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169.1 timer registreret i alt (27.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Right now the game takes much longer to do things vs. the first Planet Coaster; if you are trying to build a theme park with custom buildings and realism, you'll find it takes sometimes 5 times as long to do something like build a simple bathroom. The game and menus are not user friendly on a computer.

Some examples:
When building pathways or queues, it's extremely hard to edit an existing pathway or queue, the right click is no longer deleting a path for you that you can then quickly right click to re-shape; it is all taking extra steps now, switching multiple menus, and re-building. A simple two-click, two-second process before can take minutes now instead.
When using building pieces, it was nice to quickly find the object elsewhere in my park (Say, a wall lamp) and add that to another building. I don't think this is possible any more, you'll need to find every piece in the menu, every time. A 5-second process turns into a minute-long process. Every part of the game stems from these issues.
In just 30-minutes of playing you'll find yourself frustrated with how long things take if you are trying for realism.

I was hoping this would be a game that was similar to an RCT1 to RCT2-like modification, where everything is familiar and issues that were brought up were fixed (like paths, or the massive ride footprints that don't need to be so big), and then rides were added/evolved, but unfortunately its like an RCT3-like advancement, which may make a lot of people upset if you enjoyed the earlier versions of RCT more.

This game is for people who want to quickly plop down some pathways and make some roller coasters. It's not what a sim-game/builder-game player wants in a game. I will continue to use Planet Coaster 1 for now and do not recommend this game, I'm upset I purchased it.
Skrevet: 7. november 2024. Sidst redigeret: 12. november 2024.
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