Bagline, Bagline
Bagline, Bagline
Bagline, Bagline
Bagline, Bagline
Bagline, Bagline
Mushroom, Mushroom!

Words are only easy if you give them no meaning.
Words are only cheap if you give them no value.

My value was never spent on lies.
My words will no longer be given to liars.

I asked my dad once how to spell a word.
He replied almost dismissively, but In hindsight it was succinct.
"Look it up in the dictionary."
"How can I look it up if I don't know how it's spelled?"
"You know how it starts." He was right.
I got the dictionary, looked up the first few letters, and found what was I looking for.

You may not know how to get there, but you know where to start.

"I gave you all this honey" says the bee as it stings.
"Thanks" says the allergic man, "but I wish you were a wasp."

If you treat your friends like children,
and your children like friends,
neither will listen.

Someone trips and falls.
Do you lecture them about how to walk?
Building a satisfactory factory building is so satisfactory. (not satisfactory)