Romans Pokrovskis   Latvia
Why I do what I do:
I envision the world where technology and automation have given us freedom from tedious tasks and everyone can focus on what really matters most to them. My personal goal is to remove obstacles so that together we can move the world forward.

How I do it:
I focus on automating tedious and repetitive tasks Identify the best tools for the job and creating integrations between the tools Make solutions to the problems reusable and standardized. Approach problems modularly and find the best tool to solve each smaller problem. Never stop learning to be aware of all the tools and best approaches to apply in the future.

What I do:
I write software, implement build/deploy and test automation pipelines Facilitate the knowledge and tools sharing among stakeholders by setting up wikis, demos and user groups. Create UI Mockups to better visualise the end products and gather valuable feedback early on. Attend and present in developer forums to gain and spread the knowledge amongst peers.

I have a blog at Amoenus Blog []
where I try to post as frequently as I can (crossposting to . Everything I post is tech related and about things I find interesting to explain or to make others know about it.

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365 изиграни часа
последно пускане 21 март
262 изиграни часа
последно пускане 21 март
323 изиграни часа
последно пускане 21 март
PvtDGrif 7 апр. 2016 в 13:08 
yeah that was ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Amoenus 7 апр. 2016 в 12:15 
@PvtDGrif your post always reminds me how (un)lucky I was on Play.Expo being just one ticket away from getting Oculus Rift DK1. :steamsalty:
PvtDGrif 13 окт. 2014 в 11:50 
The lady from the oculus fps gave me the wrong email address... We need to send to [email protected] with NON WINNER as the title. We sent to .com rather than