7 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
15.3 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 1,016.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (34.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2023. jún. 13., 21:50

Korai hozzáférési értékelés
One of the best co-op horror games of recent times. It brings a unique~ish aspect of experience, which I rarely see coming from most other games.
There's not a lot to do as of now, but it's still in early access and it's been less than a month since release, so that's to be expected,
Overall, I am liking this game so far, I just hope the studio doesn't pull a Dead By Daylight by inserting heck lot of micro-transactions in this game (I realize the two games are very different but micro-transaction is possible in pretty much any game).
Highly recommended for horror fans.
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