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4,4 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 13 жовт. 2023
16,6 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 13 жовт. 2023
4,5 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 13 жовт. 2023
栗子 🅽🅴🅺🅾 21 берез. о 8:46 
Nightmareです 20 берез. о 14:45 
Hello, you guys might wondering why this account aren't online for so long

So i have a message for you all the dearest friend list and visitor on this account profile who may look into this account profile and doesn't speak Bahasa. The person who own this Steam account had already passed away since October 2023. It's been a year since and we might miss the very person. I hope you all pray for him for the afterlife. God bless you all.

Rest in peace, ARAK / ARQ632
栗子 🅽🅴🅺🅾 2 січ. о 6:33 
栗子 🅽🅴🅺🅾 2 січ. о 6:32 
𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒸𝑜𝓁𝒶🌸 28 жовт. 2024 о 0:29 
:turkish: Günaydın güzel insaanlaar
:ab_englishflag: Good morning beautiful people
:RUflagRU: Доброе утро, красивые люди
:RUflagRU: Dobroye utro, krasivyye lyudiii
:JapanFlag: おはようございます美しい人たち
:JapanFlag: Ohayo gozaimasu utsukushi hito tachii
:GERMANYflag: Guten Morgen, ihr lieben Leutee
:FRANCEflag: Bonjour belles personnees
:ITALYflag: Buongiorno bella gentee
:Brazil_Flag: Bom dia gente lindaa

yope 9 жовт. 2024 о 4:52 
Ntah kenapa walaupun gak kenal bgt, tapi ane kangen bang :'(