Crypotia 24.2. klo 19.20 
💕✨hey boo 😢😔. i 👥 know 🤔 ur 🍆 asleep 😴, butttt i 👥 just wanna 🙈 say 🗣 that im 🐵 sooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🍆 lucky 🤞 to have you 👈 bb 🕺💃 🥰. you’re like 😄 the first 🥇 thing 💥 i 👥 think 💭 about when 🍑 i 👥 wake ⏰ up ☝ 🤩 and the last ♿ thing 📝 i 👁 think 💭 about before 😂 i 👥 go ➡ to sleep 😴 😌 you 👈 make 🔨 me smile 💖✌🏻😘 24/7 🕒☑ whether 💮 its your 👉 voice 🐸 when ⏰ we call 📲 or a message ✉ from you
Crypotia 24.2. klo 19.20 
😂 when ⏰ we text 📲 😊 you’re always 🕔 there for me even 🌃 when ⏰ u 🚶🏻🚶🏼 cant 😂🅱 be physically 📡🔌💡 and i 👥 appreciate 😜 that boo 👻 😤 we have only been dating 🏝🍱🚲 for a lil 🅱 while 🥺 but 🍑 you’ve literally 😎 made 👉 me so freaking 😡 happy 😁 in this short 👕👖 amount 📉🔢 of time ⏰ we’ve been together 👥 😭, i 👥 really 💯 want 😍 this to last 🔚 😩, i 👥 wanna 🙈 stay ⬇ with you 😂 because i 👁 honestly 😁 cant 😂🅱 think 💭 of anyone 🙋🙏 else 👏 that id 🅱 rather ⏰🕰 be with or could see 👀 myself happier with 😘. i 👥 love 😍 u 🚶🏻🚶🏼 i 👁 really 💯 do ❤️, and i 👥 don’t ever 😠 wanna 😱 lose 🏳 you 😂 babyyy you 👈 have no ❌ ideaaa
Crypotia 24.2. klo 19.20 
😭, like 👍 i’ve gotten 🤦👮 attached 🎗 to you 😂 like 😄 you’re smart 🧠, handsome 😳😏, down ⤵ to earth 🌎, funny 😃, and strong 💪 😻, i 👥 know 🧠 we cant 😂🅱 be together 👥 in person 👥 rn 👇😤 😔 but ☝ if we love ❤ each other then it shouldn’t be a problem 😊 💕 i 👥 wuv 💕 u 😎 so much 💯 and i 👥 haven’t felt 🤚 this way 💫 about someone 👤 in a hot 🔥 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 😤 minute ⏰ 🥶 and i 👁 REALLY 💯 mean 👀👅 it 🥴 but 🍑 thats ✔ all 💯 i 👥 have to say 🗣 and ill 🤒 talk 🗣 to you 👈 in the morning 🌞 when ⏰ u 🚶🏻🚶🏼 wake 😴 up 👆 bb 😏👌🍌, much 😩😂
💛Drelalhala🧡 30.1. klo 13.18 
Let's play again!
76561199565896590 3.1. klo 11.12 
Miralore 20.11.2024 klo 6.30 
+rep let's team up and show our skills
ELITELIKETHAT 30.5.2023 klo 0.07 
Signed :D
Griffith 25.11.2019 klo 23.57 
Signed by your equal... god tier cs-go player and really friendly add him for a carry.
✪ HooN 26.7.2019 klo 11.47 
fricking nutty
Tom D. Cat 28.7.2018 klo 15.10 
Raptor is a real ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥' G
XM Not the New Meta 11.4.2017 klo 16.58 
Signed by fancyfetus :squirtyay:
adreN 11.4.2017 klo 16.55 
a_snowball 11.4.2017 klo 16.40