Bram   Netherlands
A locked door is just a suggestion, and I don't take advice.
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Christiaan023 23. Dez. 2018 um 4:35 
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, "If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately." Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- "Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your profile gave me cancer anyway.
PONZI 5. Juni 2017 um 2:37 
A locked door is just a suggestion, and I don't take advice.
^ that's the same logic a rapist would use my brother.
jay 23. Mai 2017 um 12:56 
Christiaan023 3. Mai 2017 um 13:55 
You're ok, yeah
PONZI 11. Apr. 2017 um 1:58 
+rep knew before he blew up big time with GBC advancement.
PONZI 14. Feb. 2017 um 1:23 
-rep kicked me out of PD one time and wouldn't budge.