Bruce Wayne.
Seattle, Washington, United States
Marvel / Image Comics / DC / Horror / Movies / Fantasy / Anime / Music / Video Games / Nature

Batman / Spawn / Spider-Man / Marvel Rivals / Joker / The Boys / The Crow / Nosferatu
Castlevania / Legend (1985) / Sleepy Hollow / Metal Gear Solid / The Shining
The Walking Dead / The Suicide Squad / Wolverine / X-23 / Beetlejuice / The Fly
Blade / Invincible / Silent Hill / The Watchmen / The Matrix / Starship Troopers
Peacemaker / Ghost in the Shell / Dark City / The Mask / Truman Show
Pirates of the Caribbean / Raven / Darkman / Elden Ring / Magneto
Lord of the Rings / The Lighthouse / Teen Titans / / American Psycho
Dark Souls / Bloodborne / Fallout / Bioshock / Godzilla / The Witcher
Resident Evil / Prototype / Venom / Carnage/ Red Hood / Dawn of the Dead
Attack on Titan / The Addams Family / Thanos / Witchblade / Jessica Jones
Max Payne / Aliens vs. Predator / Alien / Aliens / Predator 1-2 / The Hulk
X-Force / Dungeons and Dragons / Nightmare on Elm Street / James Gordon
X-Men / Avatar:The Last Airbender / The Thing ( 1982) / Dr. Manhattan
The Infinity Gauntlet / Judge Dredd / Darkseid / Psylocke / Scarecrow
The Punisher / Mortal Kombat / Star Wars / Street Fighter
Bloodsport / Zelda / Harley Quinn / Star Trek / Violator / Marvel Rivals
Dragon Ball Z / Akira / Mad Max / John Wick / Magneto / Star Wars
Guardians of the Galaxy / Dead Space / Guyver / Mandy / John Constantine
Metroid / Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust / Knull / Ian Nottingham
Robocop / Deadpool / Twisted Metal / Professor X / The Terminator

"Why don't we just.. wait here for a little while... see what happens?"
-The Thing (1982)

"It can't rain all the time."
-The Crow

"Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is."
-The Crow

“Look, you’ve been to Saturn! Hey, I’ve been to Saturn. Whoa, Sandworms, you hate ’em, right?”

"I can feel them... but I can't remember them."

"Hi, Llyod. A little slow tonight isn't it? Hahahahaha!!"
-The Shining

"Some mother*f*uckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill."

"Why'd you spill your beans?"
-The Lighthouse

"There are no rules man we’re lost."
-Rick (The Walking Dead)

"Hot Diggity Dog, This Place Is Magnificent!"
-Negan (The Walking Dead)

"You're not the real Heroes, I'm the real Hero."

"You're about two seconds away from wearing that smile around your ass!"

"Sometimes.. to do what's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams."
-Spider-Man 2

"You wanna get nuts? Come on.. let's get nuts!"
-Bruce Wayne (Batman '89)

"Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it."
"But a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it."
-Batman Returns

"I am the Law."
-Judge Dredd

"Hello there."

"The way I see it.. there're two types of people:
Those who spend their lives trying to build a future.
And those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past.
...and I was stuck between both"
-Max Payne

"Time not important, only Life important."
-The 5th Element

"Make us whole."
-Dead Space

"There's no wrong time to rock!!"
-Vigilante (Peacemaker)

"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."
-Rorschach (Watchmen)

"What happened to the American dream? It came true.. you're looking at it."
-The Comedian (Watchmen)

"So, this is what it feels like."
-Wolverine (Logan)

"If it bleeds.. we can kill it."
- Dutch (Predator) (1987)

"That's it man.. game over man it's game over!"
-Hudson (Aliens) (1986)

"Get away from her you B!TCH!"
-Ripley (Aliens)

"Well, look at you...a bonafide knight in armor - complete with iron horse."
-Augustus Sinclair (Bioshock 2)

“Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness
and love.”
-Uncle Iroh

"Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever.
Sometimes we all need a little help."
-Professor X
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Make us whole!
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Created by - CyBeerBoy
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Oshova 23 Jul, 2024 @ 8:41pm 
gg :praisesun:
Fiber 7 Mar, 2024 @ 4:11pm