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Według 11 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
1.5 godz. łącznie (1.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Kinda funny how people can write an honest review on a few hours of gameplay. xD go play more bruh
Opublikowana: 4 listopada 2022.
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Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
581.4 godz. łącznie (43.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I really really wanted to give this game a recommendation, I've nearly gotten to the maximum season pass level and won one game.. I could have won several more weren't it for the ratio in which hackers/cheaters appear..

And don't get me wrong I don't mind losing, the entire reason you should play the game is to have fun, unfortunately due to the increasing amount of hackers that fun has been diminished more and more every week, by these ****bags who can't play the game properly and thus resort to hacks.

Mediatonic does seem to be willing to tackle this issue but does so in all the wrong ways, instead of using anti cheat software (which I know won't be to people's liking either.. but a necessary evil the way I see it) tries to tackle the hackers by removing Humble Bundle discounts and disabling Steam Family Share something I'm vehemently against because to me you're punishing the wrong people, plus the effectiveness seems debatable at best.

While I'm sure some hackers are actually playing to win and hoping to get away with some crowns there's also a big majority who just seems to hack to annoy others, they troll and try go grab people dragging them up or just slamming into them for doodoos and giggles.

It's such a shame really, the game hits all the right notes on accessibility, family friendliness, tons of customization options, fun sounds and fun games yet is plagued by these Menfants who insist on cheating in a game that really has no purpose to even cheat in.

Ultimately looking back on it, right now in its current state despite all the good things, I really don't recommend buying the game until this is sorted. It's stressful to play in a finale which you already know you're going to lose because some kiddo has an application running that makes them able to fly wherever they so desire.

Opublikowana: 7 września 2020. Ostatnio edytowane: 7 września 2020.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
7,004.1 godz. łącznie (6,369.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Where'd my life go?

No, seriously. Review incoming due soon!!
Opublikowana: 30 czerwca 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 25 listopada 2020.
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Według 28 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
722.8 godz. łącznie (196.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
I love survival games almost as much as I love RPGs, especially when it’s a zombie apocalypse-esque game. 7 Days has a very unique take on survival that differentiates from other survival games yet those things also make it a bit flawed, if that makes sense.

● Atmosphere
Rather than jumpscares the game relies heavily on atmospheric horror and I really like how that’s portrayed in 7DTD, especially when you see the remains of a city or the gloomy misty weather that makes any potential zombie harder to spot.

● Progression & Replay Value
The most fun part about this game is its progression based system, you’ll as most other survival games be able to make more and better things as you go along. It does however get a bit boring once you’ve got everything managed, the stews boiling, the goldenrod teas brewing and a reasonably sturdy concrete layer for zombies.

It’s fun to start over every now and then, building everything from scratch but work on that one improvement you disliked about your previous play.

On the Fence
● Story
there’s nothing, not even on the non-custom Navezgane that explains anything, why the things that happened in the 7 days’ universe happened. While I don’t think a survival game really needs a story, it’d still be nice to have.

● Running your own server
While this goes more or less without saying If you decide to run a server and client on the same PC be prepared that the game soaks up a really large deal of RAM, 16GB wasn’t enough to cover my OS, Server, Background programs and a client at the same time, especially noticeable when entering cities with large buildings and tons of entity spawns.

● Combat
Combat’s fun but it can feel a bit wonky if you decide to swing your melee weapons at zombies, the FOV makes it feel like you’re further away than you actually are. I prefer a sledgehammer as those usually are able to one shot the more common zombies, bows, crossbows and guns are nice too.

● Mechanical choices
Certain mechanical choices which are luckily changed in the next major patch included thermal insulation clothing against cold and warm weather which made you switch constantly. Very annoying.

● Camera
The player view for some reason (maybe due to the FOV) is around your waist on the standard game settings, you can adjust it accordingly but why it’s ever been set on this beats me, it just doesn’t make any sense.

● Bad Optimization
Where to begin, the game is clearly not optimized as the game gets increasingly stuttery on anything but the most modern hardware, playing on 4k with everything on max? Goodluck with that, you’ll probably need an Nvidia RTX 2080 and even then it will probably not exceed 60 fps.

Story -
Gameplay 6/10
Music 5/10
Graphics 7/10
Replay Value 7/10

It’s hard to write a review for this game as I’ve played off and on every other patch.
Yet the times I’ve played it was with friends, fighting and fencing off layers of zombies, the last time I played there wasn’t even a talent system yet, which I very much like I’ll add.

The things I dislike about the most recent patches though is that the 7DTD characters can’t seem to regulate their core body temperatures and that means switching to different kinds of clothing every damn time. Also minus insulation clothing doesn’t make sense, how’s being nude warmer than wearing a t-shirt.

I also hate how the moulds have been removed from the game for the sole reason of “We wanted 7 days to die be a scavenging game” Yeah, that’s fun to a point scavenging but it gets really tiring if all you find are glass jars and other miscellaneous junk items. Want a specific crafting schematic? Good luck, we’ve entered several cities and we always find the same poop over and over again.

I’ll be honest though these are just my opinions and maybe the majority likes the endless scavenger hunts, that’s okay too, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

I still recommend 7 Days To Die as they still update the game through minor and major patches without a charge, the game has so much potential and the atmosphere is magnificent, yet the game is still unfinished after all these years.

There’s improvements and downgrades in every patch, I’m really looking forward to see what the truly finished product will look like, if that does ever happen. ^^

Edit 1 - fixed minor typoes. (2-12-18)
Opublikowana: 23 listopada 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 2 grudnia 2018.
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Według 33 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
17.4 godz. łącznie
Final Fantasy 6 is another JRPG by Square-Enix/Squaresoft, well known for delivering top craft jrpgs.

● Great Story - I find it hard to say what it is in Final Fantasy 6 that makes the story so great, I personally like the magical/medieval/future mix games and magitek is a great addition. what I can say is, though the story is obviously fictional it's rather awesome, the characters compliment it very well too.

● Overall Combat - Combat is tactical and you can choose from either active time battle or wait (turn based), my preference goes to wait (turn based). While I like the overall combat in Final Fantasy 6 with random encounters and boss battles, I dislike the modern ui that looks like its ported straight from the phone version.

● Music - The music in Final Fantasy 6 is what you expect of Nobuo Uematsu, a true master piece!

On the fence
● Replay Value - There's not much replay value in terms of actually replaying it all, you can and should however look towards optional bosses, and I guess you could go for alternative scenes at the ending.

● Battle system UI - The UI of the battle system looks like it was ported straight from the phone version of the game, it looks terrible on a PC and it certainly acts wonky to say the least. Definitely not my cup of tea and this is why the overall steam version gets no recommendation from me. (However it gets slightly better if you change the battle system to tabbed in the menu - thanks to NtNOctahedral & Blindmetal for the suggestion)

Story 9/10
Gameplay 6/10
Music 9/10
Replay Value 5/10

It's worth noting that I'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy Franchise and even like the more modern Final Fantasy XIII trilogy but having played Final Fantasy VI on the Super Nintendo, I can't help but feel sorely disappointed on the PC version of this game. While I don't mind the weird new style on the Final Fantasy VI sprites, the way the battle system reacts (reacts like the mobile device version) is totally flawed... everything else is okay in my opinion.

I'd change the rating to positive if the battle system is ever changed on the PC Version of this game.

I've intentionally left Graphics out at the rating, because it's a turn based jrpg with sprite graphics, it's not supposed to impress graphic wise. Gameplay was lowered to 6 solely because of the Combat UI.

It's definitely the same game I remember but the controls does it in for me, I find it very hard to play with.

Edited on 15-05-2017, Reason: Minor adjustments.
Opublikowana: 25 grudnia 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 15 maja 2017.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
33.5 godz. łącznie
Sleeping Dogs is a fine game made my United Front Games and Square Enix, published by Square Enix. The game is set in Hong Kong, a vibrant, neon city teeming with life.

● Great Story - The story is compelling and great, it really makes you sit on the edge of your seat.

● Great Fighting Mechanics - The game features guns, machetes, maces, vehicles with weaponry, but limited enough so that you can appreciate the good martial arts fights.

Spoiler: You can even get more ability moves through gathering statues for the dojo instructor

● Limited Replay Value - The game has somewhat limited replay value, sure you can try collecting all achievements and trophies, compete on for example a racing highscore with your steam friends but that's about it.

Story 8/10
Gameplay 8/10
Music 5/10
Graphics 8/10
Replay Value 3/10

I personally got the game through the Steam Summer Sale of 2013 for €4,99, tested it out a bit then decided I also wanted the DLC which piece by piece are all worth a lot more than I had spent on it!

Never have I had such a great time in my life, the story is compelling something I wasn't sure about.. and the combat system is great, usually in GTA like games you're really waiting for the big guns, but this game.. it's all about Melee Combat... or mostly anyway and it feels great, you're in charge, there's tons of environmental attacks, special moves to be obtained and the game gets even better over time.

A worthy title in my game library, the game was set to have a sequel but unfortunately those plans were canceled as far as I'm aware. Such a shame!

Definitly recommended!

Please take the hours spent on the game with a pinch of salt, I've tried the game through other channels before I decided to buy it.

Edited on 9-8-2016, Reason: changing the review to live up to my new review standards.
Opublikowana: 23 lipca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 listopada 2016.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
101.9 godz. łącznie (91.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The Walking Dead is a game based and even shares the same universe as the succesful award winning comic book series from Robert Kirkman made by Telltale Games. The game starts in Macon, Georgia.

● Great Story - The story is compelling and great, it really makes you sit on the edge of your seat, and every episode makes you want more.

● Perfect Dialogue - There's a lot of dialogue to be had, and you can clearly hear the emotion put into them.

● Music - The music that plays during all scenes are dreary and sometimes peaceful but well in place, and it fits perfectly in most of the situations.

On the fence
● Decision Effects - I'll be blunt, while the decisions do affect part of the story and scenes nothing major changes for the episode or season.

● Episodal Release - Patience is a virtue, and personally I find it very hard to wait for every episode to release, either you have to live with it or buy it once the season has all its episodes released.

● Graphic Choice - While not really a con to most, I can understand it might leave much to be desired. Personally I really like the cartoon style.

Story 9/10
Gameplay 8/10
Music 8/10
Graphics 5/10
Replay Value 6/10

For the big fans or the people that just like a good adventure game, The Walking Dead (game) is a definite must have, If you also read the comics and or watch the tv show you'll notice that you'll also come across some key characters which makes the game even more enjoyable! overall I'd rate this game 9 out of 10, the music is fitting.. the setting is grim.. and the story invokes a lot of emotions. the only thing that could be improved are some common stability issues, I'm runnining the game on a pretty decent computer and the game ends up stuttering from time to time.

A definite must have!

The game really shook me up emotionally, and apparently I'm not the only one because as of 31-12-2016 the game has won the 2016 "I'm not crying, there's something in my eyes" Steam Award

Edited on 31-12-2016, Reason: changing the review to live up to my new review standards.
Opublikowana: 25 kwietnia 2012. Ostatnio edytowane: 31 grudnia 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
122.2 godz. łącznie
Mass Effect is a game unlike any other it features tactical shooter elements with heavy RPG dialogue and elements. This game lays the groundwork for the grand mass effect franchise as we know it.

● Awesome Story - The story is awesome but most of all compelling, the story also changes mildly depending on your choices through the game but the overall canon story remains the same.

● Voice Acting - The voice acting is actually pretty good, you can clearly hear the raw emotions of the voice actors as they say their lines, whether it’s an angry, sad, happy, flirty or other voice line.

Choices - During your play you will be given a lot of choices that may or may not affect the game or any of its sequels, I’ll not spoil anything other than that most will definitely carry on to the two sequels of the original Mass Effect.

● Music - The Music that plays is exceptionally well done, I especially like the track called Vigil it’s so soothing and calm.

● Replay Value - You’re not done with just one play through, unless of course you are but for me I’ve played several other playthroughs just to see the results and how it affects the game, if anything at least do a Paragon AND Renegade play through.

On the Fence
● DLC (Worth it?) - There’s two DLC pieces for the original Mass Effect, Pinnacle Station that covers a training facility for spectres and Bring Down the Sky, while they are both free nowadays on Steam PC the latter used to be a hefty 5 euros however Bring Down the Sky was definitely worth paying for it offered a good story and a few hours of fun, additionally the choices in BDTS do carry on towards the sequels.

● Combat - The Combat is tactical and pretty hard even on low difficulty levels, you're not supposed to charge into the fray but keep a level head and approach things tactically, also different types of enemies require different approaches. It just however doesn't feel as smooth as Mass Effect 2.

● DLC (Installation of) - We’ve discussed the DLC at the On the Fence column but now I’d also like to talk about the actual installation of these DLC pieces, these days it’s little more than installing the game on steam, but it used to be quite a hassle with the CD keys and installation errors. However since this is no longer an issue, perhaps I should remove this from the cons list.

Story 9/10
Gameplay 7/10
Music 9/10
Graphics 7/10
Replay Value 9/10

Sure, Mass Effect 1 doesn't have the combat system Mass Effect 2 does...

But Mass Effect 1 takes the Mass Effect franchise back to its roots, with rich RPG aspects and choices, when you get a paragon or renegade choice in here, it actually matters.

Also the story before Mass Effect 2 is worth watching/playing, you get to make key decisions that will change the world of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. (Previous choices and actions from Mass Effect 1 may change Mass Effect 3, while it was not obvious if they did in Mass Effect 2).

I do recommend buying and trying this fantastic RPG once more made by Bioware!

I’ve actually played Mass Effect 2 before Mass Effect and that made me come back just purely for the story and choices, yes Mass Effect 2 has a DLC that makes you able to adjust any changes but it’s a lot more fun to get the results by actually playing.

Edited on 14-05-2017, Reason: changing the review to live up to my new review standards.
Opublikowana: 30 października 2011. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 maja 2017.
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