
Nxva 最近的評論

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總時數 15.4 小時 (評論時已進行 6.3 小時)
Great early access game might need a few tweaks here and there like more weapons and attachments plus fixes but other than that if they keep orienting themselves on games like BF they are going to go a long way!
張貼於 2021 年 9 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 255.6 小時 (評論時已進行 4.7 小時)

I will go over the good, the bad, the worst, and my own opinion on the current state of the game.

This will be a quick review of what the game needs to improve on and the current state.

Lets start of with the most positive things that come into my mind:


#1: Combat is highly addictive and fun with lots of spells and actions to make sure you dont
get bored using the same action over and over again

#2: Super detailed world with lots of lore/information, books to be found and read into, people,
monsters, skeletons, ghosts and animals to talk to and squeeze the last bit of information
about everything out

#3: Character design is awesome with all of the voice lines and different NPC's and playable

#4: All the dice rolls feel very nice and quite unique since its a D&D inspired game

#5: Quests feel nice, important in the means of that you almost have a giant urge to do them
because it feels like everything is alive and moving in time as you progress


#1: The camera needs a few fixes here and there, sometimes you will get stuck in surfaces or
won't be able to move at all with W,A,S,D

#2: Combat needs a little bit of improvement and that's on one specific point:
ENEMIES teleporting or warping ability, this is annoying since it doesnt have a cooldown
for them atleast it seems like this and you cant make them stop with any spell thats
currently in the game or ability (pin down, halt, etc) only thing you can do is to put them to
sleep or charm which kind of defeats the purpose of abilities which are supposed to
ensnare them. (BIGGEST EXAMPLE: Spider Boss)

#3: All of the animations need to be fixed: Facial expressions, lyp syncing, death animations,
literally everything.

#4: More ambience sound and music please:
Walking through the forest, a tomb or grave, village, sand, mud, rocks,
puddles...everything feels like its missing a nice touch and the music is too repetetive and
sometimes there is no music at all. Also stuff to be fixed



#1: Game crashing litteraly at every opportunity:
Too many entities? Crash!
Saved at the wrong moment? Crash!
Talking to someone and skipping one or two lines of dialogue? Crash!
Fast Travelling? Crash!
Crafting something at the workbench? Crash!
Im sure it will be looked into but its just annoying

#2: Characters getting stuck in environment not only yours but also NPC's and enemies

#3: Enemies being able to shoot or cast spells through walls, roofs and even the ground as
youre in a cave below them

#4: Multiple items getting stacked in your inventory when they should be so you cant find the
items that you need or wanted to look at

#5: Polishing everywhere.
T-Poses, Inventory, Character Panel, Skill panel, Dead bodies flying around and
stretching, enemies dissapearing, enemies jumping into walls or the ground, getting
onehit by a chest that you open, etc. etc.

My Final verdict:

In my opinion: Is it worth to buy the EA title for full price?

Yes, i love Larian Studios and will do everything in my might to support them as developers,
By buying the EA title you can participate in making the game better by doing reviews, writing crash reports and just playing the game.
Im having a total blast in exploring the little part that we got and its wonderful and the best thing about it is that there is way more to come where its from. Sure it has many many many many many bugs, glitches, things needing to be fixed but thats why its EA. And everything bad that i wrote and or played through didn't stop me from playing this game and having a completely beatiful experience.
If you played the previous titles and or DOS and liked them i would recommend this game for sure. There is a long way to go until its a 10/10 D&D Fanservice game but im happy that im able to go this journey alongside with Larian.

For now i would give it a 7.5 / 10 (+1 point for the owlbear baby <3)
張貼於 2020 年 10 月 6 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 10 月 7 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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