Alistair   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Rust - Use F7 to report cheaters.

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I'm somewhat of a scientist myself
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.esc // My sister has a damn big преди 1 час 
Was I banned by EAC
even though I wasn't cheating?
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Rust steam support now just ignores my messages. Face punch has a great support team.
I sent a second request, and it just merged with the first one, and then that's it, there's no response, which means they read it and just ignored it.
I like it because I've been panicking for the last 5 days, realizing that the game I love and have spent countless hours on is something I can't play at all anymore. Not only that, I am often accused of being a cheater, which I completely despise.
My friends will see my account and see that I've been banned from the game, and they'll call me a pig who cheats, and I won't even be able to defend myself.

Ava 5 март в 14:29 
I was banned without any explanation, and I'm unsure why. Could you please help me understand the reason behind my ban?
Holy 1 март в 13:45 
I got banned by EAC
when i didn't even cheat?
and there's nothing I can do about it.
Rust support steam just ignores my messages now. Lovely support team face punch has.
Made a second ticket and it just get merged into the first and then that's it no response which mean they read it and just ignored it.

I love it cus I'm panicking in the last 2 day realising the game I love and spent countless hrs on ,is something I cant even play anymore at all. Not only that I'm pretty much accused of being a cheater which I completely despise and now i considered one of them.
My friends are gonna see my account and see my game ban and im gonna be called out as a pig who cheats and i cant even defend my self.


GREAT GAME THO 9/10 - but cheaters ruin it which is me apparently.

kaiesp 22 февр. в 6:52 
optimization pls
RASCAL 17 февр. в 7:08 
add ninja suit to shop
DDD 15 февр. в 23:32 
Thanks in advance btw.