Dr. Mr. Lord Ebeneezer Swaggot Esq. III Jr.   United States

Aye, I mean ya', heretic...

Are ye havin' yersaelf a crisis of faith?
:LitBrazier: Burnin' yer wee lil hands waeldin' those blasphemin' pyromancy flames?
:LitBrazier: Tirin' o' bein' shower't in cascades of soul magickes?
:LitBrazier: Too damn good to be fight'n withe a sword, are ye?

Allow y'erself to listen, heed these words long forgotte...

Aye, come hither... Lend an ear so my words be a boon to ye...

The secret be...
...:agathacross: PURE FAITH :agathacross: ...

Now don't tarry, laddies, go'er thither or you'll be flagellated if ye can't PVP with LIGHTNING SPEARS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!

Now, show the entire world wot it means to be nothin' but a ♥♥♥♥♥♥' lightnin' stake spamming ♥♥♥♥♥ boi!
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