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18.4 hrs on record
One day this game caught my eye, once I started playing, on my TV, my girlfriend (that usually does'nt play games) watched me for a while and as I, she was also amazed by the story, characters, art and setting. We caught ourselves discussing (even arguing) the different choices and intrigues of the game. Amount of depth and details is astonishing, The art is not only part of the story but it's contained in almost every part of the gameplay. The theme seeps out of every aspect of the game, such as your journal is a beautifly animated book, containg hand drawn maps and information you need. The speech bubbles changes typography based on context in a clever way, and with subtle animations can conviene lot of little nuances. The detective side of things is really well made. Until the last moment I did'nt know who was responsible for the events in Tassing. However the reveal felt a little bit underwhelming. One of the interesting design choices is the time limit on your investigation. You have limited time (as in number of leads you can follow) to solve the mysteries, so you have to prioritise and investigate only the leads, that seems promising. That enhances the stress of having to make a judgment from the limited evidence you have. It would be nice to have multiple save slots, or just the ability when you finish the game, review some of you choices and some other leads to follow. One of the issues I had wit the games are the conversation checks. They felt really punishing and you had to be incredibly precise with your answers to persuade someone. Sometimes a one innocent funny remark can fail the pesuasion check.

It's a text heavy narrative almost action-less game, so it's not for everbody. Target audience is definetly the point-and-click type of players, however some of them may be bored by lack of challenging puzzles. But if you like narrative games just cover yoursef with a blanket on a rainy day, and get lost in the atmosphere of Tassing and its mysteries.
Posted 7 August, 2023. Last edited 7 August, 2023.
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13.0 hrs on record
I really enjoyed playing Kathy Rain. She is a likeable character, the story is very interesting and the atmosphere is superb.


- Likeable, charismatic, funny character
- Superb setting and atmosphere
- Beginning of the story
- Puzzles are intuitive (Their difficulty is just right. Focus is more on the storytelling than the puzzles)
- Mystery and suspense
- Pacing of the storytelling


- disappointing ending (For my taste. It had lot more potential in my opinion)
- bit short (not that big of a deal)
- too blocky graphics (sometimes is hard to distinguish things).

Overall feel:

I loved it! The ending could be better but it wasn't horrible either. I was hooked from start to finish and I really hope there will be even more polished and overall better sequel. That will be an instant buy for me!

Posted 17 November, 2016. Last edited 17 November, 2016.
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