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5 of 55 (9%) achievements earned:
Personal Achievements

1,000 citizens

Grow a city to 1,000 citizens
Unlocked 20 Feb, 2021 @ 7:40am

Bonfire enters the city

Build a city that attracts the social media conglomerate Bonfire
Unlocked 20 Feb, 2021 @ 7:50am

Federal Trade Authority

Start a city in the Federal Trade Authority
Unlocked 18 Feb, 2021 @ 2:10pm

Greenland Autonomous Zone

Start a city in the Greenland Autonomous Zone
Unlocked 18 Feb, 2021 @ 2:16pm

Autoridad Comercial Mediterránea

Start a city in the Autoridad Comercial Mediterránea
Unlocked 27 Mar, 2024 @ 1:34am

10,000 citizens

Grow a city to 10,000 citizens

100,000 citizens

Grow a city to 100,000

The Yakuza joins

Make the Yakuza enter your city

Theta Corp enters the city

Build a city that attracts the muscle augmentation giant Theta Corporation

Canada Trade Authority

Start a city in the Canada Trade Authority

Island of California

Start a city in the Island of California

Low Lands of Great Florida

Start a city in the Low Lands of Great Florida

First steps

Complete the first tutorial

Dissident City

Complete the mission Dissident City: Elevate the concept of dissident in your city

Dystopian City

Complete the mission Dystopian City. Create an extremely dystopian city

Utopian City

Complete the mission Utopian City. Create a joyful utopian city.

Theta Corp Saga

Complete the mission Theta Corp Saga. Bring the Theta Corp influence to the highest levels.

Organized Crime City

Complete the mission Organized Crime City. Develop your city into criminal paradise

Republic of Texas

Start a city in the Republic of Texas

Caribbian People Republic

Start a city in the Caribbian People Republic


Start a city in the Aztelcotal Trade Authority

Central America Trade Authority

Start a city in the Central America Trade Authority

Tapachula Autonomous Zone

Start a city in the TAZ, the Tapachula Autonomous Zone

Panama Canal Trade Authority

Start a city in the Panama Canal Trade Authority


Start a city in the Arhuaco Republic


Start a city in the Kalina Republic

United States of Brazil

Start a city in the United States of Brazil

East America Trade Authority

Start a city in the East America Trade Authority


Start a city in the The Ireland and Scotland Trade Authority

South United Kingdom

Start a city in the South United Kingdom


Start a city in the Norde

Trgovačko Područje Srednje

Start a city in the Trgovačko Područje Srednje


Start a city in the The Управление торговли Восточной Европы (East Europe Trade Authority)

Salam Trade Authority

Start a city in the هيئة تجارة السلام (Salam Trade Authority)


Start a city in the Arilands


Start a city in the Israel Trade Authority

North Africa Kingdom

Start a city in the North Africa Kingdom


Start a city in the North Sahara Trade Union


Start a city in the West Africa Trade Area


Start a city in the Central Africa Trade Authority


Start a city in the Zone Autonome du Congo

Southern Africa Union

Start a city in the Southern Africa Union


Start a city in the Russian Trade Zone

Mongolia Trade Area

Start a city in the Mongolia Trade Area

Korean Union

Start a city in the Korean Union


Start a city in the Tibet & Xinjian Trade Area

India Trade Authority

Start a city in the India Trade Authority

Sichuan Trade Area

Start a city in the Sichuan Trade Area

Greater Bay Area

Start a city in the Greater Bay Area

SEA Trade Authority

Start a city in the South East Asia Trade Authority

Oceania Autonomous Zone

Start a city in the Oceania Autonomous Zone


Start a city in the South Oceania Trade Authority

KoKola enters the city

Build a city so that KoKola opens a flagship store

McSoynald's enters the city

Build a city that attracts at least one McSoynald's store

Wajima enters the city

Build a city that attracts Wajima's Research and development scientists.