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53.9 hrs on record (53.7 hrs at review time)
doesnt require sony account

but game got banned by sony in 177 countries
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 11 May, 2024.
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382.0 hrs on record (93.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Doesnt work from Poland, LE-52 Error
Posted 11 March, 2023. Last edited 23 March, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
2,716.9 hrs on record (2,603.5 hrs at review time)
Amazon gave every character 10 pheons by sending mail.
Some people opened the mails and got all those pheons
Shortly after Amazon shut the servers down and remove the unclaimed mails with pheons. (1st mistake)
Then they were going to remove the claimed pheons but decided not to (2nd mistake)
Then they started lieing about some non existing exploit (people tested that and didnt work) to cover their tracks (3rd mistake)
This is just stupid management. Dont split the playerbase between people who get rewards and who dont based on your mistakes. If you were to keep the rewards for all you could have just reduce amount of pheons from log in rewards in the next weeks instead of this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Posted 15 November, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
32.8 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Wczoraj udalo sie troche pograc w pierwszej misji. Zdecydowalem sie troche pofarmic zeby przygotowac skille na kolejne misje.
Dzis nie moge sie podlaczyc do wczorajszego prospecta, error 020.
Po paru próbach udało się zacząć łączenie, ale po 30 minutach wczytywania mapy, zamknalem klienta bo mapa sie nie zaladowala
Nastepny restart gry, teraz nawet prospecty sie nie laduja, zawiesza sie na Loading
Nastepne restarty gry, teraz nawet nie moge nacisnac Play, zatrzymuje sie na connecting to content server
I tyle z grania. Fajna wersja release.
Nie mówiąc juz o spawnowaniu grupy wilkow/niedzwiedzi na gracza znienacka, deep wounds ktore zostaja po smierci na nowym "klonie", budowaniu nowych baz na kolejnych mapach (a wlasciwie tej samej mapie) prospectow z ktorych nie mozna zabrac surowcow do nastapnej misji.
Mimo wszystko mam nadzieje ze naprawia to wszystko bo gdyby gra dzialala i ponaprawiali, dodali fajne mechaniki to moglaby byc fajne. W obecnym stanie to porazka.

Jak juz dziala to nie jest zla. Grafika jest swietna, jak widzialem na streamach, bo u siebie musze na razie mocno obniżac.
Jest troche dziwnych decyzji jesli chodzi o mechanike, ale ogolnie fajnie sie gra.
Zmieniam na polecam.
Posted 5 December, 2021. Last edited 7 December, 2021.
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30 people found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
I would say this is just a cash grab mobile game ported to pc.
The thing is, this is much worse than half of those mobile games.
Posted 8 January, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 3 May, 2023 @ 2:21am (view response)
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