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Relatar um problema com a tradução
(I finished work today Friday~)
드디어 내일 주말이다 ^^
(Finally, tomorrow is the weekend ^^)
주말동안 집에만 계시고 낮잠,게임,애니 행복해요 :)
(Stay home for the weekend and take a nap, play games, and Annie are happy :) )
코로나 조심하세요!! 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요! 건강하세요
(Watch out for Corona!! Wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Take care of yourself)
즐거운주말 보내세요^^
(Have a nice weekend^^)
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow.)
근데 코로나 치료제 개발하는거 어떻게 되어가나요?.. :(
(By the way, how's it going with the Corona cure? .. :( )
여름되면 잠잠할까요? 싱가포르는 완전 여름인데도 코로나 무더기로 감염되었던데..미치겠다
(Will it be quiet in summer? Singapore was infected with a pile of corona even in summer...It's making me crazy.)
아 빨리 코로나 치료제개발 성공 했으면 좋겠어요..!!
(Oh, I hope I can develop a coronal cure soon..!! )
손 자주 씻고 외출뗀 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요
(Make sure to wash your hands often and pack your mask when you're out! Be careful.)
즐거운주말 보내세요^^
(Have a nice weekend.^^)
(Today is already Friday)
금요일만 매일 주말인사댓글 보냈습니다^^
(On Friday, I sent a weekend greeting every day^^)
내일 토요일,일요일 좋은주말입니다 :)
(Tomorrow Saturday, Sunday is a good weekend. :) )
하지만..코로나바이러스 때문에 심각하다 :(
(But ... it's serious because of the coronavirus :( )
손 자주 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 다니시는게 좋습니다
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go outside)
(Look out!!)
(Have a good weekend ^^)
(Today is Friday~ ^^)
코로나백신이 빨리 완성되길 빌어야지.. 백신성공 했으면 좋겠어요
(I hope the corona vaccine will be completed soon. I hope the vaccine is successful..)
그런데 코로나바이러스 도대체 언제까지?!?! (심각)
(By the way, how long does the coronavirus?!?! (serious) )
내 생각이... 5월 달? 여름 되면 잠잠해질거같은데... 아마요?
(I think ... May month? It's going to be quiet in the summer...Maybe?)
씻지 않은 손으로 눈,코,입 만지지 마세요!! 손 자주 씻고 마스크 착용하세요
(Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands! Wash your hands often and wear a mask)
좋은주말 보내세요~^^
(Have a good weekend~ ^^)
(Thank you for your hard work during February!! It's March next week.)
현재상황은 확진자 2,337명 사망 14명 점점 코라나 발행하셨네요.. 무섭다..
(The current situation is 2,337 confirmed, 14 confirmed dead, and you're getting more and more Korana. to be scary)
여러분들도 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요!! 건강하세요
(Everyone, wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Be careful!! Take care of yourself)
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
(wow~ Friday night out!! ^^)
일주일동안 수고하셨습니다~
(Thank you for a week~)
"우한폐렴 코로나 바이러스" 현재는 심각하네요..
("Wuhan pneumonia coronavirus" It's serious right now...)
손 자주 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 꼭 착용하세요~ 건강하세요!!
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go out. Stay healthy!!)
오늘 불금날 치맥 맥주500cc 두잔 먹어요 맛있어요~^^
(I'm having two 500ccs of chicken and beer on Friday night. It's delicious~^^)
즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~^^)
(The first place in the 2020 Academy Awards "PARASITE" !! )
"기생충" 아카데미 시상식 4관왕!!
("PARASITE" Academy Awards 4 crowns!! )
대한민국 만세!
(Long Live Korea!)
한국영화 자랑스럽다!! ^^
(I'm proud of Korean movies!! ^^)
감독 "봉준호" 수상~
(Director "Bong Jun ho" Award~)
그리고 우한 폐렴 조심하세요~ 손이 자주 잘 씻고 마스크 착용하세요!!
(And be careful of cold pneumonia. Wash your hands often and wear a mask.!!)
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
(Thank God it's Friday~ ^^)
(버즈 오브 프레이) 기대된영화 보고싶어요 :)
(Birds of Prey) I want to see an expected movie. :) )
그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에..
(But because of the coronavirus,..)
좀 불안하다 영화 갈수없네..
(I'm a little nervous. I can't go to the movies...)
현재 상황 23번째 확진자이다.. 으으 무섭다..
(We're 23rd confirmed. be scary..)
손이 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 꼭 마스크 착용하세요!! 조심하세요
(Make sure to wash your hands and wear a mask when you go outside. Be careful.!!)[/i]
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
(Today is the last day of January 31st.~^^ )
2월에도 화이팅~!!
(Good luck in February.~!! )
그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에 마스크 꼭 끼세요..:(
(But don't forget to wear a mask because of the coronavirus..:( )
중국에 몇명 많이 죽어요 으으..무섭네요..
(A few people die in China.That's scary...)
우리모두 마스크 꼭 끼고 손 잘 씻어요!! 부탁합니다!!!
(We all wear masks and wash our hands well!! I beg you.!!!! )
출근 갈때 항상 조심하세요!
(Always be careful when you go to work.! )
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
(January 25th, New Year's Day~ )
24일부터 26일까지 2박3일여행 :)
(a three-day trip from 24th to 26th :) )
대구에 친척들 만나러 갑니다
(I am going to Daegu to meet my relatives.)
미리 새해인사 보내드려요 :D
(Send New Year's greetings in advance. :D )
설날 연휴 복 많이 받으시고 시골길,고향길 조심히 다녀오세요!!
(Happy New Year's holidays and be careful on country roads and home roads!!)
/)/) º★ º☆
( . .)☆ º♡ º
( づ♡ ☆ ♥ Happy New Year!
(Today is Friday~!! Hot Friday~)
1주동안 수고하셨습니다 :)
(Thank you for your hard work for a week.~ :) )
다음주 곧 설날입니다!
(It will be New Year's Day next week.! )
설날은 여행 갑니다~
(I'm going on a trip on New Year's Day.~)
동해안,온천에서 구경하고 대게,회 먹을 계획
(East Sea coast, looking around in the hot springs, but usually, plans to eat raw fish.)
기대됐네요!! ^^
(I'm looking forward to it.!! ^^)
좋은주말 보내세요~ 감기조심하세요!!
(Have a nice weekend~ Be careful not to catch a cold.!!)
(Today is 1/10 Friday~ Wow, I got paid. ^^)
어제 목요일 영화 "닥터 두리틀" 봤습니다!!
(I watched the movie "Dolittle" yesterday.!!)
아이언맨 슈트 벗은 로다주의 따뜻한 동화느낌입니다
(It's a warm fairy tale of Rhoda state, naked of Iron Man suits.)
그리고 사실 아이언맨...이 그리워 보러간 마음도있어요 :)
(And actually Iron Man...I miss you so much... :) )
"동물들 3000만큼 사랑해"
("I love animals as much as 3000")
"쿠키영상" 1개 있다 절대 놓치지마요!
("Post-credits scene" There's one. Don't miss it.!)
즐거운주말 보내세요~^^
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
(Today is December 27, 2019~)
다음주 곧 2020년이네요!! D-5
(It's 2020 next week!! D-5 )
2019년 1월~ 12월까지 그 동안 구생많으셨어요!! 박수들 쳐 주세요!!^^
(From January to December 2019, you've had a lot of life! Please clap!! ^^)
2020년 경자년 무슨띠이요? "쥐띠의해"입니다 저는 닭띠이다 :)
(What is the year of 2020? "By the rat" I'm a chicken :) )
2020년 새로운 시작됐어요!! 멋진생활하고 좋은일 큰기대돼요 ^^
(New beginning in 2020 !! Nice life and great expectations ^^)
(Happy New Year 2020 in advance!! ) [/b]
· 。 ° · 。 · ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛
。° 。 ° 。˚ ˛ · ˚ ˚ ˛
。 CHRISTMAS 。* 。° 。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛
* _Π____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·˛ ·˚
*/_____/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·˛ ·˚
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┃┃ㅔ┎┚┃ ─┨ ┎┚┃/\ ┃┃┠/\
┖┚ ┖─┃ ── ┖- ┃-──┖┚┃──
Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year~
and 새해에는 더욱 건강하세욤^^*~!!!!!!!
(Today is Friday~)
평일5일동안 수고하셨습니다 ^^
(You worked hard for five days ^^ )
어제 회사 송년회에 다녀왔어요..
(I went to the company year-end party yesterday )
맥주 3잔정도..마셨네요.. 조금 취했음.. └ (@ 0 @) ┐
(I drank three beers. I was a little drunk)
다음주 곧 "성탄절" 입니다~ D-5
(Next week is "Christmas."~ D-5 )
영화 "나홀로집에" 오랜만 보고싶어요 ^^
(I want to see the movie "Home Alone" for a long time^^)
좋은주말 보내세요!! d_ _ ( ^ v ^ ) _ _b
(Have a good weekend!!)
(Tomorrow is weekend!~~)
요즘 "레드 데드 리뎀션2" 빠져서.. 재미있어요!
(I'm out of "Red Dead Redemption 2" these days. It's fun!)
"레드 데드 리뎀션2" 해보세요 └ (o 0 o) ┐
(Try "Red Dead Redemption 2" )
추운날씨에 너무 추워요..!!
(It's too cold in cold weather..!! )
주말에는 찜질방 갑니다 ^^
(I go to Jjimjilbang on the weekend^^)
피로풀고 위해 좋은 아주 사우나 :)
(Very sauna which is good for relaxing :) )
즐거운주말 보내세요! o(^▽^)o
(Have a nice weekend! )
(2020 new Marvel movie trailer has already been released...!! )
마블영화는 "블랙위도우" 나타샤의스토리입니다
(The Marvel movie is the story of the "Black Widow" Natasha.)
이건 블랙 위도우의 시간 배경은 '캡틴 아메리카: 시빌워'와 '어벤져스: 인피니티 워' 사이입니다
(This is Black Widow's time background between CAPTAIN AMERICA: Sibylwar and Avengers: Infinity War)
(영화는 "어벤져스 엔드게임" 몇번 많이 봤어요~ :)
I've seen "Avengers: Endgame" a couple of times~ :) )
마블 3000만큼 사랑합니다~
(I love you as much as Marvel 3000~)
즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( > ∇ < ) _ _b
(Have a nice weekend~ )
(It's already December next week...!!)
시간이 참 빠르네요.. ㄴ(°0°)ㄱ
(Time is so fast...)
"겨울왕국2" 잘 보셨나요? ^^
("Frozen 2" Did you see it well? ^^)
저도 재미있었어요~ :)
(I also had fun~ :) )
12월 신작영화들은 별로네요..
(New movies in December aren't good...)
요즘 날씨가 너무 추워요..! 롱패딩 입고 다니세요~ ^^
(It's too cold these days ..! Wear long padding~ ^^)
(Be careful of cold!!)
즐거운 주말 보내세요~ d_ _(^ ∇ ^)_ _b
(Have a nice weekend~ )
(at last today TGIF~!! )
오늘 영화 "겨울왕국2" 봤습니다!! ┏(ºдº)┛
(I watched the movie "Frozen 2" )
1편도 너무 감동이었지만 2편은 너무나도 크고 다른 감동이었다^^
(The first movie was so touching, but the second one was so big and different )
역시 디즈니가 얼마나 팬을 생각하는지 알수있는 영화입니다~ :)
(As expected, this movie shows how much Disney thinks of fans)
"쿠키영상" 있습니다~ ^^
("Post-credits scene" have~^^)
즐거운주말 보내세요~ └ (ㅎ ∇ ㅎ) ┐
(Have a nice weekend~ )
(Yesterday, November 13th, the College Scholastic Ability Test (CS~ )
수험생 여러분 수고하셨습니다!! ^^
(Good job, students.!! ^^ )
저 학생 아니고 사원입니다 XD
(I'm not a student. I'm an employee XD)
저 이미 콧물감기 걸렸다... OTL
(I already have a runny nose jammed.... OTL
쌀쌀한 날씨에 건강 조심하시고 감기조심하세요!!
(Take care of your health and be careful not to catch a cold in the cold weather!!)
겨울왕국2 개봉 D-6 남았네요~ :)
(Frozen 2 release D-6 is left~:) )
(∩≧∀≦)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ 좋은 주말 보내세요^^
(∩≧∀≦)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Hope you have a great weekend^^
Please accept my friend request and send me a message to claim it
(Finally, today is the day!)
평일5일동안 고생많으셨어요~ :)
(You've been through a lot for five days on weekdays~ :) )
영화는 두개 다 봤어요..:) (날씨의아이, 터미네이터6)
(I've seen both movies... (Weathering With You , Terminator: Dark Fate) )
영화는 아직 안끝났습니다!! XD
(The movie is not finished yet!!)
영화 "겨울왕국2" 보고 싶어요 기대돼요~ D-15
(I want to see the movie "Frozen 2" I'm looking forward to it~ D-15 )
요즘 날씨가 너무 추워요! 감기조심하세요~ ^^
(The weather is so cold these days. Be careful not to catch a cold!~ ^^)
좋은주말 보내세요~ \(★^∀^★)/
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
(I saw the movie "Weathering With You" yesterday~)
하지만..스토리는 아쉬웠어요...:(
(But, uh, I'm sorry about the story...)
생각보다 괜찮네요~ 기분이 좋아지는 영화입니다!! ^^
(It's better than I thought. It's a movie that makes me feel better!! ^^)
너의 이름은 과는 또 다른 매력을 보여준 날씨의 아이 꼭 보세요
(Be sure to look at the weather boy whose name has shown another charm to the department)
그리고 오늘 저녁에 영화는 "터미네이터: 다크 페이트" 봤습니다
(And I watched the movie tonight, "Terminator: Dark Fate" )
재미있어요! 꼭 보세요
(It's fun. You should watch it! :) )
쿠키영상은 없습니다
("Post-credits scene" There isn't...)
즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
(Today is already Friday~)
평일 5일동안 고생하셨어요 ^^
(You've had five days of hard work on weekdays ^^ )
주말동안 푹 쉴게요 :)
(I'll take a good rest for the weekend :) )
오늘 일을 끝나고 회식은 "불고기" 먹었어요
(After work today, we had "bulgogi" for dinner )
좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ^ ∇ ^ ) _ _b
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
(You've been through a lot for five days on weekdays!! ^^ )
요즘 10월 가을 날씨가 너무 추워요..XD
(The weather is so cold in October fall these days... XD )
그리고 영화는 "터미네이터6" , "날씨의아이" 기대돼요 ^^
(And I can't wait to see the movie Terminator 6, The Children of the Weather ^^)
저는 영화 좋아해요 :)
(I like movies :) )
주말동안 사우나 갑니다~ 피로풀고위해
(I'm going to a sauna for the weekend to relieve my fatigue )
즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ^ ∇ ^ ) _ _b
(Have a nice weekend~ )
(I saw the movie Joker yesterday.)
와..진짜 하여간 역대 조커들은 너무 완벽해요!!
(Wow, really, the Joker of all time is so perfect!!)
이번 조커는 영화가 아닙니다 예술에 가까운 다큐입니다 제가 본 예술행위중 가장 아름답네요
(This Joker is not a movie. It is close to art. That's the most beautiful art I've ever seen)
진짜 호아킨 연기보고 소름 돋던데, 끝까지 몰입했습니다..
(I got goosebumps from the real Joaquin act, but I've been absorbed...)
쿠키영상은 없습니다 XD
("Post Credits" There isn't XD )
"조커" 꼭 보세요~~d_ _ ( ≥ ∀ ≤ ) _ _b
("Joker," you must see~~ )
좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
(Thank you for your hard work during the weekday :) )
다음주 신작영화는 "조커" 개봉이다 D-6
(Next week's new movie is "Joker" D-6 )
영화 "조커" 는 황금사자상 수상이다
(The movie Joker is the winner of the Golden Lion award )
대박이네요 꼭 보러갑니다!!
(Awesome. I'm definitely going to see you!! )
내일 벌써 주말시작돼요~ :D
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow~ :D )
그럼 좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( 0 ∇ 0 ) _ _b
(Then have a good weekend~ )
(You've been through a lot this week~ ^^ )
저는 코감기에 걸려요.. (T _ T)
(I have a cold in my nose....)
여러분들도 몸조리만 잘해주세요!!
(Please take good care of yourself!!)
좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ (≥ ∇ ≤) _ _b
(Hope you have a great weekend~)
(Wow~ tomorrow is weekend already~ )
이번주동안 고생많으셨습니다^^
(You've been through a lot this week^^)
요즘 비가 많이 내렸다..그쳤다 반복하다..:(
(It rained a lot these days.stop and repeat..:( )
비오는날에 부침개 먹고싶다 :)
(I want to eat the pancake on a rainy day :) )
부침개+막걸리 맛있어요~
(Buchimgae+makgeolli is delicious~ ^^
좋은주말 보내세요 ^v^
(Hope you have a great weekend ^v^)
(It's finally starting the weekend tomorrow~)
주말에는 사우나찜질방 갈게요 피로풀고위해 ^^
(I'll go to sauna for the weekend. to relieve fatigue ^^ )
월요일부터 금요일까지 일을 너무많네요 피곤하다..:(
(Too much work Monday through Friday. to be tired..:( )
주말동안 늦잠,낮잠 오래 잘수있어요 ^^
(I can sleep late and long during the weekend ^^ )
좋은주말 보내세요~!! ^^
(Hope you have a great weekend~!! ^^ )
(After work today, I went to a place where I could eat chicken)
뿌링클치킨+핫크리스피치킨 진짜 맛있어요
("Root-clinked chicken+hot-crystal-peachine" It's really good~~)
드디어 내일 주말이다 너무 좋아요 :)
(At last it is tomorrow weekend. I like it a lot :) )
월요일부터 금요일까지 근무일 9시간정도 너무 피곤해요..X(
(I'm so tired from Monday to Friday, about 9 hours of work...X( )
그래도 주말동안 푹 쉴 수 있어요~ :D
(But I can take a good rest for the weekend~ :D )
좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
(Thank you for your hard work for a week ^^)
어제 닭갈비맛집에 다녀왔습니다
(I went to the chicken galbi restaurant yesterday )
오랜만 치즈닭갈비 먹고싶다 진짜 맛있었어요 :D
(I want to eat cheese and chicken galbi after a long time. It's really delicious :D )
그런데 호날두 너무 실망했습니다..:(
(But Ronaldo is so disappointed...:( )
왜 경기에 안뛰었나요? 오마이갓..
(Why didn't you play? Oh my God....)
호날두 한국은 무시같아요...
(Ronaldo, Korea seems to be ignored... )
호날두 노쇼 됐어요! X(
(Ronaldo, no show! X( )
그럼 좋은주말 보내세요^^
(Then have a nice weekend^^)
please accept my friend request and message me to claim it
(You've been through a lot for a week~)
휴가끝나자마자 지옥시작됐습니다(....)
(As soon as the vacation was over, it started in hell..)
어제 아빠생신날 외식은 고기맛집에 다녀왔습니다
(Yesterday, I went to a meat restaurant to eat out for my dad's birthday )
(hanwoo, galbi, samgyeopsal, seagull..)
와~ 맛있어요 배부르게 죽겠어요..:D:cinnamon2:
(Wow~ It's delicious. I'm going to die full )
좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
(I'm so happy on vacation~~^^)
휴가동안 친구들이랑 많이 놀아요
(I hang out with my friends a lot during my vacation)
여름맞이 공포영화 많이 봤어요~ XD
(I watched a lot of horror movies for the summer~ XD )
즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ≥ ∃ ≤ ) _ _b
(Have a nice weekend~ )
(It rains a lot these days because of the summer rainy season..:( )
비가 오는날 최고음식은 "부침개" , "막걸리" 입니다
(The best food on a rainy day is "buchimgae" and "makgeolli." )
너무 맛있어요~ 배부르게 죽겠어요 (^ ∇^)_ _b 엄지 척~ thumb up~
(It's so good. I'm so full~ )
그리고 오늘부터 "몬스터헌터 월드" 축제이다!
(And from today on, it's the Monster Hunter World Festival! \ (≥ ∇ ≤) /
다음주 수요일부터 일요일까지 휴가입니다!
(I'm on vacation from next Wednesday to Sunday! )
좋은주말 보내세요 d_ _ ( ≥ ∀ ≤ ) _ _b
(Hope you have a great weekend )
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─────────(💚)██(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•. ¸ 💓💓💓
(wow~ It is already weekend tomorrow! )
오늘 일을 끝나고 흑돼지맛집에 다녀왔습니다~ :D
(After work today, I went to a black pig restaurant~ :D )
돼지갈비와흑돼지겹살 너무 맛있어요!^^
(Pork ribs and black pork belly are so delicious! ^^)
어제 7/17 수요일때 영화 "라이온킹" 봤습니다 :)
(I watched the movie "Lion King" on Wednesday, July 17th :) )
스토리도 맘에 들고 재미있었어요~ ^^
(I liked the story, and it was fun~ ^^ )
즐거운주말 보내세요~~ d_ _ (0 ∇ 0) _ _b
(Have a nice weekend~~ )
(Thank you for your hard work this week~!! ^^ )
내일 주말이다! 신난다 :D
(It's tomorrow weekend. I'm excited :D )
오늘 삼겹살 먹고왔습니다 ^^
(I ate pork belly today ^^ )
맛있어요! :3
(It's delicious! :3 )
좋은 주말 보내세요~ (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
(Hope you have a great weekend~ (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) )
(Thank you for a week's!! ^^ )
나는 영화 "스파이더맨: 파 프롬 홈" 봤습니다 :)
(I watched the movie "Spider-Man: Far From Home" :) )
너무 재미있어요! 꼭 보세요^^
(It's so fun. Be sure to look at it^^ )
스파이더맨에 쿠키영상이 2개 있어요 절대 놓치지마세요! ^^
(There are two post-credits scenes in the Spiderman Movie! Don't miss them! ^^)
즐거운주말 보내세요~~d_ _(≧ ∇ ≦)_ _b
(Have a nice weekend~~ )
(You had a week of hard work! ^^ )
다음주면 7월 곧 됐어요..
(Next week, July's almost over..)
휴가는 아직 계획중이다 :)
(I'm still planning my vacation :) )
다음주 기대된영화 "스파이더맨 파프롬홈" D-4 기대됐어요~
(I'm looking forward to the movie "Spider-Man Papromome" D-4 next week~ )
요즘 너무 더워요..
(It's so hot these days...)
설빙 "인절미빙수" 너무 맛있어요^^ 시원해요~
(Sulbinge "Injeolmi Bingsoo" is so delicious^^ It is cool~)
오늘도 좋은하루 보내요~ 좋은주말 보내세요!! d_ _ (≥ ∇ ≤) _ _b
(Have a nice day too. Have a nice weekend!)
(I've seen ^^ )
아하 그렇구나 이해 조금 돼요 :D
(Oh, I see. I understand a little :D )
(Thank you for your hard work this week ^^)
드디어 내일 주말이다~:) 푹 쉴 수 있어요^^
(At last it is tomorrow weekend~ :) I can get a good rest ^^)
일을 끝나고 일본 라멘 맛집에 먹고 왔어요
(After work, I ate at the ramen restaurant in Japan~ )
일본 라멘 너무 맛있어요 :D
(Ramen in Japan is so delicious :D )
그리고 영화 "토아스토리4" 보러 왔어요!
(And I'm here to watch the movie Toy Story 4 ! )
재미있어요! ^^ 꼭 보세요~
(It's fun! ^^ Be sure to look at it~ )
좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ≥ ∇ ≤ ) _ _b
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
(Thank you for your hard work this week~ ^^)
그리고 영화는 "맨인블랙:인터내셔널" 봤어요
(And I saw the movie Man-in-Black )
너무 재미있어요! :D
(It's so fun! :D )
크리스 헴스워스 때문에 꼭 보세요! ^^
(Chris Hemsworth, make sure to watch it! ^^ )
내일 주말이다 즐거운주말 보내세요!
(Tomorrow is weekend. Have a nice weekend!)
(Yesterday Wednesday movie "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" I saw it )
스토리는 맘에 들어요 :)
(I like the story :) )
너무 재미있어요~ 꼭 보세요!
(It's so fun~ Be sure to look at it! )
드디어 내일 주말이다! 브라보~!
(At last it is tomorrow weekend! Bravo~! )
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^ )