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Story: Starts with priestess which uses red leaf to fight called kaho from sacred village arriving before karst city (sound like a pun to me for a word cursed) to stop curse from spreading that has been spreading across the land and her village.
To eliminate the curse, she needs to defeat the queen. Some items often tells bits of plot too, similar to Dark Souls.
There are two ending to the game, to achieve the best ending possible you need to find pond which you need to soak in the leaf you fight with and you get green leaf back which is more powerfull weapon from red leaf. It gets pretty dark in the more you progress. There are some hidden quests troughout the story like helping the skeleton man find his love again just to find her in her grave and if you visit him later, you will see his atire on her grave with him missing. This is the forth installment of the series momodora with this one being the better and most polished.

Soundtrack: For this game is amazing, it sounds so mysterious and eerie and i love it. They are really well done and really fit the game.
There is in total 21 soundtracks inside the game and they are all made by Elektobear.

Gameplay: Difficult, but a lot of fun. Controls feels great and character feels very responsive.You use arrow keys to move, A to jump or double jump if you press it two times,S to melee and mash it for triple combo attack, D To use arrows and latter you have upgrades that enchaces or when holdind D you charge arrows for greater spread and damage, Q for rolls which you use to dodge enemies and make yourself faster and you latter unlock air dodge which makes it even faster and W for changing items. Game is platformer metroidvania which means that you choose where you want to go with and that there a lot of items to collect. Some you can't collect right away since you need required power ups (like the cat sphere to get trough the tight spaces) to get to them, and some are hidden like in the hidden wall in the beggining of the game. Boss battles are most difficult parts of the game, especially on harder difficulties.
Hardest boss in the game is definitly the queen which you need to defeat her 3 times in a row. Some items can be purchased for currency called munnies which enemys drop when they are killed. Collectables in the game are Ivory bugs which you trade off to bunny in whiteleaf memorial park, Health container which expands you hp a bit then collectables you get for taking no damage during boss battles which are usually very good items you can equip. There are 4 difficulties in the game, easy, normal, hard and insane. Trying to beat insane is very, very challanging, basically to beat it you need to go trough everything in game without being touched once on highest difficulty. Game is about 6 hours long or even more if you are completionist.

Art: It has that 16-bit anime-ish art and it looks beautifull. Amount of details to the characters and everything around makes it feel gorgeous. Feels good just looking the main character moving around. Background has some movements but not too much like lights in some levels or swinging roses and slight shading of the background to darker then brighter (examle from whiteleaf memorial park), there are alot of particles that floats around like in karst city some white stuff, i assume snow. When screen moves with you the background moves with you too and i love when games do that.

I highly recommend this game to fans of platformers and anyone interested in these kind of games. it is totally worth its full price even when not on sale.

Thanks for reading.
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Azami (薊) 31 Dec, 2019 @ 7:24am 
Happiness keeps you sweet Trials make you strong Sorrows make you humble Success keeps you glowing & God keeps you going. May you have the greatest new year. :fengyi: :fengyi: :fengyi:
xoxmodav 25 Dec, 2019 @ 1:09pm 
+rep, good trader! :upvoted:
Azami (薊) 24 Dec, 2019 @ 9:56am 
……………… …*•○♥○•*…
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  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*:iloveu:Merry Christmas &
           Happy New Year :iloveu:〃´`)
                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)
                   (¸,·´ (¸* :Speech_Love:
Doggish 20 Feb, 2019 @ 6:10am 

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simoney99 10 Feb, 2019 @ 1:34pm 
+rep successful trade and fair friend:2015cookie:
NXR 9 9 9 20 Dec, 2018 @ 1:44pm 
╰┓┳╰╯┳┏╯ Special Delivery For A Super Awesome Friend! :B1:
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