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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
69.9 год. загалом (58.4 год на момент рецензування)
Started playing the game immediately after finishing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. You can immediately tell that it adopts the base ideas of the classic Paper Mario games while also improving on them.

The three main characters and the world of Bug Fables are very charming. Most importantly, traversal, for the most part, does not feel like a drag, especially later on in the game when you can sprint and when you gain an item that lets you fast travel back to the Ant Kingdom. In Chapter 2, I started playing in Hard Mode by equipping a medal you can get at the very beginning and had a good time. It also incentivised me to do a lot of side quests along the way and they ended up being fun and not at all boring for me.

There's only a few things I do have issues with in Bug Fables:

The game's obsession with urging you to make a build that asks you to intentionally poison one of your party members felt really backwards. All in all, it took quite a while for the game to really give you attack increasing options that didn't in some way have trade-offs, which made the gameplay progression feel extremely slow for a long time until you suddenly had access to some really amazing stuff.

Some puzzle concepts got rather annoying for me real quick. Especially those where you had to push ice blocks with Kabbu, since that process is unnecessarily bothersome.

Platforming was also a little janky but not that great of an issue.
Додано 19 листопада 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 20 листопада 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
7.6 год. загалом
I think this game's lovely.

In the time I've played the game so far, I cleared the Arcade mode on Expert and the Expert Boss Rush. The Expert difficulty is the highest in the game and considers itself to be Normal Arcade difficulty.

Jet Buster definitely contains quite a few bosses with fast paced patterns. However, getting an Expert 1cc is not that hard since the game throws a lot of score extends at you which are easy to obtain. The scoring system is seemingly quite simple too. If there's more nuance to it, I'm not aware of it, since I haven't played for score so far.

I got my main enjoyment out of the Expert Boss Rush where you do not get extends and need to fight all bosses back to back. Clearing this without Continues is a lot more demanding in comparison.

The game contains good visual QoL features, like being able to reduce brightness of the background and wallpaper or changing the color of various enemy bullet types.

My only complaint about this game is how some characters are much weaker than others.
Додано 8 жовтня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 жовтня 2023 р..
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327.0 год. загалом (254.3 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
There've been a lot of changes throughout the time frame in which I've been playing this game so far. Personally, I enjoy the game a lot and I'm also satisfied with the new content which has been added recently.
Додано 27 серпня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 21 вересня 2024 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
9.7 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
A game with bullet hell patterns that doesn't play like a shooting game. Instead of being able to freely move your character, your character just moves in a circle continuously. Your way of dodging incoming fire is by changing the character's direction with a button press. You can also slow down time, slow down your own movement speed, slash nearby enemies or aim and fire at them. But dodging by changing direction is your primary focus. This control scheme will seem awkward at first but it does not take long to get used to it.

The game warns you that it's designed to be frustrating. I personally didn't find it frustrating at all, mostly because there is no real punishment for getting hit. Every chapter has a lot of checkpoints and the only penalty for getting hit (that I'm aware of) is your score multiplier getting reduced and having to restart from that very recent checkpoint.

As far as I can tell, all patterns (or at least the overwhelming majority) are static. So, your job on every pattern is to learn and figure out a path, then figure out how to guide your character along that path. If you go for score, you'll want to have them all memorized to increase your score multiplier.

I thought a lot of the patterns were pretty well designed. The ones that bothered me were the ones where you had to deal with singular bullets rather than lines of bullets because it was really difficult to discern a way to dodge them with the control scheme you're given.

However, I'm not kidding when I say that a chapter has a lot of checkpoints. It was a bit too many for my taste at times for a single chapter. Especially if I was having trouble learning a few of the patterns, it would take quite a while to get through it. Luckily, you can quit out of a chapter and continue it later.

At the time of writing, the game has two difficulty modes. Spoiler alert: Easy mode isn't real and instead opens up a message telling you to be more confident and to pick a higher difficulty instead (very based!). A third difficulty which is harder is said to be added in the future. I'm mildly worried how hard it will be because the higher difficulty that already exists is already pretty difficult at times, even when you know what to do.

Silly side note but I actually find it worth mentioning: I enjoy the fun and enthusiastic vibes I get from the dev team in the interactions I'm seeing. Occasionally, you can even see silly pictures of them briefly pop up during a Game Over.
Додано 15 жовтня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 26
6.9 год. загалом (6.6 год на момент рецензування)
This game has been bothering me for a while so I decided I should just recommend against it and I'll try to keep it short and simple.

First of all, the obvious: Just like with Raging Blasters, a graphically upgraded version of this game will be released on the Nintendo Switch. The Steam version does not benefit from this upgrade, so that in itself is already enough reason to at least not recommend purchasing the Steam version.

For survival play, Moon Dancer would be considered pretty easy by STG standards, with some additional enemies being added on higher difficulties, among other more minor changes.

The score play of Arcade mode is where my main complaints come from. It's simply neither fun nor truly rewarding in terms of the amount of points you get. You can even see on the online leaderboard just how little difference there is between all the clear scores.

In order to increase and maintain your chain you have to continuously hit enemies with your lock-on lasers before the meter depletes (which happens very, very quickly). It can be quite risky as it will require you to be close to enemies to even activate the lock-on. The problem with this is that there is barely any pay-off for this system. The chain multiplies the amount of points you get from defeated enemies but only very, VERY slightly.

You also accumulate crystals which you collect during the course of the stage. These only give you points at the end of stage bonus. If you die you get set back to your most recent checkpoint with the amount of score you had at that point but your crystal count gets reset to 0. And the points you lose due to the crystal counter being reset is higher than the meager amount of points you may get through chaining.

Ultimately, the chaining system is simply the very last thing you should be bothering with and not before you've already mastered the game. Combine this with the fact that there also is no Practice mode with which you could properly practice later stages and you're simply left with the arcade mode not feeling like it's worth bothering to score.

However, if you're a score player the Caravan mode should absolutely appeal to you as it requires you to speed kill enemies for more waves rather than just use the aforementioned chaining system.
Додано 30 вересня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 12 листопада 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 9
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14.5 год. загалом
The sprites and music are what you see and hear in the trailer. Not very good imo but still passable perhaps.

However, the stage design is very plain.
Certain enemy types get reused extremely often throughout all stages and their bullet patterns are rather generic.
There's no proper flow throughout most of the stages. Instead, most stage gameplay consists of waves of enemies that appear in specified intervals. However, the intervals are often so great that destroying all enemies of one wave immediately may result in a lot of downtime until the next wave appears, rather than spawning additional enemies. I understand that that's most likely designed around forcing you to keep certain waves alive longer so the chain doesn't break but I'm sure that could've been solved much better. Ultimately, I did not enjoy trying to memorize this game as most of it isn't very memorable.

The characters are not well balanced. Winter (the woman) is rather underpowered while Summer (the man) is very overpowered. The leaderboard does not seem to have a filter for characters.

On the positive side, the game has a practice mode, a story mode with tutorials and an instant restart feature.
Додано 17 травня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 18 травня 2022 р..
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67.5 год. загалом (63.4 год на момент рецензування)
After finally replaying Outlast 2 once again, I can't help but say that I just don't like the game. It's technically superior to Outlast 1 but that's about it. The gameplay and story are all over the place.

Without going into too much detail, the main protagonist and all the other characters/hostiles are frequently subjected to some sort of light that causes flashbacks and changes the way the world is percieved over time. The main story is constantly interrupted by flashback sequences to a traumatic past that are only related to the current events by the fact that religion was involved in some way. Once these sequences end, the character is in a new location while the player has no idea how he ended up there.

It may have been acceptable if this happened less frequently but the real issue I have is this: The light itself is an integral part of the story but it stays completely unaddressed apart from one hidden document. The most important part about the area the game plays in remains unresolved and basically gets ignored. And all the other events that occur during the course of the game basically felt like it simply went through a checklist of religious horror rather than coherent story-telling.

The last update of the game removed at least 3 chase sequences of the game, leaving entire areas without purpose that were solely designed to be run through while being pursued. I simply do not understand what possible reasoning could have been behind these changes.

The few sections that revolve around more than just running also feel like they weren't thought through well. Using the hiding mechanic (lockers/beds) is almost always simply a waste of time unless required.

That said, I hope Red Barrel's next game will regain my interest in the Outlast series. I'd love to see it resurface again.
Додано 11 квітня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 12 квітня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 10
288.6 год. загалом (153.5 год на момент рецензування)
My initial experience with Jamestown was a bit rough. The greatest issue of the game is that most of its wide variety of ships are not viable for solo play on higher difficulties.
The wide aspect ratio for a vertically scrolling game puts most ships at a great disadvantage as they simply can not take out enough enemies before being overwhelmed and move too slowly.
However, there is one ship that is fun, fast and viable for everything in this game: The Treason ship.
Thanks to that ship, I have spent a lot of time during the last year grinding the highest difficulty and came to truly appreciate all the hard work put into Jamestown and Jamestown+.

A lot of detail is put into the stage design as each stage has a completely unique set of enemies and boss.
Some of these enemies are worth more points and drop more items if special requirements are fulfilled while destroying them.
The gorgeous art and music strongly contribute to all the flavor.

The game was designed around being played in co-op. It doesn't offer online play but if you get the chance to play locally with friends, you're in for a good time.
Co-op gameplay requires you to watch out for your allies. Either by protecting them with your Vaunt or collecting revival items to revive fallen players.
Enemies have more health depending on the player count and if you're the only player left, the stakes can get very high. It's a very fun dynamic.

The scoring system is simple but engaging: Maintain your Vaunt for as long as you can by continuously collecting items and fulfil the special requirements of enemies.
If you play co-op: Have every other member activate their Vaunt to increase the multiplier as your Vaunt runs out and cash in on a lot of score.
You can cancel a Vaunt manually for invincibility frames but it will half the Vaunt bonus.

Sadly, it seems that Final Form is not operating actively anymore under that name and the members have moved on to other work. As a result, this game does not actually appear to be supported right now either.
If you wish to learn more about the details of the game, I am currently working on this page: https://shmups.wiki/library/Jamestown
Додано 13 січня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
8.2 год. загалом (5.9 год на момент рецензування)
This game is a vast improvement on the original game. The original became bland really quickly while this one adds a bullet cancelling mechanic and therefore more dense patterns too while keeping the soul drain mechanic from the original. Survival and scoring are more interesting and fun now. It also seems like the last second kill bonus for bosses was removed which I strongly prefer.

My only really big issue is that there are a few bullet sprites that are way too tiny.
Додано 5 грудня 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
5.3 год. загалом
This game is very charming and I enjoyed it a lot for its presentation and most of its stages and bosses. However, it comes with issues that do make it an acquired taste:

- Dying resets your power completely. It's often very possible to recover as the game isn't too difficult otherwise but it can be frustrating in some sections and especially when getting into the game.
- The pause button is P. I thought I simply couldn't pause until somebody told me that.
- There's no real practice mode. You can skip to a stage you've reached already but you'll start with minimum power.
- Stage 6 is a boss rush of all the previous bosses. It's purely just padding out the game loop.
- The snow stage often causes the game's framerate to go down from 60fps to 30fps. This doesn't slow down the game but it can be irritating. Luckily, the affected section doesn't require any precision.
- Bosses do not time out which is why there's an infinite in the game. This greatly discouraged me from caring about scoring.
-Sound effects can be played multiple times within the same frame and can end up being very loud as a result.

Unfortunately, I doubt the game will get updated or patched but one thing I'd really like is if there was a harder difficulty than Normal as well. There's only an easier one.
Додано 16 листопада 2021 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 17 листопада 2021 р..
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