Chef Vortivask
Just a regular gamer, and diehard Breaking Bad fan. Formerly the One Who Knocks, so if you know that name, it's probably me!

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dw im not back 16 FEB 2013 a las 13:21 
+rep quick trader
Yapo Intercambios bloqueados 16 FEB 2013 a las 12:25 
EXAX 27 ENE 2013 a las 1:40 
Nemzal 10 ENE 2013 a las 16:19 
+ Reputation. Convinced me to sell my beloved hat, after almost two years of other offers. Despite my regrets of it, I got what he offered. At least he'll take care of my hat.
cosmo 6 ENE 2013 a las 1:52 
+rep, quick and easy trade
Mr_Mackey 2 DIC 2012 a las 18:01 
+rep Sold him a Bills and BMOC