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Senaste recensioner av Chris P

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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
81.5 timmar totalt (79.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
One of the greater Action RPG games that I have played.

Story mode is such a spectacle from the first up to the last chapter. Character progression seems to align on the story's difficulty, making it hard to ruin the emersion by being too underpowered/overpowered. The game really had the direction it wanted to tackle and never strayed away from it. The Plot on the otherhand is just basic JRPG cliche.

The rest of the content it has to offer plays more of a monster hunter game and the mechanics of this game is all fleshed out. Every build is viable, but that also means that the difficulty of the missions (currently) are a bit lacking. The combat never becomes stale as the game offers you 15 different characters with significant difference on how they are played. The depth of the combat mechanics however could be fully experienced by playing solo and removing AI Companion.

The endgame grind is not as tedious at it may seem specially if you just want to max out a character. it is another story if you want to max out. The lack of Quality of Life in the game however, will be highlighted specially when you grind for the end game stuff (the vouchers). For your own sake, turn off your volume while doing the farming for the vouchers, you'll thank me later.

Overall, pretty solid game and some of the cinematics that are present in this game leaves me jaw dropped. it makes me excited for future installments and games that are made with the same vein. 8.5/10
Upplagd 27 februari 2024.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
28 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
44.9 timmar totalt
I think the fans have been lenient on criticizing this game due to the horrendous performance of disgaea 6, But this game is just straight up downgrade of the previous disgaea games. Newly implemented features overlaps the other old features, making it useless, item world is slightly less grindy, but snuffed out the essence of what makes item world fun. magichange was removed, this new mechanic of gigantify is INCREDIBLY imbalanced, Hell mode, which is the replacement for the overload mechanic, is a piece of garbage. THERES A GACHA IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME...... Late game grind to max out the stats are super tedious compared to other games. grinding for the best equipment is not as rewarding as the other games (although easier). Item reincarnation is a cool concept, but the compensation for it does not incentivize players to use it except for late game. chara world is also removed, moving all the benefits into grinding the classes and passing bills for other stuff. The game just feels like you could do a lot, but at the same time, cant do anything.

I suddenly quit after making my 4th maxed out character and doing carnage dimension, which is also not that interesting. The X button from my controller sunk after farming for juice stats, so not only did i not have fun, i also destroyed my controller for some digit increase.
Baal fight is straight up the same from the previous games.

And if you say that you play this game for the story, stop lying to yourself.

5/10 probably the last disgaea game i will play. i think im getting too old for this ♥♥♥♥
Upplagd 9 februari 2024. Senast ändrad 9 februari 2024.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
80.7 timmar totalt (78.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Never had a bad experience, even with randoms
Upplagd 25 november 2023.
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66.5 timmar totalt
Oh boy what a game. Got curious cause of the positive reviews its been given and I was not disappointed by this one.

System and Combat mechanics are all made to give you the most amount of fun you can have in a sidescroll ARPG. The progression does not stagnate to a point where you need to farm since you have been given 4 systems to progress to make your character stronger while also maintaining balance to make sure you do not bonk the enemies with raw stats alone (at least till postgame)

Plot is MASSIVE ;) emphasizing on causality and determinism of a laid out path and the inevitability of the repercussions of changing what is supposed to happen. The story has plot devices that is utilized to an impressive way for the story to take on a massive turn and overall be bold on the usage of its characters. Plot twists are pretty much are pretictable, but its predictability becomes its strong point as they use it as an emotional drive rather than an overarching mystery. The mix of Sci-fi and Fantasy is fantastic to the point that when I was playing the game, It came across my mind that thought of "This and that should not work together, but it does". A bit of downside is that given its a JRPG, there's a lot of irrelevant fanservice that does not service the story but it is what it is. The story could be a bit overarching sometimes specially at the late game to postscript, but the whole experience of picking up clues, piecing up events, and overall the whole story ride is rewarding to say the least.

Soundrack is a BANGER. as soon as I heard the "Rain" in chapter 2's soundtrack I start bopping my head. If you like music from games like cytus or Nier:Automata, the catalog should be a banger for you. Even the Vocaloid song they included which I generally dislike, becomes somewhat good since it has the Theme of that area to help it match the soundtrack. The whole Soundtrack has been great from start to finish and I hate that they did not release an official soundtrack for this game (probably because the devs did not secure the license for the music or whatnot)

The Postscript does not just give you lazy content and actually has plot in it. It is very reminiscent of Dragon Quest 11's postscript where the game's story does not end when you "finish" the game and though it uses same areas that you have been before, it at least has a reason on why you are revisiting the places. They also introduce 2 more systems that COMPLETELY CHANGES THE GAMEPLAY for post script and I somehow wish that they have integrated it right from the start, but I can see why they don't since it will be hard to balance the game throughout the main story. It does completely break the game but at that point, you want to break the game and be more inventive on how your playstyle and it does not fail to deliver

Achievements are super easy to accomplish to the point that the only thing I need to grind for an achievement is the walking 50,000 steps one since I need 5,000 more after I finished all the game has to offer. it took me 55 Hours in-game time to be exact. Probably less If you deduct the large amount of time I have ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, eating, and even sleeping while leaving the game open.

All in all, The devs really wanted you to have fun at this game. Gameplay has been carefully balanced and thought out; Story has an incredible introduction that made it rough on its edges when concluding it, but It tried its best to tie it up at the end; Soundtracks a banger; Postscript is entertaining as hell; and you can see the thought that is given for this game to be this good.

I will tune in to the next KEIZO game for sure. Maybe about the Baker's Daughter? O_O
Upplagd 1 juli 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
35 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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13.0 timmar totalt
Gotta be one of the worst multiplayer experience I have in a game. Information on how to play the game might be intuitive, but there's a tutorial npc that does not give any info at all in how to play the game. Game breaking bugs such as having your chests with all your loot disappear for no reason at all. Game progression is skewed, We get to unlock the final boss area (8th boss) even before we defeat the 2nd boss of the game. Gear progression and materials does not make sense, materials for the Ice resistant gear is in the ice area which you cannot traverse without ice resistant gear... (or potions). skills are too overpowered to the point that we can just face tank 7/8 bosses. Fighting bosses are just massive hp sponges.




Sorry for the meltdown. you can troll your friends into buying it and play it till you can't refund it for the memes
Upplagd 21 mars 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
45 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
65.7 timmar totalt
To sum up my overall experience on Hard, 100% Achievement:

-Combat's Fleshed out and there's almost 0 grinding needed for the game
-Character design is aight
-The Environment and Setting is gorgeous
-First Half of the story's decent, tolerable at worst.
-Cinematics in JRPG standards is astonishing.
- The game slaps you with a "WE HAVE A DLC AND YOU MIGHT WANT TO BUY IT" in the menu as it will keep on giving a notification.
- Cosmetics in this game is very limited unless, you guess it, DLC. Which is fine and all, but compared to previous tales games wherein they just give it to you through challenges and collectibles, the dlc practice is kinda douchy
- Last DLC rant, the game locked some combat artes onto some DLCs.
- Plot turns from compelling Racial War in the first half, to a 15 hour information dump about sci-fi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at the second half. The game's plot did not contain its scope to the point that everything that happened in the first half is almost irrelevant.
- Even though the game gives enough optional information to clarify some plot points, there's a LOT OF plot devices that's unexplained, underutilized, or just forgotten.
-For a Tales game, it is too easy and dialing up the difficulty further from hard will only give enemy boss higher HP since you're most of the time 1-shot in hard with reckless abandon artifact (Artifact that boosts damage dealt and damage taken by 100%)
-Boss' are tanky af. Had to equip reckless abandon as soon as I got it.
-The combat system has a elemental weakness exploit mechanic which is kinda out of place for its combat since you exploit enemies with your companion's boost attacks

Overall, the gameplay carried my whole experience, but the second half almost ruined it for me. Post game is also fun, but short. I hope that they flesh out the story and combat sytem more in the next tales games like Berseria
Upplagd 14 december 2022. Senast ändrad 14 december 2022.
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205.3 timmar totalt (45.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Its insane how this game offers a variety of playstyle for each character. 45 hours in and I never felt bored throughout (played the whole thing singleplayer till reincarnation 5, sadge). The game is challenging in a fair way and the difficulty keeps ramping up.

9/10 It is a good game, I swear im not a furry and it does not help that the bunny's my most played character.

I swear she's just op guys....
Upplagd 19 september 2022. Senast ändrad 19 september 2022.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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5.4 timmar totalt
This game has a lot of problems from the get go.

The main problem of this game's on its Story and Duration. I finished the whole game in 5.4 hours without taking into account the 30 minutes I spent taking a massive dump while this game is on. The game is relatively short specially considering its price.

It is a literary mess in terms of its plot. we are introduced to a world where a lot is happening and nothing is explained. Main casts are built in stereotypes which is not bad per se, but all of their development and explanation for their characters usually comes in a form of exposition dump between conversations of said character. The stakes of the story are presented in the same manner, making it less of a threat and more of a hollow urgency. The writing struggles to set its tone as it bounces back and forth between dialogues with serious connotation implied by having pretentious sci-fi jargon, and cringy, but bearable jokes.

The Battle system is designed like a common JRPG with a pinch of variety when it comes to customizing and the mini-game for the special moves. The difficulty of this game adequate for people who are not accustomed to JRPG battle systems, but it is a breeze for people who play JRPGs regularly. Enemy variety is not an issue for the game and it is surprisingly abundant considering the game's runtime. The battles became repetitive in the latter part of the game, but it could be neglected as the battle system of the game does not overstay its welcome given that the whole game can be finished in 5 hours xdd. Puzzles are non-existent in this game which is a letdown since games like this could use puzzles to make the game interesting and maybe stretch out the playtime of this game xdd.

The music in this game however, absolutely SLAPS. it really compliments the retro vibe that the game is set on. and the details in area and character designs are noticeable. This game has encapsulates the oppression and social hierarchy present in the game by using the environment as its leverage. Though the game falls flat on setting its tone in its writing, it succeeded in developing the disparity between the villain and protagonists through its design.

Overall it is a short and bitter experience. I know that the development is an indie company composed of few people. The game could be great if they have addressed the said problems, and I think this is a significant milestone for the developers, but I cannot justify its price for the experience that I have considering that you can also buy outstanding games for the same price.

5/10 I hope that the devs release a free expansion or an update for this game. It felt like the ending of chapter 1, rather than the ending of the whole game.
Upplagd 19 september 2022.
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28 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
28.8 timmar totalt
Solid game, but please don't do platformers again with this type of gameplay physics.

I dont want to deal with precise platform landings if my character acts like they're stepping on ice after jumping.
Upplagd 6 september 2022. Senast ändrad 6 september 2022.
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51.9 timmar totalt
This game reminds me what made me like video games in the first place. Though not the same, taking care of the rice reminds me of those PS1 digimon games where you need to take care of them otherwise they die or turn into ♥♥♥♥.

The combat system has an layer of complexity which is fully optional to explore, making it appealing for people who are not so good at action games but wants to still experience the heart-warming story while it leaves an option for MAD Combo action enjoyers to have fun of the variety of skills that the game has to offer.

The plot itself is a staple JRPG plot done right. It does not take itself seriously, but they focus on building up the characters by making them dynamic. This would lead to attachment to the characters along the game through dialogues when eating dinner and sidequests. The sidequests have all have its purpose. there is no point in the game in which the game tells you to fetch this for someone in order to get some point perk crap like the AAA open world games do. Instead, it is heavily influenced by the characteristics of the casts as well as gameplay advantage, and it is told through a dialogue which makes sense. This game does not need profound statements referencing philosophical figures in order to make the dialogue interesting. Its just people with different upbringings planting rice together.

The difficulty in this game is arbitrary. As it is the theme of the game, the harvest of rice dictates the power of the main character. In this aspect, if the player is having difficulties with a certain level, they have the option of cycling some years in order to stat-check every enemy in the game which is a welcoming concept since not everyone is good at action rpg games. However, it does not limit challenges as well. Much like how casual players can opt to plant more rice, hardcore players can also progress the game and complete areas which is too high for the level (given that there will be a limit since you will literally deal 1 damage if you ignore the rice growing part of the game).

Even though I like this game so much, it does not come without its downsides
These problems ranges from minor inconveniences to downright frustrating

The keyboard/mouse controls is wack and cannot be rebinded, but it is tolerable given that you could adapt to the controls
over time

The gameplay is not very challenging apart from the tower, but it is acceptable since the target audience for this game says a lot

There are random crashes to be experience, one in which the game will put a loading screen and will basically force you to restart. Luckily, the game autosaves every once in a while which makes this problem more of a minor inconvenience

Achievement Hunting/ 100% completion of this game is a PAIN IN THE ASS. There's one achievement that took me 3 hours just to complete, and the others I just gave up since it heavily relies on RNG.

Other than that, the problems I encounter are negligable at best.

9/10 Would eat all of the rice in my meals from now on.

Upplagd 6 september 2022.
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