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Nedávné recenze uživatele Athny

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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
7.4 hodin celkem (6.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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If you buy this game and attempt to refund it if you are unhappy about it, GOOD LUCK

Make sure you close this game, as it runs idle in the background and doesnt show on tabs but contributes to your gameplay time. I have literally spent like 20 minutes on this game but because idk about cars well, i wanted to at least give it a shot with playing for the 2hrs, *as literally everybody does* - but i only put 20 minutes of actual gameplay into this.

With running idle, I somehow racked up 6.2 hrs (because i leave my pc to rest when i sleep).

I put this as a STRONG negative against the developers because why would you continue a game idle when the person exits the game? When you close a game, the game should close - period, and not have the ability to run idle in the background and rack up hours as you go afk or ♥♥♥♥ sleep.......
I put a refund request in before I went to sleep, came back to it being rejected - i wondered why, it said because i have over 2hrs - i was like, wait how tf do i have more than 2hrs, i checked task manager BOOM THERE IT WAS..
I tried explaining to be denied on the 2nd refund attempt.

If youre a car enthusiast, youd probably love this game. If you wanna have a fun casual experience with little knowledge, its hard to do literally anything. if you just wanna try it, keep checking task manager.
Odesláno 12. února 2021.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
4.4 hodin celkem (2.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is an early access tier title for £50.

You bought it? Congratulations - you played yourself.

No excuse for lack of content, lack of life and poor gameplay make this *barely* even an RPG, I'd genuinely say this is on par with Outer Worlds. Great potential but - I hate to say it, EA Bioware would make better RPGs than this.

Do not listen to the positive wave, it's just diehard fans who won't take criticism and make excuses for a game theorised, produced, hyped and developed for 7-8 years. This game will get you around 20hrs to complete it, potentially reaching to 40hrs if you take your jolly time walking around to do so.

You want an RPG to live in? Play Witcher 3 - the ONLY good game CD Projekt Red has made. And hey, if you disagree with that statement, you're apart of what is wrong with gaming and why companies get away with petty promises when they butter you up. It's PR.
Odesláno 14. prosince 2020.
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26.6 hodin celkem (3.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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Positive Review to Negative: Here's Why..

This game isn't what you think or hope for.

After a good few hours more, I've come to realise a bit too late. This game has no current end-game nor does it reward your progress. From start to finish, its just the same continuous trog-along style that doesn't feel like youre actually achieving anything. Its hunting provides no valid progression beyond 2 quests and building a village is almost useless as at the end of it, youre not going to get very far. You'll chop down tree after tree until you need to go further and further away, if you find a large clear opening, you have to travel a fair distance overburdened for some time unless to run back and forth with tiny amounts of logs and sticks. Theres nothing in chests, besides 1 chest ive found in the entire game and from the sounds of it, youre not even intended to steal things as I believe the purpose of that 1 chest is to act as a placeholder for villager inventories as children age and such, the chest acts as a spawn holder for their item of use. However, this can be abused as since it regenerates every season (which are 3 days long), you can infinitely obtain money - (but dont tell the devs I know that).

I was very skeptical of this game and honestly, I think my thoughts were placed correctly. The devs already have 2 games pre-planned upcoming and showcased a VERY basic roadmap. They have no plans for mod support. No plans for coop/multi, no intensive combat or armour/weapon plans (yes, they literally dont plan for armour from their own Q&A in a Medieval game).

This game is looking to be the farming sim of medieval - - - remind yourself, what games tried that? Remember those games? Yeah... where are they now..... Theyre dead and some even got outed as scams (not implying this is, just that this game is not aimed to have a valid life cycle and is pre determined - in early access - by the devs to be dropped).

This game, honestly had high hopes for me. However, with developers already pre-planning the game's death - I cannot recommend this anymore as it is not going to be worth in the long run and is ultimately a game that will be wasted potential.

Rest of review is a few hours into the game and first impressions..

(you may criticise me for my stance on this as potentially being dumb, however any company with 2 titled preplanned for 2021 while giving a roadmap into the start of Q1 2021 for a game they released in Q4 2020... you'd be dumb to not question the extent of their plans for this title - I want this game to be the better kingdom come like the next person - however this is not it. They do not intend nor aim for anything even close to such, this is a builder/survival sim with no genuine combat focus as by their own Q&A by stating they dont intend weapons and armour - unless youre gonna fight with bows and hammers...)

It's Good.

If they add Multiplayer, Servers even - Coop... OOFT, it'd be great. AI is a little iffy and I honestly feel there should be more combat as combat is like minimal to almost non existent besides agro'd animals (boars, foxes, bears very rare seemingly).

Addition of workshop or dev kit would be *INSANE* and generally would fast-track this game development 10 times over.
It is worth the funds and generally, I feel deserves alot more focus and support from devs as I notice they have projects upcoming for next year and such which makes the question - how long will this game be supported....
Odesláno 18. září 2020. Naposledy upraveno 23. září 2020.
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3.6 hodin celkem
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this game mechanics suck ass and the community is SO toxic. You could buy guns for your team and theyd teamkill you or threaten to kill and fire you for doing so. which then if they point guns at you, aim at your head, you cant retaliate otherwise everyone in the game would hate you for it.
Everyone KOS and when you gotta trade or whatever, you get killed for no reason. your team could be trading elsewhere with them and theyd find and kill you for the sake of it, even if the deal goes good and both get what they want.
The admins of servers dont deal with TK, mass KOS or anything and its already deemed a good thing they dont.

This game is AIDS. wish i could refund. This is one of those games worth $10, not like $20. Buy on sale or dont buy at all
If the devs could refund thatd be amazing otherwise, idm. I wish i found out sooner than later how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ this was.
Odesláno 1. března 2019.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
45.3 hodin celkem (23.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Actually THE BEST mod for Skyrim. The storytelling is great, everything about this mod is amazing.

10/10 lmao

I genuinely would advise that the developers perhaps look into creating this as a much bigger standalone project. Similar to how those other modders did. It would be great to see alot more of this world polished out.
I would even go as far to say, this should have been paid for. I feel bad that I got this for free like everyone else should. Not because im saying you should exploit this for money or whatever like most devs, but you should definitely be paid for this work of art lmao.

Please tell me there is more coming. I havent finished this all yet but I just want more and more.

I love the work you guys have done,
much love <3
Odesláno 26. února 2019.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
4.3 hodin celkem (3.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
You didn't expect it but this game is actually pretty damn awesome.
In a genuine rating, i would give it a solid 7/10.
Wait for a sale? Sure, if you want, I got it 50% off. But is it worth out of sale? Heck to the yeah, baby daddy. Wish the people(s) working on this keep working on this as it is honestly really set for a larger potential if done right.

Really well made, please add a fursuit, thx <3

Yes, there are easy ways to exploit the game (Im sorry, i found a few and used them), bugs (such as moving while typing out suggestions and bugs in the menu box) and a fairly lacking drive to actually hunt down "Prince" lol. Everything else in the enviroment is just really great to explore and all.

: You can skyrim climb mountains very very easily.
: On the mountain to the right side of the starting area is a helicopter thingy.
: Mutants are very prone to getting run over by cars if youre the one driving (or placing) them.
: Soldiers are tough and are the biggest danger, ive found. If you have multiple without food and armour, just run around them. Their aim is like if a csgo player installed every hack ever and used performance enhancing drugs. They need some work in the sense that they can sometimes shoot through terrain and not miss a shot lmao.
: Level up your health first (hold control, you will see a + on the weird lil character guy at the side and click that), then go with a cheap easy weapon to improve upon. Example that I did was the pistol. Though you can probably choose revolver or something with more rate of fire.

Good Luck!
Odesláno 8. února 2019.
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2.0 hodin celkem
Prob best character customisation. Legit only reason why i got this game. But honestly I cant stand the clunky look to the world itself. Everything looks grainy af and ugly in some parts such as curly hair etc.
Gameplay is clunky too. Movement seems kinda hindered when its kinda not, its really conflicting. Look at people who've bothered to go through the games missions properly before judging the game off my review though.
Get on sale. Worth a play anyways
Odesláno 6. ledna 2019.
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1.7 hodin celkem
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Honestly, I like this game but to me it's just so difficult to do anything in. I don't know how the crafting works properly nor the building. The combat is weird cause you can just circle enemies and beat them to death with your fists however the combat is really REALLY unrewarding. Like what. I killed like 5 people who had weapons and didnt get anything good at all lmao.
Like as a mp game too, this is just weird af. Shouldve been single player / coop like the forest instead of mp.
But if on sale, get it. worth a try for 2 hours at least anyways.
Odesláno 6. ledna 2019.
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19.9 hodin celkem
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Great game, really fun to play alone or with friends.
I wish they would add a proper building system to this or add more to this game, but they don't do alot with it - sadly.
But recommended. Pricing is pretty decent.
Odesláno 6. ledna 2019.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
16.2 hodin celkem (2.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is the original Menu Simulator game.

Maybe don't pretend that another studio is working on your ATLAS dlc because that's just wrong. You're learning from your mistakes seeing as its already been deemed worse, if not on the same podium as Fallout 76 for the biggest failure of 2018.
Well done.

Review on ARK is that.
Maybe get it on a sale. I got this ages ago, think when I was drunk and have at least over 2k hours on console for this which is better optimised than the PC version, by far.
Buy for console, dont buy for PC. The devs are poor decision makers and overprice their products.
Odesláno 6. ledna 2019.
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Zobrazeno 41–50 z 54 položek