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Diposting: 23 Jun 2024 @ 3:40am

i do not recommend this game at all it is false advertising and honestly the dev should feel bad for this cause they are just hypocrits for not selling cats and dogs but selling hampsters rats fish turtles and bunnies


direct quote from the dev
Apakah ulasan ini membantu? Ya Tidak Lucu Penghargaan
Tanggapan pengembang:
Games Incubator_Team  [pengembang] Diposting: 23 Jun 2024 @ 8:15am
Yes you are absolutely right. We didn't choose to sell dogs and cats in our game's store because these animals need much more living space than the mouse or fish that live in cages by default in our homes. They are completely different needs, sizes and often lifespans. In many countries the sale of dogs and cats is banned in pet stores, but this does not apply to a mouse, hamster, fish or some reptiles.

We are sorry that we did not meet your expectations, but it is possible that in the future dogs and cats will appear in our game, but they will be present in the game in a different way than selling them in the store :)
2 Komentar
CharlieP 23 Jun 2024 @ 3:42pm 
also instead of having store upgrades that cost 10000 to buy and they just expand the primary store u could even have them be seperate stores and sell the animals that way since from wat i saw u have atleast 3 expansions u can buy and then turn those into stores for different animals
CharlieP 23 Jun 2024 @ 3:35pm 
if ure gonna use the life span card then honestly please do research cause the animals u have for sell actually require more to take care of then dogs and cats and also dogs and cats dont need as much to take care of them irl where as wat u are allowing requires much more