The Watchers on the Wall   Munich, Bayern, Germany
Not so fast, we're going to play a little game. It's called: Guess who just called the police and reported your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass! :dexter:

Screenshot Showcase
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Are you alone in the house?
198 1 5
Review Showcase
323 Hours played
Team Grove: Rude, xenophobic, have tried to kill me on several occasions, mediocre vendors, bad waypoint location, ultimately clueless about the tadpoles.

Team Goblins: Welcoming environment, party in progress, chicken chasing and bdsm, quality vendors, well-placed waypoint, more than happy to point you straight to moonrise.

So anyway, I’m covered in druid blood and Minthara broke my jaw without using her hands!
Artwork Showcase
Heahh boy
Featured Artwork Showcase
Wanda Maximoff
109 6 17
Review Showcase
2,867 Hours played
- Ran around the woods with a chainsaw
- Found a person and sawed them down
- Sacrificed them on a meat hook
- Found and killed the rest of the people in the area
- Came home and played Dead by Daylight

10/10 would play the game again

19.07 upd

Ich spiele das Spiel schon sehr lange. Ich kann mich an die meisten Iterationen des Spiels erinnern und habe irgendwann damit verbracht, das brandneue Update zu spielen. Nach ein paar Spielen stellte ich fest, dass ich nicht viel Spaß hatte, dachte aber: „Es ist ein neuer Patch, ich muss lernen, wie man das Spiel mit all diesen Änderungen spielt“, und nach ein paar Stunden habe ich einfach keinen Spaß mehr … Das Stapeln von Vorteilen, um die Gengeschwindigkeit nach den zusätzlichen 10 Sekunden zur Fertigstellung eines Generators noch weiter zu reduzieren, ist einfach zu mühsam. Und die neu eingebaute „geliehene Zeit“ hat dazu geführt, dass andere Überlebende weniger geliehene Zeit mitbringen, aber die Zeit ist so kurz, dass ich das Gefühl habe, getunnelt zu werden, und kann nicht einmal DS dazu bringen, zu versuchen, dem entgegenzuwirken. Ich werde mir etwas Zeit nehmen, um den Patch weiter auszuprobieren, aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich das Spiel für eine Weile ablegen werde, und das macht mich traurig. Ich werde zurückkommen, um meine Bewertung zu aktualisieren, wenn sich meine Meinung ändert.

6.7.0 upd

Es gibt kein Gleichgewicht, keine gute Laune, keine Freude am Spiel, aber es gibt viel Nerf, die Verarbeitung von Vergünstigungen und Fähigkeiten HUNDERT MAL IM JAHR und einen Haufen Skins für Feng Ming.
Willst du Skins für andere Perser? Nein, tust du nicht. Hier ist der Feng Ming-Skin, der auf der Karte immer noch leuchtet und in allen Farben des Regenbogens bemalt ist.
Super schön, danke.
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
6 1 2
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Dark Elf Themed Warhammer Wallpaper Featuring Music, Sound effects and Visual Effects :)
25 ratings
Created by - PIXY_UNICORN
I shivered at the sight of her - her beauty far beyond that of mortal man. But her soul glowed with an inner darkness that chilled my very core
Morathi, known also as the "Hag Sorceress of Ghrond," "First of the Hag Queens," "Witch-Queen of Nagarythe," "She of the Thousand and One Dark Blessings" among Daemonkind and who was once the "Queen of Ulthuan," is a powerful Dark Elven sorceress and Witch Elf.

She is the mother of Malekith, also named Malerion, the Witch King of the Dark Elves of Naggaroth and the one-time consort of Aenarion, the first Phoenix King of Ulthuan.

Morathi's entire existence has been one of scheming and manipulation. Who knows how many of the first Phoenix King Aenarion's darker deeds sprang from seeds she planted within his mind, or how the history of the Elves might have been different if he had not taken her as his wife. Yet for all her beauty, she was ultimately spurned by the first Phoenix King because of her wicked nature. Heartbroken, Morathi swore that if her husband could no longer rule the Elves, their son Malekith would do so in his place.

Since that day, Morathi has pursued that goal with supernatural determination. She has spent millennia teaching Malekith all she knows of statecraft and magic, and worked tirelessly to maintain his grip on Naggaroth's throne. Whenever the Witch King faltered, Morathi has always been ready to fan the embers of hatred in his heart; when he was betrayed, none have fought so hard as she to restore his rule
Workshop Showcase This mod gives the dark elves a "darker" look. Just about every unit has been edited, either through the mesh or texture or both. Portholes/unit cards have been updated for lords and heroes to reflect the ne
Created by - JFred and Melinda Safitri
Artwork Showcase
What do you store in your corpse chest?
205 2 5
Эрекция Дима 8 Mar @ 5:01am 
С 8 марта, пупсик
Эрекция Дима 8 Mar @ 5:01am 
С 8 марта, пупсичек
Elrond 8 Mar @ 2:55am 
Зайчонок, с 8 марта 🌹🌷🌺🌼🌸💐🏵️🪷🪻🌻
Эрекция Дима 8 Mar @ 2:52am 
С 8 марта, пупсичек
Эрекция Дима 8 Mar @ 2:52am 
С 8 марта, пупсичек
Elrond 25 Feb @ 5:53am 