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4.1 hrs on record
Short puzzle game. 5 Levels with 4 boxes per. Beautifully done and animated. Fun and enjoyable throughout
Posted 17 February.
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129.3 hrs on record (90.7 hrs at review time)
No. Game actually really sucks and the only reason I have many hours in it is because there is no other option and I enjoy playing football with my friends. We enjoy getting into discord and raging in unison at the games inability to:

Properly tackle
Properly select players
Random dances and turn arounds that players do in the middle of clutch plays
Lack of physic based tackles
Incorrect penalties
soft penalties when you breath on players
Limited Franchise options
Lack of Create a Team
Disappointing Create-A-Pro
Prioritisation of Ultimate Team over every other semblance of gameplay
Disconnections, crashes and other freezes that should not occur.

We also enjoy reminiscing about when NFL was great because there were other options and some great games over a decade ago.
Posted 2 April, 2023.
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229.7 hrs on record (76.1 hrs at review time)
The campaign story was interesting engaging and back down to the roots of realistic. It was a lot of fun. The multiplayer is the same multiplayer you'd expect to rage at.
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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9.8 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Fairly well done and return for Halo. I really didn't miss getting tea-bagged.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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66.7 hrs on record (54.4 hrs at review time)
An absolute masterpiece. Rich-engaging story with interesting characters and set before the events of the first Red Dead Redemption. Feel immersed in the wild west as the freedom is beset upon the growing industrialisation of America. The map is easily the largest for a Rockstar game.

Find yourself hunting, fishing, riding, and exploring a world of incredible depth, and beauty. Just buy it, enjoy being a cowboy or cowgirl.

Remember : He always has a plan.
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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127.7 hrs on record
It's a very enjoyable version of Mortal Kombat. For myself it has worked flawlessly on PC, the roster is enjoyable and varied. Honestly, it's more Mortal Kombat goodness. Lots of guest characters and unfortunately quite pricey DLC/Season Pass content locks these characters behind paywalls.

The ability to allow A.I play and customise A.I also adds the ability for players who are less skilled at MK or fighting games to complete some of the harder challenges in the game.

I found the story to be enjoyable followed by the typical annoying boss fight at the end. The DLC Aftermath continues that story with another new story to be enjoyed.

I do highly recommend this game if you are a MK fan or fighters in general. Have fun!
Posted 16 October, 2020.
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641.8 hrs on record (235.3 hrs at review time)
It's a fun game, one of the better MOBA's and who doesn't want to play as a god or goddess!?
Posted 31 October, 2019.
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1,118.0 hrs on record (631.0 hrs at review time)
It's very rare for a game to interest me long enough to play hundreds of hours in it. It's a very select grouping. What makes it more impressive is that it's an MMO. Star Wars Galaxies still holds the title of my number one MMO. However, there is nothing but love from me for this game.

Flying all the ships from Star Trek: Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, Romulan, and everything in between. They are active in efforts to improve the game and are trying to shift the game to a "Account is the player" style rather than character based. Meaning ships potentially in the future will not be locked behind specific characters. A point of contention for a lot of people due to the rarity of some ships. They've already made great strides in other ways towards this goal.

It's not a perfect game by any means but it doesn't have to be. This is proudly one of my top played games on steam. It continues to bring my enjoyment and I get to explore the final frontier from many different avenues. Including custom races, which is just as much fun. (Even if people make some crazy monstrosities.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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1,774.1 hrs on record (727.3 hrs at review time)
There is a reason this game has the most hours on my account. This game and the first in the rebooted series remain my favourite franchise for squad-based strategy. It's a game who's modding community excels at assuring that I have a variety of content to playthrough. Whether it's small fixes to complete overhauls. It's great to have so many options. The War of the Chosen DLC gave us so much new content and while it split the community between Non-WoTC and WoTC it remains one of the best DLC and a good step forward. Speaking of steps forward the fact that they released an additional unexpected DLC was just gravy. A unique twist on the strategy system that allowed a more directed narrative but gave us new weapons, armour and insight into the history that happened between games.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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142.3 hrs on record (109.7 hrs at review time)
I finished this game two years ago and it remains one of the greatest games I've ever played. My big dilemma is that I don't like to replay games, I tend to like a single playthrough and whatever story came out of it is my story. Yet I really want to go back and play it again. There was so much I missed, so many quests, interactions and possibilities. Numerous endings, playstyles, adventures. Two years later I am still fighting the urge to go back and play it again. Something I never do.

Do I recommend the game? Without a doubt if you enjoy fantasy you will enjoy exploring the world of the Witcher. It's dark, grim, but so full of life. The main characters are not just NPC placeholders for you to bounce words off. They react, they have a sense of feeling and you won't know what actions or consequences your conversations had till it's too late. I love that. Your words have weight, it's a very expertly done way of reminding people that you may not always know what the other is thinking till you've said too much...or not enough.

Screw it, I am going to go back and play it, I am going to love every second of it. You will too.

Posted 26 November, 2017.
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