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Info special 4 you :3
:lightningdream:!level [your dream level] - calculate how many sets and how many keys it'll cost to desired level
:lightningdream:!check - how many sets the bot have available and how much you can craft
:lightningdream:!check [amount] - how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys
:lightningdream:!checktf [amount] - how many sets and which level you would reach for a specific amount of keys
:lightningdream:!checkgems [amount] - how many sets and level you would reach for a specific amount of gems

:lightningdream:!buy [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets you dont have
:lightningdream:!buytf [amount of Tf keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets you dont have
:lightningdream:!buygems [amount of sets] - use to buy that amount of sets for gems
:lightningdream:!buyany [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for any sets

:lightningdream:!buyone [amount of CS:GO keys] - BOT will send only one set of each game.
:lightningdream:!buyonetf [amount of Tf keys] - BOT will send only one set of each game
:lightningdream:!buyonegems [amount of sets] - BOT will send only one set of each game

:lightningdream:!sellcheck - show information about the set(s) you can sell
:lightningdream:!sell [amount of CS:GO keys] - sell your sets for CS:GO Key(s)
:lightningdream:!sellgems [amount of sets] - sell your sets for gems
:lightningdream:!selltf [amount of Tf keys] - sell your sets for Tf Key(s)

:lightningdream:!stats - show current bot amount of currencies
:lightningdream:!prices - to see our prices
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Steam Universe - Openbare groep
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0,9 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 25 jul 2019
Prestatievoortgang   0 van de 1
5,6 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 28 jun 2019
Prestatievoortgang   0 van de 12
0 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 28 jun 2019