On the lam from the ICC in   Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
“No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD." Deuteronomy 23:1
:VBCOOL: Feel free to leave a hateful comment because I offended you or killed you in Hunt :VBCOOL:
OS: Dell
CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 7.8336 MHz
Display: RCA E13320 13" Color TV with Front A/V Jacks
SSD: Intel SSDPEWKX153T8 D7-P4510 EDSFF E1.L PCIE3.1X4 TLC 9.5MM 15.36TB 1DWPD
MOTHERBOARD: Hitachi 68HC000
Power Supply: 4.2 TWh dell
Case: N/A
HD: big one
Headset: Jabra Evolve2 75
Mouse: Kensington Orbit Trackball Mouse with Scroll Ring
Mouse Pad: Human Fetus Mouse Pad [www.zazzle.com]
Keyboard: Chinese Drum Keyboard [archive.google.com]
Artwork Showcase
Me, Fresco, Metal, & Flapp at the character selection camera location
Screenshot Showcase
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
1 4
Obese Delinquent 17 Dec, 2024 @ 2:17am 
I remember when we were on Bourbon street at the Royal Bordello, Cardi B "wap" was playing (our favorite song), he looked me in the eyes as he leaned in to taste my red lipstick. I still think of the baby you gave me that night.
deseret 13 Sep, 2024 @ 8:39pm 
Do u have any more pic tures of the Witcher 3

Prefably naked
Ϊëzüsz Krïstüsz 15 Apr, 2024 @ 2:42pm 
Hemorrhoidal Thunder Munt 16 Mar, 2024 @ 11:19am 
Tom. You found dad 😭 THANK YOU so, so much 😭🙏 I’m in Jakarta right now and when I saw this was published about an hour ago, I had to cancel dinner plans. I have that weird stinging in my sinuses haha - where it feels like tears are incoming, but they just won’t come… it’s just sheer excitement for when I’ll be in Taiwan with time to rent a motorcycle to stand right where my father stood. It doesn’t bother me that the mountain is concealed - to be able to just stand where dad stood well before I was even born is so much more than I could’ve ever imagined possible. THANK YOU 🙏
SpottySlim 28 Jan, 2024 @ 7:01pm 
Hey Mate, thanks I appreciate it. Although, I don't know which review in particular, there's many.
yeah i knew this was happening 27 Aug, 2023 @ 11:26am 
I found some condoms in my parents room and I wanted a no mess fap so I kinda went for it. I was really in the moment when I heard my mom's car pull up. So I just tried to finish as fast as possible. I finished in the condom, it was pretty great, but before I could get rid of it my mom knocked on the door, which scared the ♥♥♥♥ out of me because I thought she somehow knew about, so I panicked and threw it in her gym bag and quickly opened the door to her. a few hours later I heard my mom sobbing and screaming at my dad over the phone, and me and my brother have to stay at my aunts house now. She thinks my dad is cheating or something and I fear that they may be getting a divorce or something. The whole thing is so messed up and it kinda turns me on, but that's probably just the condoms I used lol. What should I do? I'm so scared and embarrassed at the same time.