Chose   Maneromango, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
I haven't updated this since 2015 🔒

You Know We Had to Do it to Em

Listening to that is like drinking 1 pint of alcohol. Thats how many brain cells you lose. - Matt Matthiasin

Peanut butter and jelly is great. Jelly is to wet to be alone and peanut butter is to dry to be alone, so when you mix them its like eating air. -Jianyu

Eat your vegitables, squeaze your fruit. -Dad

I mean this guy gargles peanut butter and blows bubbles with beef jerky; he's just a bad mammal. -ESPN Announcer (Bowling)

You can make noodles out of Mountain Dew. - Zach

He's as cool as a cucumber. - Barry Melrose

You're the worst. - Ryan

That's a meme and a half. - Gayfrog

100% Science. - Quinn

You are cool, but nobody knows that you are cool. - Jub Jub the Elephant

Killing won't solve your problems - Tyler

Bike life all day in Miami they be hatin I do wheelies to man I don't use the brake balance in control I have its all good bike life for life man let's keep it goin we not hurtin nobody one love - Lexion Bentley

-any of Raindrops beautiful flows- ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8rhf2KVzs )

It's never too late until it's too late. - Cale

Dios Mio [not in Spanish] - Matt

I got my Mountain Dew. It's my greens for today. - Unknown Employee

I don't eat regular chicken. I only eat the fattest strips. - Brett

Does your mom know you watch anime? - Checks Out

Oh I get it! It's window, cause it's like a quinndow. - Alex

Have you been drinking a glass of terrible juice? - Dillon

Who's that sexy thing I see over there? That's me! Standing in the mirror. - Meghan Trainor

Why do they use a J?...So instead of hello, they say jello. - Quinn on Spanish gamers

What came first? The rooster or the Japanese? - Brett

Everyone knows it's called a brownie caues it's a combination of brown and sticky. - Brett

dab dab dab dab dab dab flex - wet feet

How else do you think hair grows? It reproduces. - Mike Pence

This song makes me want to drive 5 miles above the speed limit - therapexpert

If you're rich, I bet you can make people do that. You can make people suck the poop out of your butt. - Dill

What's thicc and boneless? Pudding. - Checks Out

I need to be able to put this on my face. - Brett

Rumbles are the cadillac of heelys. They very very comfortable, the balance of the wheel make them easy to roll on, and the wheels design creates a very smooth roll. Unfortunately they are discontinued and nearly impossible to find. The rumble wheels alone make it worth trying to track down a pair of these shoes. - Catherine C Crosby

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Ɑ͞ ﻝﮞ̶͞
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