nxl.AT carbdio #lookintofaceit
Justin   Selangor, Malaysia
Welcome To My Profile, Comment Why You Add Me Below

Pre Rank Nerf : Global Elite
Current Rank : Unranked

HLTV [www.hltv.org]

ESEA [play.esea.net]
ESL [play.eslgaming.com]

Team Jersey of Retaliate eSports
Follow me on Twitter! @Mr35diamonds
Justin "CarbDio" Hew

🎮 Competitive Status: 👾Currently In-Active👾 (Free Agent/Retired)

🖲 Sponsors/Partners
🖲 AKRacing [AKRacing.com]
🖲 WTFast [WTFast.com]
🖲 IndoVirtue [OneAsiaGamer.com]
🖲 MSi [MSi.com]
🖲 MadCatz [MadCatz.com]
🖲 CsgoSmash [CsgoSmash.com]
🖲 {ลิงก์ถูกลบแล้ว} Use Code " Aero " For Discount!
🖲 GFuel [GFuel.com]

CS 1.6
💈 2006-2008 AeroCrushers MY ( CarbDio ,exol^,johnQ,MetallicS,GOSH)
💈 2008-2009 Team Ressurection ( CarbDio ,mysticAQUA,darkPa,roachboi,Titanfan2k,Goldilocker)

CS Source
🔦 2009-2011 AeroCrushers ( CarbDio ,mushstew102,concus,MLQT,GodQM)
🔦 2011-2013 AsianStratos eSports ( CarbDio ,Darkwater,pikechu,grizzky2000,estac)

⚔ 2014-2015 AeroCS ( CarbDio ,stawwy,playbox,rakidori,kazu,P3anut8utter,astrax,GoldBear)
⚔ 2015 (Fun Team) 6Mystique.Indo ( CarbDio ,Sys,barney,kazu,Grvy)
⚔ 2015 Team AeroCrushers ( CarbDio ,Trio,calix, AxilliC, GoldBear)
⚔ 2016 Retaliate E-Sports ( CarbDio ,AmeerHydra,AndrZ,kr0,tricerocop,p3anut8utter)
⚔ 2016 forMidablE eSports ( CarbDio ,eiforya,J33ivan,Piya,Serenity,Sam)

🏆 Personal Competitive Achievements (CS1.6/CSS/CS:GO/Vainglory)
🎖¤ [2007-Online] Top 16 Amateur Cup S2 CS 1.6 (AeroCrushers MY)
🎖¤ [2009-Offline] 1st LAN Sponsored by GBRO Amateur OPEN CUP CS Source (Team R.)
🎖¤ [2010-Online] Runner Up 2v2 Open Cup #1 CS Source (AsianStratos E-Sports)
🏆¤ [2014-Online] 2nd Place AeroCrushers SEA Launch Cup (AeroCrushers.SEA)
🏆¤ [2015-Online] 1st Place Peridium Amateur CS:GO S1 [challonge.com](Team ON3T4P)
🏆¤ [2016-Offline] Top 16 VainGlory Asian Premier S1 (AeroCrushers.MY)
🏆¤ [2016-Offline] 3rd Place Peridium CS:GO Invitational League LAN S2 (AeroCrushers.SG)

🌐 Social Platforms/Inquirees
🌐 My Youtube Channel
🌐 Click Here To Send Me An Offer
🌐 My Twitter
🌐 For Business Inquirees: Mr35diamonds.info@gmail.com
🌐 Wattpad [www.wattpad.com]

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V1ta 18 ก.ค. 2018 @ 11: 25pm 
sexy justin :steamhappy:
WEEEE 16 ก.ค. 2018 @ 11: 08pm 
added because im friendly :sihAngry:
PePussy 19 พ.ย. 2017 @ 6: 13am 
add me justin
cyd0v 17 ต.ค. 2017 @ 2: 39am 
can you teach me how to be a pro?
JackTheTatMan___ 25 ส.ค. 2017 @ 10: 17am 
Give me a tips and setting how to improve me awper skill
nama aku whyte 13 ส.ค. 2017 @ 2: 30am 
you're goooood