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Скорошни рецензии на UNDEFEAT

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1. For some reason, it doesn't save "Show FPS" option: I have to turn it on each time I launch the game.
2. People don't need ultra high graphic, this is Portal for god sake. I have 16 FPS on default video settings on my pretty good 2021 laptop (not gaming though), in main menu!
3. If I'm trying to change video resolution (keeping screen ratio the same) - game goes insane: portal halos are hovering mid air far away from portals themselves, as well as that thing that supposed to hold portal gun in the "first" room.
This is embarrassing, guys :) Unplayable.

HP ProBook 455 G8;
AMD Ryzen 5 5600U with Radeon Graphics (renoir, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.54, 6.5.0-44-generic);
HP E243i monitor connected via HDMI, 1920x1200, single display mode (built-in laptop display turned off);
Публикувана 18 юли 2024.
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