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17.7 hrs on record
It's worth it for the story

The gameplay isn't the selling point, the mechanics aren't earth breaking and the map design can be frustrating at times. The story though is worth it all.

If you haven't played it yet, it's not a particularly long game but worth the investment.
Posted 30 January, 2022.
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45.5 hrs on record
The story is good but the game just doesn't respect your time.

If you need to replay a day you can't speed something up and by the mid point there are no new mechanics introduced you just have to play 100+ days of the same thing over and over and over again.
Posted 10 October, 2021.
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36.7 hrs on record
Six Ages is a fun text based role playing game that is very addictive.

Your playing as a clan chief for a tribe in a world based on Norse myths. To succeed you'll have to think like a Norse tribal leader and stick close to your clans traditions and ancestry. Along the way you'll have the joy of exploring the world, triggering events that will require you to make decisions, stealing cows and battling all sorts of enemies - human or otherwise.

The game shines in its art work and it's lore.

Be aware though that as a text based RPG there is a lot of reading (duh) and you'll build up your understanding of the world slowly as you play more. You probably won't succeed on your first attempt as there is a lot to take in.
Posted 23 June, 2021.
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188.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
If your sick of CS try Apex, it's a very different kind of shooter with abilities unique to each hero. It's more of a casual game to be honest but fun in it's mechanics and play style.
Posted 11 March, 2021.
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9.5 hrs on record
I enjoyed the story of this game but it won't be for everyone - there is very little game play here. It's more like a visual novel where your dialogue choices have an impact on how events play out.

The game itself is a well presented, well thought out experience and the audio adds to the atmosphere. The atmosphere itself is very well done. It feels spooky with a few jumps here and there. I did wish I could have run a little faster to get things done quicker, especially when hunting for collectables (of which there aren't that many).

My only real complaint about the game is the lack of changeable keys as I don't play WASD but was forced to with this game.
Posted 1 October, 2020.
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8.9 hrs on record
Aragami is a strange type of game and I really struggled to decide whether to recommend it or not. I think if are hoping for a Tenchu type stealth / ninja game then you might want to pass on this. If you are looking for more of an action type game where you have to think quickly to succeed then is this more up your street. I was hoping for the former type of game but there is just enough here to still recommend it.

The game play focuses around a teleport technique which can be used both to move up high and also to move along the floor. This power is kept in check by a meter than can be refilled only whilst in shadows. There are other techniques you can unlock but as I was playing a pure stealth approach I had little use for the more offensive techniques.
The stealth in the game is pretty basic, stay in the shadows and get close before either moving past the enemies on the map or executing a stealth animation. There aren't too many enemy types so by the mid game the mechanics get quite stale. Late game though you start facing bosses which bring back some challenge to the game. There isn't any grind per se but there is the added challenge of collecting all the scrolls around the map for those with OCD.
I found the game length to be about right, any more and I would have struggled to maintain the will to complete the game.

The story was decent, maybe a little predictable but good enough to keep me playing and wanting to see how it would end.

The graphics are nice, the areas you explore look interesting and the animations themselves are good. You will find yourself traversing forests, mountains and cities and each looks distinct if not a little empty and devoid of any life.

The audio is immersive and fits what is happening in the game and I have no complaints in this area.

Posted 29 September, 2020.
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16.3 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
This game is full of quick time events (much skill very wow) and has aged poorly. Avoid.

There are multiple bugs through out the game that either require you to reload a save to get an event to trigger properly or as I am finding in chapter "The Fast Way Down" seem to block progress on PC completely...

Other than game breaking bugs the game play is boring, every other part in the middle of the game has become some guy on a heavy MG trying to gun you down and you need to find a way to stop it.

The puzzles and tombs are hardly a challenge for the most part, some are literally jump a couple of times and you genius! You've only gone and solved it!

Music and atmosphere are OK

Story is decent, you do get a sense of Laura growing from wet behind the ears novice to hardened adventurer and is the only reason why I am going to stick it out and try to finish it.

Graphics are OK, animations frequently become janky.
Posted 20 September, 2020.
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40.1 hrs on record
Worth playing but it can get awfully grindy if you are like me and want to do all the tombs. I eventually gave up with the thought of trying to 100% the game.

Gameplay is good but repetitive, especially towards the end when your nearing the end. Tasks are too annoying to 100%.
Puzzles were fun to complete which is a big plus for a tomb raider game. Nothing felt hard though and after a few minutes trying things you'll be able to figure them out.
AI is decent, on seasoned adventurer you need to be careful but it never feels too hard. One section of the game (ice pools) the AI just knows where you are and it was the closest I can to quitting.

Movement is OK, some times Laura decides to jump in some unexpected manner, plummeting to her death but this doesn't happen often enough to get pissed off about. The scripted bits where you need to move fast to get yourself out of trouble are fun rather than tedious.

Audio is well thought out and put together. Right music for tense/action sections and puzzle completion music feels fulfilling.

Graphics are nice throughout but towards the end I did spot some jankiness. There was an instance where the NPCs were climbing a tower and they appeard frozen to the side waiting for the next event to happen rather than appearing to be climbing.

Storyline was predictable but well executed and I did like the choice left up to the player at the end.
Posted 14 September, 2020. Last edited 14 September, 2020.
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38.6 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Good stealth game in a similar style to commandos of old that has lots of replayability through different mission completion requirements.
The characters themselves have varying different abilities which still require a certain amount of skill and timing to use correctly to complete the missions.
The game is great if you want to pass some time while you know given enough thought and through trial and error you'll end up succeeding
Posted 26 June, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
82.1 hrs on record (18.0 hrs at review time)
A very fun game which can be played any way you want and is easy to pick up and put down.

The class system in this game means you can play the game and have fun however you want to do so. If you want crazy shoot outs there's a class for that, if you want to play a more sneaky class there are classes for that too. If you want to eat people for fun, hey you're in luck, there's a class for that too.

The ability to change the rules of the game help keep it fresh too, no gun runs, timelimit runs, no police, low hp modes etc etc.

First game in a long time that I've had fun playing from the first minute.
Posted 24 April, 2020.
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