Do u rally wanna read aal of ths? kk, so lets begin:
Im a blue fluffy pony which realy liks 2 play vid gamz, maek videoz 4 fun n ride an ATV, my fav gaems r prbably Littel Big Planet (Yup PlyStation), Rayman Legendz (Yup another gaem the wich iz the best on a PlayStatiun - Vita), Grand Turizmo (i rally liek #5 - Yup Ps3 with a drivin whel) n Dunt Starve (u can wriet 2 me if u want 2 play "together" with me), i usd 2 spend a lot of tiem in CS: Global Ofensiv 2o. Congratz u won a piece f coal 4 redin all f ths! :2015coal:

And remember: Don't spend whole life on sitting on your butt and playing games... I mostly do... Just kyll urself like me :steamhappy: Peace! :steammocking:

u r liek a Sharelock Holmz, u sneaky guy :steamsalty:

FREE COOKIES! :2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie::2015cookie:

Your car will be faster, because of all these spoilers! :steamhappy:
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