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147 Stunden gespielt
Brothers and sisters, The Update is coming. With every passing day my visions grow stronger: An open beta. A better F2P grind. And a PR team that whispers 'Prepare for better advertising.' Prepare. Such a simple word that does no justice to the Long Haul that lies before us... We must be heralds; walking testimonies to the brilliance of The Game. Spreading the word of The Update's glorious arrival, no matter if that message is received with joy or scorn. We must be architects; building not just another balance change for those who believe what I have seen, but an entire rework that is worthy of The Update's splendor. We must be zealots; willing to lay down our wallets in defense of this sacred game, because rest assured we are at war. Hearthstone and its deceptive cash grab business model will stop at nothing to undo the work that we've accomplished, and that is why we must return in kind. -GabeN, Priest of the Volvo
Kürzliche Aktivitäten
10,2 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 25. Aug. 2021
Errungenschaften   27 von 121
1 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 10. Aug. 2021
5,1 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 10. Aug. 2021
Errungenschaften   23 von 34