Bishop 18/ago./2023 às 12:35 
Why the tilt?
Daisuki 27/mar./2020 às 13:56 
오늘 금요일 일을 끝났습니다~:cupup::steamhappy:
(I finished work today Friday~)

드디어 내일 주말이다 ^^:chocola2::stars::cupup:
(Finally, tomorrow is the weekend ^^)

주말동안 집에만 계시고 낮잠,게임,애니 행복해요 :):lunar2020hearteyesrabbit::cinnamon2:
(Stay home for the weekend and take a nap, play games, and Annie are happy :) )

코로나 조심하세요!! 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요! 건강하세요:60sFirstAid::lunar2019piginablanket::re7med:
(Watch out for Corona!! Wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Take care of yourself)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:Neko::thecatpaw::vanilla2::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend^^)
Daisuki 20/mar./2020 às 16:35 
내일 벌써 주말 시작됐어요:cupup:
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow.)

근데 코로나 치료제 개발하는거 어떻게 되어가나요?.. :( :steamsad:
(By the way, how's it going with the Corona cure? .. :( )

여름되면 잠잠할까요? 싱가포르는 완전 여름인데도 코로나 무더기로 감염되었던데..미치겠다
(Will it be quiet in summer? Singapore was infected with a pile of corona even in summer...It's making me crazy.)

아 빨리 코로나 치료제개발 성공 했으면 좋겠어요..!!:eagletear:
(Oh, I hope I can develop a coronal cure soon..!! )

손 자주 씻고 외출뗀 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요 :60sFirstAid::60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Make sure to wash your hands often and pack your mask when you're out! Be careful.)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:cupup::cuphead::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.^^)
Daisuki 13/mar./2020 às 16:30 
오늘 벌써 금요일입니다:47_thumb_up:
(Today is already Friday)

금요일만 매일 주말인사댓글 보냈습니다^^:cupup::cuphead:
(On Friday, I sent a weekend greeting every day^^)

내일 토요일,일요일 좋은주말입니다 :):chocola2:
(Tomorrow Saturday, Sunday is a good weekend. :) )

하지만..코로나바이러스 때문에 심각하다 :(:steamsad:
(But ... it's serious because of the coronavirus :( )

손 자주 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 다니시는게 좋습니다:60sFirstAid::re7med::cupup:
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go outside)

(Look out!!)

:praisesun:좋은주말 보내세요^^:praisesun:
(Have a good weekend ^^)
Daisuki 6/mar./2020 às 14:09 
오늘 금요일입니다~ ^^ :cupup:
(Today is Friday~ ^^)

코로나백신이 빨리 완성되길 빌어야지.. 백신성공 했으면 좋겠어요:chocola2::stars:
(I hope the corona vaccine will be completed soon. I hope the vaccine is successful..)

그런데 코로나바이러스 도대체 언제까지?!?! (심각) :steamsad:
(By the way, how long does the coronavirus?!?! (serious) )

내 생각이... 5월 달? 여름 되면 잠잠해질거같은데... 아마요?:eagletear:
(I think ... May month? It's going to be quiet in the summer...Maybe?)

씻지 않은 손으로 눈,코,입 만지지 마세요!! 손 자주 씻고 마스크 착용하세요
(Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands! Wash your hands often and wear a mask)

좋은주말 보내세요~^^ :cupup::cuphead::cinnamon2:
(Have a good weekend~ ^^)
Daisuki 28/fev./2020 às 13:33 
2월동안 고생많으셨어요!! 다음주 3월 됐어요 :) :cupup:
(Thank you for your hard work during February!! It's March next week.)

현재상황은 확진자 2,337명 사망 14명 점점 코라나 발행하셨네요.. 무섭다.. :lunar2019shockedpig::lunar2020ratinablanket:
(The current situation is 2,337 confirmed, 14 confirmed dead, and you're getting more and more Korana. to be scary)

여러분들도 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요!! 건강하세요 :60sFirstAid::60sFirstAid:
(Everyone, wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Be careful!! Take care of yourself)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :praisesun::cupup::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
Daisuki 21/fev./2020 às 16:13 
와~ 불금이다! ^^ :cupup:
(wow~ Friday night out!! ^^)

일주일동안 수고하셨습니다~ :lunar2019grinningpig:
(Thank you for a week~)

"우한폐렴 코로나 바이러스" 현재는 심각하네요.. :lunar2019shockedpig:
("Wuhan pneumonia coronavirus" It's serious right now...)

손 자주 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 꼭 착용하세요~ 건강하세요!! :60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go out. Stay healthy!!)

오늘 불금날 치맥 맥주500cc 두잔 먹어요 맛있어요~^^ :lunar2020hearteyesrabbit:
(I'm having two 500ccs of chicken and beer on Friday night. It's delicious~^^)

즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^ :mhwgood::chocola2::stars:
(Have a nice weekend~^^)
Daisuki 14/fev./2020 às 14:02 
2020 아카데미 시상식 1위는 "기생충" !! :chocola2::stars:
(The first place in the 2020 Academy Awards "PARASITE" !! )

"기생충" 아카데미 시상식 4관왕!! :steamhappy:
("PARASITE" Academy Awards 4 crowns!! )

대한민국 만세! :mhwgood::cinnamon2:
(Long Live Korea!)

한국영화 자랑스럽다!! ^^ :47_thumb_up:
(I'm proud of Korean movies!! ^^)

감독 "봉준호" 수상~ :lunar2019coolpig:
(Director "Bong Jun ho" Award~)

그리고 우한 폐렴 조심하세요~ 손이 자주 잘 씻고 마스크 착용하세요!! :re7med::60sFirstAid:
(And be careful of cold pneumonia. Wash your hands often and wear a mask.!!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :47_thumb_up::lunar2020hearteyesrabbit::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
Daisuki 7/fev./2020 às 13:46 
오늘 불금이다~ ^^ :steamhappy::mhwgood:
(Thank God it's Friday~ ^^)

(버즈 오브 프레이) 기대된영화 보고싶어요 :) :chocola2::stars:
(Birds of Prey) I want to see an expected movie. :) )

그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(But because of the coronavirus,..)

좀 불안하다 영화 갈수없네.. :Sadclot:
(I'm a little nervous. I can't go to the movies...)

현재 상황 23번째 확진자이다.. 으으 무섭다.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(We're 23rd confirmed. be scary..)

손이 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 꼭 마스크 착용하세요!! 조심하세요 :60sFirstAid::re7med::re0greenherb:
(Make sure to wash your hands and wear a mask when you go outside. Be careful.!!)[/i]

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :mhwgood::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
Daisuki 31/jan./2020 às 17:59 
오늘 1월 31일 마지막날입니다~^^ :chocola2:
(Today is the last day of January 31st.~^^ )

2월에도 화이팅~!! :mhwgood:
(Good luck in February.~!! )

그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에 마스크 꼭 끼세요..:( :lunar2019shockedpig:
(But don't forget to wear a mask because of the coronavirus..:( )

중국에 몇명 많이 죽어요 으으..무섭네요.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat::lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(A few people die in China.That's scary...)

우리모두 마스크 꼭 끼고 손 잘 씻어요!! 부탁합니다!!! :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(We all wear masks and wash our hands well!! I beg you.!!!! )

출근 갈때 항상 조심하세요! :cinnamon2:
(Always be careful when you go to work.! )

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :lovekami_heart::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
Daisuki 22/jan./2020 às 14:03 
1월 25일 설날입니다~ :lunar2019grinningpig:
(January 25th, New Year's Day~ )

24일부터 26일까지 2박3일여행 :) :azuki2::stars:
(a three-day trip from 24th to 26th :) )

대구에 친척들 만나러 갑니다 :chocola2:
(I am going to Daegu to meet my relatives.)

미리 새해인사 보내드려요 :D :cinnamon2:
(Send New Year's greetings in advance. :D )

설날 연휴 복 많이 받으시고 시골길,고향길 조심히 다녀오세요!! :mhwgood:
(Happy New Year's holidays and be careful on country roads and home roads!!)

/)/) º★ º☆
( . .)☆ º♡ º
( づ♡ ☆ ♥ Happy New Year! :lovekami_heart:
Daisuki 17/jan./2020 às 13:46 
오늘 불금이다~ !! 불타는금요일~ :steamhappy::chocola2::stars:
(Today is Friday~!! Hot Friday~)

1주동안 수고하셨습니다 :) :mhwgood::cinnamon2:
(Thank you for your hard work for a week.~ :) )

다음주 곧 설날입니다! :vanilla2:
(It will be New Year's Day next week.! )

설날은 여행 갑니다~ :chocola2::stars:
(I'm going on a trip on New Year's Day.~)

동해안,온천에서 구경하고 대게,회 먹을 계획 :mhwgood::lunar2019coolpig:
(East Sea coast, looking around in the hot springs, but usually, plans to eat raw fish.)

기대됐네요!! ^^ :cinnamon2::kb_heart:
(I'm looking forward to it.!! ^^)

좋은주말 보내세요~ 감기조심하세요!! :stars::praisesun:
(Have a nice weekend~ Be careful not to catch a cold.!!)
Daisuki 10/jan./2020 às 12:38 
오늘 1/10 금요일입니다~ (와우 월급날 받았어 ^^) :mhwgood:
(Today is 1/10 Friday~ Wow, I got paid. ^^)

어제 목요일 영화 "닥터 두리틀" 봤습니다!! :chocola2::stars:
(I watched the movie "Dolittle" yesterday.!!)

아이언맨 슈트 벗은 로다주의 따뜻한 동화느낌입니다 :cinnamon2:
(It's a warm fairy tale of Rhoda state, naked of Iron Man suits.)

그리고 사실 아이언맨...이 그리워 보러간 마음도있어요 :) :eagletear:
(And actually Iron Man...I miss you so much... :) )

"동물들 3000만큼 사랑해" :heart8::lovekami_heart::kb_heart:
("I love animals as much as 3000")

"쿠키영상" 1개 있다 절대 놓치지마요! :mhwgood:
("Post-credits scene" There's one. Don't miss it.!)

즐거운주말 보내세요~^^ :steamhappy:
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
Daisuki 31/dez./2019 às 16:14 
:BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01::GoldStar01::GoldStar01:   :BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01::GoldStar01::GoldStar01:
      :BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:         :BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:
:BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:   :BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:
:BronzeOrb:         :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:   :BronzeOrb:         :GoldStar01:   :GoldStar01:
:BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01::GoldStar01::GoldStar01:   :BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb::BronzeOrb:   :GoldStar01::GoldStar01::GoldStar01:
:praisesun::TEW2CAT:Have happiness, health and good luck in 2020:TEW2CAT::praisesun:
Daisuki 27/dez./2019 às 13:48 
오늘 2019년 12월 27일입니다~:cinnamon2:
(Today is December 27, 2019~)

다음주 곧 2020년이네요!! D-5:steamhappy:
(It's 2020 next week!! D-5 )

2019년 1월~ 12월까지 그 동안 구생많으셨어요!! 박수들 쳐 주세요!!^^:mhwgood::mhwgood:
(From January to December 2019, you've had a lot of life! Please clap!! ^^)

2020년 경자년 무슨띠이요? "쥐띠의해"입니다 저는 닭띠이다 :) :winter2019joyfultearsdog:
(What is the year of 2020? "By the rat" I'm a chicken :) )

2020년 새로운 시작됐어요!! 멋진생활하고 좋은일 큰기대돼요 ^^:chocola2::stars:
(New beginning in 2020 !! Nice life and great expectations ^^)

:praisesun::stars:미리 2020년 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!:stars::praisesun:
(Happy New Year 2020 in advance!! ) [/b]
Daisuki 24/dez./2019 às 15:38 
。° 。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·˚
· 。 ° · 。 · ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛
。° 。 ° 。˚ ˛ · ˚ ˚ ˛
* :dale_christmas_star:★MERRY★:dale_christmas_star: * 。 · ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ · ·
CHRISTMAS 。* 。° 。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛
* _Π____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·˛ ·˚
*/_____/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·˛ ·˚
| 田田 |門| ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·
┎┒  -┒  ─┒ -┒  ┃ ┎┒  ┃
┃┃ㅔ┎┚┃ ─┨ ┎┚┃/\ ┃┃┠/\
┖┚ ┖─┃ ── ┖- ┃-──┖┚┃──

Merry Christmas:2015holly::lovekami_heart:
And Happy New Year~:tps_star::chocola2::stars:
and 새해에는 더욱 건강하세욤^^*~!!!!!!! :heart8::TreepileHeart:
Daisuki 20/dez./2019 às 13:11 
오늘 불금입니다~ :steamhappy:
(Today is Friday~)

평일5일동안 수고하셨습니다 ^^:mhwgood:
(You worked hard for five days ^^ )

어제 회사 송년회에 다녀왔어요..:hiyoko:
(I went to the company year-end party yesterday )

맥주 3잔정도..마셨네요.. 조금 취했음.. └ (@ 0 @) ┐:seriousboss:
(I drank three beers. I was a little drunk)

다음주 곧 "성탄절" 입니다~ D-5:chocola2::stars:
(Next week is "Christmas."~ D-5 )

영화 "나홀로집에" 오랜만 보고싶어요 ^^:2015holly::tannenbaum::sc_candy:
(I want to see the movie "Home Alone" for a long time^^)

좋은주말 보내세요!! d_ _ ( ^ v ^ ) _ _b :Neko::cinnamon2::lovekami_heart:
(Have a good weekend!!)
Daisuki 13/dez./2019 às 13:59 
내일 주말이다!~~:steamhappy::mhwgood:
(Tomorrow is weekend!~~)

요즘 "레드 데드 리뎀션2" 빠져서.. 재미있어요! :chocola2::stars:
(I'm out of "Red Dead Redemption 2" these days. It's fun!)

"레드 데드 리뎀션2" 해보세요 └ (o 0 o) ┐ :mhwgood:
(Try "Red Dead Redemption 2" )

추운날씨에 너무 추워요..!! :lunar2019piginablanket:
(It's too cold in cold weather..!! )

주말에는 찜질방 갑니다 ^^ :chocola2::stars::stars:
(I go to Jjimjilbang on the weekend^^)

피로풀고 위해 좋은 아주 사우나 :) :steambored::cinnamon2:
(Very sauna which is good for relaxing :) )

즐거운주말 보내세요! o(^▽^)o :lovekami_heart::tps_star::stars:
(Have a nice weekend! )
Daisuki 6/dez./2019 às 13:02 
2020년 신작 마블영화 예고편 벌써 나왔습니다..!! └ (o 0 o) ┐ :lunar2019shockedpig:
(2020 new Marvel movie trailer has already been released...!! )

마블영화는 "블랙위도우" 나타샤의스토리입니다 :chocola2::stars:
(The Marvel movie is the story of the "Black Widow" Natasha.)

이건 블랙 위도우의 시간 배경은 '캡틴 아메리카: 시빌워'와 '어벤져스: 인피니티 워' 사이입니다
(This is Black Widow's time background between CAPTAIN AMERICA: Sibylwar and Avengers: Infinity War)

(영화는 "어벤져스 엔드게임" 몇번 많이 봤어요~ :) :vanilla2::chocola2:
I've seen "Avengers: Endgame" a couple of times~ :) )

마블 3000만큼 사랑합니다~ :heart8::lovekami_heart::heartoful:
(I love you as much as Marvel 3000~)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( > ∇ < ) _ _b :steamhappy::Montaro::TEW2CAT::Neko::Dogeface:
(Have a nice weekend~ )
Daisuki 29/nov./2019 às 13:17 
다음주 벌써 12월 됐어요..!! :steamhappy:
(It's already December next week...!!)

시간이 참 빠르네요.. ㄴ(°0°)ㄱ :lunar2019shockedpig:
(Time is so fast...)

"겨울왕국2" 잘 보셨나요? ^^ :chocola2::stars:
("Frozen 2" Did you see it well? ^^)

저도 재미있었어요~ :) :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(I also had fun~ :) )

12월 신작영화들은 별로네요..:YeCry:
(New movies in December aren't good...)

요즘 날씨가 너무 추워요..! 롱패딩 입고 다니세요~ ^^:steamhappy::cinnamon2:
(It's too cold these days ..! Wear long padding~ ^^)

감기조심하세요!! :60sFirstAid::re7med::vanilla2:
(Be careful of cold!!)

즐거운 주말 보내세요~ d_ _(^ ∇ ^)_ _b :Neko::thecathead::Montaro::lovekami_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ )
Daisuki 22/nov./2019 às 13:59 
드디어 불타는금요일이다~! :chocola2:
(at last today TGIF~!! )

오늘 영화 "겨울왕국2" 봤습니다!! ┏(ºдº)┛:mhwgood:
(I watched the movie "Frozen 2" )

1편도 너무 감동이었지만 2편은 너무나도 크고 다른 감동이었다^^:chocola2:
(The first movie was so touching, but the second one was so big and different )

역시 디즈니가 얼마나 팬을 생각하는지 알수있는 영화입니다~ :):cinnamon2::steamhappy:
(As expected, this movie shows how much Disney thinks of fans)

"쿠키영상" 있습니다~ ^^:mhwgood::stars:
("Post-credits scene" have~^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ └ (ㅎ ∇ ㅎ) ┐:heart8::TreepileHeart::cinnamon2:
(Have a nice weekend~ )
Daisuki 15/nov./2019 às 14:05 
어제 11월13일 수능입니다~:vanilla2:
(Yesterday, November 13th, the College Scholastic Ability Test (CS~ )

수험생 여러분 수고하셨습니다!! ^^ :cinnamon2::dale_christmas_star::stars:
(Good job, students.!! ^^ )

저 학생 아니고 사원입니다 XD :mhwgood:
(I'm not a student. I'm an employee XD)

저 이미 콧물감기 걸렸다... OTL :lunar2019piginablanket:
(I already have a runny nose jammed.... OTL

쌀쌀한 날씨에 건강 조심하시고 감기조심하세요!! :60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Take care of your health and be careful not to catch a cold in the cold weather!!)

겨울왕국2 개봉 D-6 남았네요~ :) :chocola2::chocola2::steamhappy:
(Frozen 2 release D-6 is left~:) )

(∩≧∀≦)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ 좋은 주말 보내세요^^ :mhwgood::lovekami_heart::LucyValentine:
(∩≧∀≦)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Hope you have a great weekend^^
Triforium 12/nov./2019 às 20:36 
Hello! You have won a game from Original Giveaway Group
Please accept my friend request and send me a message to claim it :critical:
Daisuki 8/nov./2019 às 17:04 
드디어 오늘 불금이다! :steamhappy::chocola2::stars:
(Finally, today is the day!)

평일5일동안 고생많으셨어요~ :):mhwgood::mhwgood:
(You've been through a lot for five days on weekdays~ :) )

영화는 두개 다 봤어요..:) (날씨의아이, 터미네이터6) :cinnamon2:
(I've seen both movies... (Weathering With You , Terminator: Dark Fate) )

영화는 아직 안끝났습니다!! XD :azuki2:
(The movie is not finished yet!!)

영화 "겨울왕국2" 보고 싶어요 기대돼요~ D-15 :chocola2::stars::steamflake::onlooker:
(I want to see the movie "Frozen 2" I'm looking forward to it~ D-15 )

요즘 날씨가 너무 추워요! 감기조심하세요~ ^^:60sFirstAid::re7med::re0greenherb:
(The weather is so cold these days. Be careful not to catch a cold!~ ^^)

좋은주말 보내세요~ \(★^∀^★)/:mhwgood::cinnamon2::lovekami_heart:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
Daisuki 1/nov./2019 às 18:12 
어제 수요일 영화 "날씨의아이" 봤습니다~
(I saw the movie "Weathering With You" yesterday~)

하지만..스토리는 아쉬웠어요...:(
(But, uh, I'm sorry about the story...)

생각보다 괜찮네요~ 기분이 좋아지는 영화입니다!! ^^ :chocola2::stars:
(It's better than I thought. It's a movie that makes me feel better!! ^^)

너의 이름은 과는 또 다른 매력을 보여준 날씨의 아이 꼭 보세요:mhwgood:
(Be sure to look at the weather boy whose name has shown another charm to the department)

그리고 오늘 저녁에 영화는 "터미네이터: 다크 페이트" 봤습니다 :cinnamon2:
(And I watched the movie tonight, "Terminator: Dark Fate" )

재미있어요! 꼭 보세요 :mhwgood:
(It's fun. You should watch it! :) )

쿠키영상은 없습니다 :mhwno:
("Post-credits scene" There isn't...)

즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^:lovekami_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
Daisuki 18/out./2019 às 14:04 
오늘은 벌써 금요일이다~:mhwgood:
(Today is already Friday~)

평일 5일동안 고생하셨어요 ^^ :mhwgood::cinnamon2:
(You've had five days of hard work on weekdays ^^ )

주말동안 푹 쉴게요 :) :chocola2:
(I'll take a good rest for the weekend :) )

오늘 일을 끝나고 회식은 "불고기" 먹었어요 :vanilla2::mhwgood:
(After work today, we had "bulgogi" for dinner )

좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ^ ∇ ^ ) _ _b :lovekami_heart::cinnamon2:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
Daisuki 11/out./2019 às 16:57 
평일5일동안 고생많으셨어요!! ^^:mhwgood::cinnamon2:
(You've been through a lot for five days on weekdays!! ^^ )

요즘 10월 가을 날씨가 너무 추워요..XD :lunar2019piginablanket::lunar2019laughingpig:
(The weather is so cold in October fall these days... XD )

그리고 영화는 "터미네이터6" , "날씨의아이" 기대돼요 ^^:chocola2::stars:
(And I can't wait to see the movie Terminator 6, The Children of the Weather ^^)

저는 영화 좋아해요 :) :mhwgood:
(I like movies :) )

주말동안 사우나 갑니다~ 피로풀고위해 :azuki2::cinnamon2:
(I'm going to a sauna for the weekend to relieve my fatigue )

즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ^ ∇ ^ ) _ _b :Neko::thecatpaw::lovekami_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ )
Daisuki 4/out./2019 às 14:59 
어제 영화 "조커" 봤습니다^^:mhwgood:
(I saw the movie Joker yesterday.)

와..진짜 하여간 역대 조커들은 너무 완벽해요!!:chocola2:
(Wow, really, the Joker of all time is so perfect!!)

이번 조커는 영화가 아닙니다 예술에 가까운 다큐입니다 제가 본 예술행위중 가장 아름답네요
(This Joker is not a movie. It is close to art. That's the most beautiful art I've ever seen)

진짜 호아킨 연기보고 소름 돋던데, 끝까지 몰입했습니다..:vanilla2::mhwgood:
(I got goosebumps from the real Joaquin act, but I've been absorbed...)

쿠키영상은 없습니다 XD :YeCry:
("Post Credits" There isn't XD )

"조커" 꼭 보세요~~d_ _ ( ≥ ∀ ≤ ) _ _b :mhwgood::mhwgood::cinnamon2:
("Joker," you must see~~ )

좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^ :heart8::TreepileHeart::cinnamon2::thecatpaw:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
Daisuki 27/set./2019 às 13:47 
평일 5일동안 수고많으셨어요 :) :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(Thank you for your hard work during the weekday :) )

다음주 신작영화는 "조커" 개봉이다 D-6 :cinnamon2:
(Next week's new movie is "Joker" D-6 )

영화 "조커" 는 황금사자상 수상이다 :lunar2019shockedpig:
(The movie Joker is the winner of the Golden Lion award )

대박이네요 꼭 보러갑니다!! :chocola2::stars:
(Awesome. I'm definitely going to see you!! )

내일 벌써 주말시작돼요~ :D :vanilla2:
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow~ :D )

그럼 좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( 0 ∇ 0 ) _ _b :lovekami_heart::TreepileHeart::thecatpaw:
(Then have a good weekend~ )
Daisuki 20/set./2019 às 14:17 
이번주동안 고생하셨어요~ ^^:lovekami_heart:
(You've been through a lot this week~ ^^ )

저는 코감기에 걸려요.. (T _ T) :lunar2019piginablanket:
(I have a cold in my nose....)

여러분들도 몸조리만 잘해주세요!! :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(Please take good care of yourself!!)

좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ (≥ ∇ ≤) _ _b :chocola2::cinnamon2::Neko::thecatpaw:
(Hope you have a great weekend~)
Daisuki 6/set./2019 às 14:16 
와우~내일 벌써 주말이다~:steamhappy::chocola2:
(Wow~ tomorrow is weekend already~ )

이번주동안 고생많으셨습니다^^ :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(You've been through a lot this week^^)

요즘 비가 많이 내렸다..그쳤다 반복하다..:( :lunar2019piginablanket::steamsad:
(It rained a lot these days.stop and repeat..:( )

비오는날에 부침개 먹고싶다 :) :azuki2:
(I want to eat the pancake on a rainy day :) )

부침개+막걸리 맛있어요~ :chocola2::cinnamon2::cocochan2::mhwgood:
(Buchimgae+makgeolli is delicious~ ^^

좋은주말 보내세요 ^v^:Neko::thecatpaw::heart8:
(Hope you have a great weekend ^v^)
M11u 2/set./2019 às 13:21 
Daisuki 30/ago./2019 às 14:52 
드디어 내일 주말시작됐어요~:DOGEPAW::mhwgood:
(It's finally starting the weekend tomorrow~)

주말에는 사우나찜질방 갈게요 피로풀고위해 ^^:chocola2::praisesun:
(I'll go to sauna for the weekend. to relieve fatigue ^^ )

월요일부터 금요일까지 일을 너무많네요 피곤하다..:( :steamsad::steamfacepalm:
(Too much work Monday through Friday. to be tired..:( )

주말동안 늦잠,낮잠 오래 잘수있어요 ^^:steambored::cinnamon2:
(I can sleep late and long during the weekend ^^ )

좋은주말 보내세요~!! ^^:mhwgood::cinnamon2::Neko::lovekami_heart:
(Hope you have a great weekend~!! ^^ )
Daisuki 23/ago./2019 às 16:04 
오늘 일을 끝나고 치맥맛집에 갔었습니다:chocola2::mhwgood:
(After work today, I went to a place where I could eat chicken)

뿌링클치킨+핫크리스피치킨 진짜 맛있어요:mhwgood::mhwgood::heart8:
("Root-clinked chicken+hot-crystal-peachine" It's really good~~)

드디어 내일 주말이다 너무 좋아요 :) :steamhappy::steamhappy:
(At last it is tomorrow weekend. I like it a lot :) )

월요일부터 금요일까지 근무일 9시간정도 너무 피곤해요..X( :steamsad::steamfacepalm:
(I'm so tired from Monday to Friday, about 9 hours of work...X( )

그래도 주말동안 푹 쉴 수 있어요~ :D :chocola2::Neko::lovekami_heart:
(But I can take a good rest for the weekend~ :D )

좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^:mhwgood::Dogeface::Neko::thecatpaw:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
Daisuki 16/ago./2019 às 14:54 
1주동안 고생많으셨습니다 ^^:mhwgood:
(Thank you for your hard work for a week ^^)

어제 닭갈비맛집에 다녀왔습니다 :mhwgood::cinnamon2:
(I went to the chicken galbi restaurant yesterday )

오랜만 치즈닭갈비 먹고싶다 진짜 맛있었어요 :D :chocola2::cocochan2:
(I want to eat cheese and chicken galbi after a long time. It's really delicious :D )

그런데 호날두 너무 실망했습니다..:( :YeCry::YeCry:
(But Ronaldo is so disappointed...:( )

왜 경기에 안뛰었나요? 오마이갓..:facepunch::lunar2019shockedpig:
(Why didn't you play? Oh my God....)

호날두 한국은 무시같아요...:seriousboss::steamsad:
(Ronaldo, Korea seems to be ignored... )

호날두 노쇼 됐어요! X( :mhwno:
(Ronaldo, no show! X( )

그럼 좋은주말 보내세요^^:cinnamon2::Neko::Dogeface::lovekami_heart:
(Then have a nice weekend^^)
simoney99 13/ago./2019 às 16:54 
Hello! You have won a key from Original Giveaway Group
please accept my friend request and message me to claim it:carkeys:
Daisuki 9/ago./2019 às 17:03 
1주동안 고생많으셨어요~:mhwgood:
(You've been through a lot for a week~)

휴가끝나자마자 지옥시작됐습니다(....) :lunar2019shockedpig:
(As soon as the vacation was over, it started in hell..)

어제 아빠생신날 외식은 고기맛집에 다녀왔습니다:chocola2:
(Yesterday, I went to a meat restaurant to eat out for my dad's birthday )

(hanwoo, galbi, samgyeopsal, seagull..)

와~ 맛있어요 배부르게 죽겠어요..:D:cinnamon2::steamhappy:
(Wow~ It's delicious. I'm going to die full )

좋은주말 보내세요~ ^^:Neko::lovekami_heart:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ ^^ )
Daisuki 2/ago./2019 às 9:28 
휴가 너무 행복해요~~^^ :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(I'm so happy on vacation~~^^)

휴가동안 친구들이랑 많이 놀아요:azuki2::cinnamon2:
(I hang out with my friends a lot during my vacation)

여름맞이 공포영화 많이 봤어요~ XD :lunar2019piginablanket::mhwgood:
(I watched a lot of horror movies for the summer~ XD )

즐거운주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ≥ ∃ ≤ ) _ _b :DOGEPAW::Dogeface::thecathead::thecatpaw:
(Have a nice weekend~ )
Daisuki 26/jul./2019 às 15:31 
요즘 여름장마 때문에 비가 많이 오다..:( :lunar2019shockedpig::lunar2019piginablanket:
(It rains a lot these days because of the summer rainy season..:( )

비가 오는날 최고음식은 "부침개" , "막걸리" 입니다 :chocola2::vanilla2::focuson:
(The best food on a rainy day is "buchimgae" and "makgeolli." )

너무 맛있어요~ 배부르게 죽겠어요 (^ ∇^)_ _b 엄지 척~ thumb up~ :mhwgood:
(It's so good. I'm so full~ )

그리고 오늘부터 "몬스터헌터 월드" 축제이다! :stars::2015holly::lovekami_heart:
(And from today on, it's the Monster Hunter World Festival! \ (≥ ∇ ≤) /

다음주 수요일부터 일요일까지 휴가입니다!:steamhappy::steambored::chocola2:
(I'm on vacation from next Wednesday to Sunday! )

좋은주말 보내세요 d_ _ ( ≥ ∀ ≤ ) _ _b :lovekami_heart::Dogeface::Neko::thecatpaw:
(Hope you have a great weekend )
Hubert 23/jul./2019 às 7:02 
💓¸.•*""*•. ¸💓💓¸.•*""*•. ¸💓💓¸.•*""*•. ¸💓💓💓💓
──(💚)██████(💚)██████(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•. ¸💓💓💓💓
─(💚)███████(💚)███████(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•💓💓💓💓💓
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──────(💚)████████(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•. ¸ 💓💓💓
────────(💚)████(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•. ¸ 💓💓💓
─────────(💚)██(💚) 💓¸.•*""*•. ¸ 💓💓💓
Daisuki 19/jul./2019 às 14:30 
와~ 내일 벌써 주말이다! :chocola2::lovekami_heart:
(wow~ It is already weekend tomorrow! )

오늘 일을 끝나고 흑돼지맛집에 다녀왔습니다~ :D :vanilla2:
(After work today, I went to a black pig restaurant~ :D )

돼지갈비와흑돼지겹살 너무 맛있어요!^^ :cinnamon2::chocola2:
(Pork ribs and black pork belly are so delicious! ^^)

어제 7/17 수요일때 영화 "라이온킹" 봤습니다 :) :Dogeface::Neko::thecathead::eaglegrin:
(I watched the movie "Lion King" on Wednesday, July 17th :) )

스토리도 맘에 들고 재미있었어요~ ^^ :mhwgood:
(I liked the story, and it was fun~ ^^ )

즐거운주말 보내세요~~ d_ _ (0 ∇ 0) _ _b :azuki2::chocola2::cinnamon2::cocochan2::vanilla2::heart8:
(Have a nice weekend~~ )
Daisuki 12/jul./2019 às 13:34 
이번주동안 수고하셨습니다~!! ^^ :chocola2::mhwgood:
(Thank you for your hard work this week~!! ^^ )

내일 주말이다! 신난다 :D :vanilla2::cinnamon2:
(It's tomorrow weekend. I'm excited :D )

오늘 삼겹살 먹고왔습니다 ^^:Neko::lovekami_heart:
(I ate pork belly today ^^ )

맛있어요! :3 :mhwgood::mhwgreeting:
(It's delicious! :3 )

좋은 주말 보내세요~ (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) :lovekami_heart::azuki2::TEW2CAT:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) )
Daisuki 5/jul./2019 às 16:12 
일주일동안 수고하셨습니다!! ^^ :mhwgood:
(Thank you for a week's!! ^^ )

나는 영화 "스파이더맨: 파 프롬 홈" 봤습니다 :) :vanilla2:
(I watched the movie "Spider-Man: Far From Home" :) )

너무 재미있어요! 꼭 보세요^^ :chocola2::mhwgood:
(It's so fun. Be sure to look at it^^ )

스파이더맨에 쿠키영상이 2개 있어요 절대 놓치지마세요! ^^ :cinnamon2:
(There are two post-credits scenes in the Spiderman Movie! Don't miss them! ^^)

즐거운주말 보내세요~~d_ _(≧ ∇ ≦)_ _b :Neko::azuki2::heart8:
(Have a nice weekend~~ )
Hubert 30/jun./2019 às 13:00 
Have a nice day! 💕
Daisuki 28/jun./2019 às 16:16 
1주동안 수고많으셨어요! ^^ :mhwgood:
(You had a week of hard work! ^^ )

다음주면 7월 곧 됐어요..:vanilla2:
(Next week, July's almost over..)

휴가는 아직 계획중이다 :) :lunar2019coolpig:
(I'm still planning my vacation :) )

다음주 기대된영화 "스파이더맨 파프롬홈" D-4 기대됐어요~ :chocola2:
(I'm looking forward to the movie "Spider-Man Papromome" D-4 next week~ )

요즘 너무 더워요..:steamsad:
(It's so hot these days...)

설빙 "인절미빙수" 너무 맛있어요^^ 시원해요~:vanilla2:
(Sulbinge "Injeolmi Bingsoo" is so delicious^^ It is cool~)

오늘도 좋은하루 보내요~ 좋은주말 보내세요!! d_ _ (≥ ∇ ≤) _ _b :Neko::lovekami_heart:
(Have a nice day too. Have a nice weekend!)
Zelris 27/jun./2019 às 3:04 
Interesting, thank you for the trivia :steamhappy:
Daisuki 26/jun./2019 às 16:04 
잘 봤습니다 ^^ :mhwgood::azuki2:
(I've seen ^^ )

아하 그렇구나 이해 조금 돼요 :D :Neko::lovekami_heart:
(Oh, I see. I understand a little :D )
Daisuki 21/jun./2019 às 17:15 
이번주동안 수고하셨습니다 ^^:heartoful:
(Thank you for your hard work this week ^^)

드디어 내일 주말이다~:) 푹 쉴 수 있어요^^ :azuki2:
(At last it is tomorrow weekend~ :) I can get a good rest ^^)

일을 끝나고 일본 라멘 맛집에 먹고 왔어요 :chocola2:
(After work, I ate at the ramen restaurant in Japan~ )

일본 라멘 너무 맛있어요 :D :cinnamon2:
(Ramen in Japan is so delicious :D )

그리고 영화 "토아스토리4" 보러 왔어요! :vanilla2:
(And I'm here to watch the movie Toy Story 4 ! )

재미있어요! ^^ 꼭 보세요~ :Neko::mhwgood:
(It's fun! ^^ Be sure to look at it~ )

좋은주말 보내세요~ d_ _ ( ≥ ∇ ≤ ) _ _b :Neko::thecatpaw::lovekami_heart:
(Hope you have a great weekend~ )
Daisuki 14/jun./2019 às 16:42 
이번주동안 고생많으셨어요~^^:mhwgood:
(Thank you for your hard work this week~ ^^)

그리고 영화는 "맨인블랙:인터내셔널" 봤어요:chocola2:
(And I saw the movie Man-in-Black )

너무 재미있어요! :D :cinnamon2:
(It's so fun! :D )

크리스 헴스워스 때문에 꼭 보세요! ^^ :vanilla2:
(Chris Hemsworth, make sure to watch it! ^^ )

내일 주말이다 즐거운주말 보내세요! :heart8::lunar2019coolpig:
(Tomorrow is weekend. Have a nice weekend!)
Daisuki 7/jun./2019 às 15:25 
어제 수요일 영화 "엑스맨:다크 피닉스" 봤습니다 :chocola2::heartoful:
(Yesterday Wednesday movie "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" I saw it )

스토리는 맘에 들어요 :) :mhwgood:
(I like the story :) )

너무 재미있어요~ 꼭 보세요! :vanilla2::chocola2:
(It's so fun~ Be sure to look at it! )

드디어 내일 주말이다! 브라보~! :praisesun::stars::heart8::steamhappy:
(At last it is tomorrow weekend! Bravo~! )

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :cozynier::TreepileHeart::TEW2CAT::cocochan2:
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^ )