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Изиграни 78 ч.
The only reason this game is fun is because of Bokujou Monogatari.

The domestic farming and mining gameplay is ripped off of Bokujou Monogatari.

The town and farm, down to most of their layout are ripped off of Bokujou Monogatari.

The festivals, events, and dating are ripped off of Bokujou Monogatari.

Hell, I bet they only implemented their clearly out of place "healing hotspring," because they saw it in a Bokujou Monogatari game.

The only thing this game wasn't able to crib off of Bokujou Monogatari is Bokujou Monogatari's charming character design, dialogue, and animation work, probably because the former didn't have the talent to produce work of equal caliber.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not dismissing this game completely, it's a fun enough game at it's core, albeit fugly, cheesily written, and poorly animated, but realize that the only reason so is because it's a whitewashed knockoff of the fantastic and 'seasoned' game-play of the last 20 years of Bokujou Monogatari games.

At the very least, however, it's better than what Natsume produced with Tabot Interactive, when they cashed in on the "Harvest Moon" name, and dropped the original developer of the franchise, Marvelous Interactive.

Bottom Line, play this game only if you can't play any of the Bokujou Monogatari games on console, and steer clear of anything Natsume made with Tabot.

*Edit: For those of you that may be confused as to what the heck "Bokujou Monogatari" is, below is a brief summary of the sordid story behind Bokujou Monogatari's licensing in the west, and why I refuse to refer to the games in general as "Harvest Moon:"

The Bokujou Monogatari games are a series of domestic farming games that were, and are currently, developed by Marvelous Interactive (previously known as Victor Entertainment). Marvelous, at the start, licensed these games to a company called Natsume for localization in western markets, and Natsume created the trademark: "Harvest Moon," in order to do so.

What's important to note is that Natsume did not develop the original Harvest Moon games. They merely trademarked the name "Harvest Moon," and slapped that name onto the Marvelous games, for the western markets.

Marvelous, after many years, decided that they would like to start localizing and distributing games in the west by themselves via their subsidiary, XSEED. When it came to the Bokujou Monogatari games, Natsume refused to hand over their trademark, "Harvest Moon," and instead, teamed up with a developer called Tabot Interactive to produce "Harvest Moon," titles seperate from Marvelous, such as the critcally panned "Harvest Moon: Lost Valley," for the Nintendo 3DS, and "Harvest Moon: Light of Hope," on Windows/Steam.

While Natsume was technically fully entitled to the "Harvest Moon," name, and there was really no legal reason for them to hand over their trademark to Marvelous, the "Harvest Moon," games that Natsume produced with Tabot were clearly cheaply developed swindling cash-grabs, trying to fool people into thinking this was still the franchise you knew and loved, by relying on the good reputation built by years of fantastic games that Marvelous originally developed. I urge you to look up reviews of the Tabot games, yourself.

Meanwhile, Marvelous/XSEED has localized their latest Bokujou Monogatari games in the west under the name of "Story of Seasons." (to generally positive criticism).

In the end, if you are looking to play a localized Bokujou Monogatari game, or a good domestic farming game in general, what I suggest is to play any of the older Harvest Moon games not made by Tabot (because Tabot took a dump on the name with their cheap, skeezy cashgrabs), and/or play the Story of Seasons games by Marvelous/XSEED.
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Aurum 2 май 2024 в 15:43 
I finally bought that ps3.
Toshiyoshi 5 юли 2013 в 4:49 
i have 3 PS3s. gogogo! i'll sell you one for cheeeeap.
Aurum 4 юли 2013 в 19:17 
Maybe one of these days, when we're all truly free...
Toshiyoshi 4 юли 2013 в 18:52 
he has not!
Dreamgazer 4 юли 2013 в 15:13 
Are you buying that PS3 yet?
Y 23 дек. 2012 в 22:34 
good trader+ rep