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47.0 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very detailed and challenging levels, but not so much of smart AI, but rather John Wick accurate and fast AI - they need to tweak this. For multiplayer Discord is still required if you want to actually *enjoy* the game and not run and gun. Singleplayer is fun, albeit the friendly AI sometimes ignore commands. Playing the levels to achieve max rank is the Dark Souls difficulty level of the game - and that's the most fun part IMO, because going non-lethal with this zoinked out of their minds AI, coupled with every tiny mistake being detrimental makes the wins so much more rewarding.

For each completed level, depending on what grade you complete it with, you get a corresponding cosmetics unlock.

The game still needs more polish but overall I really enjoy the core gameplay loop, and look forward for when they give the hostile AI more character to make them roleplay like the type of person they are portraying (SWAT 4 had this mechanic) - the AI right now are kind of generic (with exceptions).
Posted 4 July, 2022. Last edited 29 December, 2023.
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226.0 hrs on record (52.0 hrs at review time)
A true masterpiece, play it!
Posted 6 March, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
85.4 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
Looks pretty on the outside, but as you begin to explore the world you realize it's all just a facade, everything is numb. Also immersion breaking bugs that range from small to huge every 2-3 minutes. Definitely not the "groundbreaking next-gen open world experience" that was marketed. It is no more than a pretty cyberpunk sandbox with dead NPCs.
Posted 13 December, 2020. Last edited 13 December, 2020.
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1,422 people found this review helpful
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1,280.7 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Alright so this was my second experience in the game and I can say it was one of the most epic, intense and emotional rollerocasters I have ever experienced in a game. I will split this in two parts, BOSS RUN and EXTRACTION

--PART 1 -- BOSS RUN ---

> launch spider mission in the night with a random partner
> get matched with a dude who didn't have a mic and was just nodding his yes/no answer
> start the game pretty slowly
> since it's night we are extra sneaky
> find first two clues
> everythingisokaysofar.jpeg
> find third clue, have small gunfight with players who eventually disappear
> after third clue we make our way to the boss
> we hear gunshots in the distance
> oh ♥♥♥♥ "we need to kill them after they got the boss for us" - say I to my mute friend
> he nods his head in argeement
> get close to boss walking on a makeshift plank-bridge above the swamp, and tensions are already building up
> as soon as we can see the boss room, the last gunfire echoes from the boss chambers and everything goes silent
> only creepy music in the background
> "this might be a trap" - I tell my friend
> as soon as I look him in the eyes he gets shot and falls down in the swamp
> I jump down, go to beneath the boss room and hide in a corner for some time
> should I evacuate or should I revive my buddy?
> spend the next 5 minutes contemplating
> I can't just leave him hanging.
> I wait for a few minutes, so they don't camp his body anymore and I run to him to get him up
> manage to revive him as we both now hide in a corner
> "okay, we can fight the boss or haul ass - it's your call" - say I to my friend
> he takes some time to think this over
> in the end he nods his head in an ecstatic manner pointing up to the boss room
> we climb up the ladder and enter the boss room - the boss is at 30% health
> boss spits poison and ♥♥♥♥ at us, I take out my dynamite stick and with a price bait from my friend, I throw it directly in it's mouth, obliterating the remainder of it's 30% in one shot.
> feelsgoodman.tif
> begin banishing process, and the next 3 minutes are the longest in existance
> just before the boss is banished a guy storms in to steal our bounty
> with a set of precisely calculated bait and switch maneuvers we manage to kill him(luckily he was just one guy)

---PART 2 --- EXTRACTION ---

>as the boss completes banishing I collect our bounty and call my friend " GET YOUR F BOUNTY AND LETS GET THE F OUT OF HERE" - say I while hearing gunshots in the distance
> we take it, open the second floor door and jump down the river, not looking behind us
> "oh ♥♥♥♥ we made it" - say I while taking a breather. My friend nods his head in approval. I look at the map to discover the nearest extraction point some 500 - 1000 meters from us.
> "okay we need to circle around it" - and we spend 10 minutes going around to evade campers, but as soon as we approach the point we get shot upon
> "RUN RUN RUN" - I scream at him while struggling to zig zag in the swamp which slows your movement speed down
> I hear people shooting at us and bullets darting near my head
> we manage to double back to near the boss room
> "the only plan now is to go across the entire map to the opposite side and take that point, it's too risky here"
> the next 20 minutes were spent avoiding rabid dogs, not startling the crows and killing some minor zombos while always paranoic that someone might shoot us in the back of the head
>my mute buddy was always there by my side, looking out for me
> each time I turn around he had my back
> we would check corners, cover each other and generally became best buddies over the course of the game
> as we reach the extraction point, I see the horses there, and the next 10 steps to the location give me the most notorious feel of relief - "WE MADE IT" - I scream - "NO ONE IS HERE, SURELY NO ONE DARTED ACROSS THE ENTIRE MAP JUST TO CAMP HERE"
> countdown timer begins
>20 seconds
> 10 seconds
> I see my buddy getting anxious, as he can taste the sweet deserved victory closing on us
> my teammate cautiously waits behind some boxes, while I run around - "good game my friend, we did good we m..."
> at the 5th second I hear a shot and I fall flat on my back as I see the horse carriage right above me
> OHGODNO.flac
> I hear gunshots as I see the distance from my friend is increasing - 5 meters, 10 meters, 20 meters."
> sigh and lean back on my chair - "that was it, he's gonna die, it was all for nothing" - I think to myself as I keep hearing gunshots in the distance
> "hes probably going to abandon me and take his loot, thats what i'd do"
> as I lay there contemplating whether or not I should leave the game, suddenly the gunshots stop, as I see the distance from my friend closing
> coulditbe?.jpg.jpeg
> friend hovers over my body reviving me from underneath the horse carriage, I immediately pull out my syrenge as he takes cover and starts shooting covering shots towards the forest where we got shot from
> I start zigzaging around as I heal myself - "THANK YOU FRIEND" - I shout in the mic while healing
> 10 seconds
> "YOU DIDN'T LEAVE ME BEHIND" - I scream in the mic
> 3 seconds
> "I HOPE WE MEET AGAIN MY FRIEND" - I say while the last covering shots echo out
> 1 second
> You live to die another day text comes up
> It seems actions do speak louder than words

I tried looking for him in "recently played" but seems the game doesn't support this as of yet.

Thank you for comming back to get me mute friend, risking your life for me, I hope to see you again some day!
Posted 25 February, 2018. Last edited 2 March, 2018.
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