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191.0 hrs on record (36.7 hrs at review time)
It's inconsistently good. Has potential to be great if they improve Free-Roam, and add more missions in some episodes and make them harder and longer.

What I like so far:
The characters we know and love come to life with great animations, costumes, great (and sometimes humorous) voice acting where they sound very close to the actors in the movies etc. The movement feels great, swinging a lightsaber is fun and fluid with attack combo's. Nice to be able to aim and shoot guns etc. The music and sound are top notch. Graphics are the best we've had so far for a Lego game. Some of the more challenging missions were good - but not great. The open worlds on some planet/locations are well implemented and fun to explore. The locations they've designed are terrific and really feel come to life. I like levelling up classes with the Khyber bricks and how there are some perks to spend points on etc - however there are some opportunities to improve this. Humour in places is right at home with the previous games. Flying in space is ok at times.

What I haven't liked:
MISSIONS. There is a large majority of missions that just aren't long enough, fun or challenging enough. TT have tried to change their style of Lego Games of the past and provide a bit of free-roam to complete some way-point objectives when you are starting and working your way through each film episode. This is fine, but the pay off when you actually start doing some of missions can be a huge let down. The mission is often over just as you are starting to have fun, and most are just too short or a Boss fight which follow a very similar pattern. There is massive inconsistency in the structure of missions throughout the episodes. Cut-scenes were used in lots of places where there could've been a huge opportunity to create a mission (e.g. ROTS space battle at beginning). Some episodes clearly have more action and longer missions than others. There are also limitations on what missions you can replay as well which is frustrating. I've had a few strange bugs as well where the game just freezes or won't progress properly, requiring me to close the game completely. Once you unlock a couple of characters - apart from their animations, costume and voice - they all feel the same in their class.

What needs improving:
Needs more missions instead of using cut-scenes to fill in gaps. The cut-scenes are good, but they should be more transitional. All missions need to be longer, more challenging and harder. Free-roam could include more random encounters with your base characters. Free-roam would be more enjoyable with enemies relating to your selected characters spawning in large groups and attacking on sight more often. There's only a few places where this happens. Perks/Upgrades should be specific and unique to each character in a class. This would give more variety to characters and require solving puzzles with more limited number of characters that have those specific powers. There is a little bit of this already in game but really could be expanded more. For example force lightning should be able to be done by Dooku and Palpatine (and anyone else I've forgotten who can do this) but they miss out on something else (maybe stamina or something). Yoda could have like a force absorb power. Vader could be stronger in attack and have a longer more accurate saber throw etc. Same with characters in other classes.

Perhaps some of these can be resolved with content patches?
Posted 13 April, 2022. Last edited 13 April, 2022.
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250.9 hrs on record (25.8 hrs at review time)
25 hours so far, and I'm really loving this game. Besides the basic tutorial and in game guides, I found myself having to use external wiki (which i'm usually against doing) to learn how things worked and what resources I could find on the starting planet. I think these details are not given to you up front in game by design so that things are discovered through through trial and error. Upgrades and progression is now becoming less confusing and complex after successfully launching off the starting planet and making it to another one. I like how each planet has different challenges and not everything is available. Exploring is a lot of fun, however I also like managing my base and working out ways to make it run more efficiently. I also managed to successfully get a 3 player co-op working which was a lot of fun to play with friends. Highly Recommended.
Posted 17 April, 2020.
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9.3 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
This game allows the player to drive a wide range of racing cars in various locations throughout the world. Test your endurance with exciting events such as 'Complete 3 Laps', 'Complete 3 Laps on the same track backwards' and the crowd favourite 'Do 1 lap really fast'. Grid 2 ships with the hugely popular 'Gradually reduce system performance every race' mode which will leave you restarting and restarting and restarting your way to a victory lap.
Posted 26 July, 2013.
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