Changeover Ranger
Colin   Indiana, United States
"Give me a drink, Bartender"
*Bartender's Eyes Narrow* *Drink Slides* *Glass Shatters in the Distance* *Blank Stare of Confusion*
Existential Macbook
I was first born in a laboratory, unknowingly falling into a pit of immortality. GAAAAHH (Life was hell.) AAAAGHHHH! AAAGGGHHHHHHH ughhh uuhhuhhuuuh- NO! I DON'T WANNA GO! NOOOoOoo! NO I DON'T WANNA GOUU -ewDAAUGhhh -echduuuyooooooyaaahaaaaa! AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! EYAAAAAAHHH! GOD!! Ugghuuuuhhuuuuuuhhaaaawwaaauhh I knew everything in the universe, yet I could not fall in love. I was forever trapped in an infinite timeline of pain and suffering. I envy death. Technology is just another thing to distract you from the real joys of life. Technology will kill you.
Run. Run. Run.