Accepting fan mail
im_Uncreative 15 dic 2023, ore 14:55 
This absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Chad pretends to be an Ultramarines fan, but deep down he's actually a Star Dragons fan.
Ram Ranch 10 nov 2022, ore 18:45 
if i kill myself will u do me the honor of being my sole pallbearer?
Ram Ranch 1 nov 2022, ore 19:08 
love u boo
2 nutz 1 sack 21 mag 2022, ore 16:13 
can confirm: 100% a gamer and a teamer
TimmyTheWho 4 mar 2022, ore 15:53 
Orange Cat 11 mag 2021, ore 16:28 
Carried my rank 20 to red ranks