currently in the air but here my honest opinion.

Its Arma 2-3/DayZ heavily modded PvP with tarkov Mecanic & Pve.

A lot of trash players that love to camp extraction (which we need a fix for it) because rat behavior in 2024 is mainstream and having skills is too much of an issue to develop.

Game is only 20% finished and still has good foundation but is plagued by flaws that easily can make players who don't know WHATS AN EARLY ACCESS MEANS makes them easily leave negative review (The current issue on the store.) This game is not made for potato pcs but its seems that only potato owners love to cry that they are too stupid to upgrade their pc.

Servers are very laggy, rubberbandy but if you can ignore these issues the game is hell of immersive, fun to play & enjoyable in its current state.

At least I didn't payed 250$ for PvE Battlestate and neither do I want to support your Russia 2028 project ;)

Edit : We need an helicopter fix ASAP... Waiting 15 minutes to be able to call an Helicopter in the middle of Ban Pa fighting for my life only to extract is not an enjoyable experience.
Posted 12 May, 2024. Last edited 12 May, 2024.
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62.5 hrs on record (51.7 hrs at review time)
It's Diablo in Space but better then Diablo 3, lesser then D2 or Path of Exile but I would put it higher then Grim Dawn, Last Epoch & Titan Quest because I am a 40k Nerd. It has a good complex crafting system, 40k lore, different game mode, leagues, build diversity & good end-game content.

My 5 complains : The gameplay is Janky but its that weird/good jank. A cyclone explosion build still feel very satisfying to play but ranged gameplay was.... Terrible.

Tutorial is barely useless you'll have to learn by yourself or watch youtube

100$ + for the full edition

All achievements are locked between the 2 games (if you want to 100% achievement this game you must play the tech priest on this version and the other one)

I need to restart the game often because I get stuck on my Storage due to the server lagging.
Posted 31 May, 2023.
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209.9 hrs on record (186.5 hrs at review time)
Vanilla Grim Dawn : Better then Path of Exile
Modded into Diablo 2 : Better then Diablo 2 Ressurected
Modded with more bosses & loot drop : Serious dose of enjoyable Dopamine
Posted 1 May, 2023.
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152.5 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
-Get attacked by a random savage group of cannibal tribeless
-Chop off the leg on one of them and he's crying/yelling on the grass while his friends are scared
-Eat his freshly cutted leg infront of him and his friends
-His friends runs away while the cannibal cry in fear and do gesture not to continue
-Chop off his arm and ate it while watching him dies

Never had such interaction in any other games, not even in the Forest 1.
Posted 25 February, 2023. Last edited 25 February, 2023.
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71.4 hrs on record (56.9 hrs at review time)
Good & fun game but very short and pathetic dlcs. Such a shame they could have done something better with this gem.

Awesome movesets & weapons variety, has everything like a Dark Souls Games but in the lore of God Eater.

Has weapons, spells & items just like in Dark Souls (Power Within, Sunlight Blade, Wrath of the God, Tears of Denial, etc).

Your parry/drain attacks changes depending on the armor you wear.

Awesome map design yet some are repetitive and some are awful.

The entire Crypt system was not necessary at all, very boring and repetitive.

Not as difficult as others souls title if you have a partner, I had to do the game solo to find some good boss fight.

Overall : Big waste of potential but proves that souls games has their charm to the core basic of it.
Posted 6 October, 2022. Last edited 6 October, 2022.
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