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I'm also on Twitch:
I'm a community Ambassador! :steamhappy: Level 57 in 2024!
I made it to Level 56 in 2023!

Please subscribe to my youtube channels:

Youtube finally made it easier to make an easy link to my page, channel,site, or whatever it is called. Here were the old long links:

On 4/14/16. I purchased Doom and started playing it on June 8, 2016. :steamhappy: I am putting the name of that game because that is the game that got me to download Steam. (The 2016 version of Doom.) If it wasn't for that, I might not of ever downloaded Steam and played the many FREE games, demos, & exclusive games on here. I also play Nintendo games :steamhappy:

I am not really a fan of the Doom style games and do not have any plans to ever buy any future Doom games or games similar in gameplay because it is not my style of game that I regularly like to play. If any of the games are offered for free, I may check it out but I still might pass on the game or games because of various reasons that I will not say here. I liked it was different than the usual style games I like to play, but again, not really my type of game.

It looks like someone in 2023 (April or May) decided to give my profile on here a "Jester Award". Now I don't know what would be amusing or funny about my profile on here when I am not even trying to make a joke or amuse anyone on my profile. I would guess this "Jester Award" is from someone that must of read a forum post I made, where I guess I naturally can amuse and joke around to make others laugh. Yeah I know I should of been a professional stand up comedian but I don't think the money is there for me but that is not to say that I am not a comedian. Yes I am many things, a writer, an artist in both art and music, and many other things and other stuff that you may find amusing or serious. Perhaps someone just gave me the "Jester Award" for not updating that my level on here was 54 when I put that it was Level 53 in July, 2023. Anyway, glad you find me amusing and that I made you laugh or whatever. If anyone would like to give me some steam gift card numbers that I can enter on here to give me money or credit towards the purchase of future games on Steam, would be greatly appreciated, but not something I am asking or expecting from anyone. I didn't ask for any awards either but someone gave me one so thanks for that. Contact me at [email protected]
Guess what, give me all the awards you want, but I see an option to hide community awards on my profile so now any awards I get will be hidden on my profile, but I am currently keeping this text about the award or awards because it is my profile and I can write whatever I want to write on it.

I sometimes do live gameplay streams. I also do some live music that i made all on own and sometimes it goes with some really cool visuals.

Steam ID: AnthonyCZ95
Currently Offline
G-Man 11 Mar, 2018 @ 11:19am 
Thank you for accept my friend-request. See you on the :LOG:eaderb:BorealisIcePlanet:ards! :tie:
RegretfulRhyme 23 Sep, 2016 @ 4:19pm 
Do u want to do the card trade? I sent u an offer.
Percele 13 Jul, 2016 @ 11:24am 
Card exchange?
Lemera 25 Apr, 2016 @ 1:46pm 
Hey, anytime! should play again some time ^^