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18.0 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)


I'm not usually a big rougelike kinda guy but this game is everything I always wanted from a game, simple mechanics with an ever increasing difficulty. Its fun to just go in casually and blast a couple pieces just for the laughs, its fun to lose, I usually rage pretty hard at rougelikes where it feels like half your time is spent on the gameover screen but this game is different, its fun to lose knowing that you learnt something new, a new strategy a new mechanic you once over looked, maybe a card matchup that could help you clutch up those super difficult situations. Admittedly I spent a disgusting amount of time thinking some games out. It is fun to tryhard and put some serious thought into every move. A reason I think this game wins over my heart is because unlike other action rougelikes it doesn't rely on dexterity or hand eye coordination or any remarkable skill. The game is entirely reliant on making solid decisions, thinking forward and a taking probability into consideration. All key aspects of normal chess.
Which is why I think this game is
Posted 18 May, 2022.
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1,638.1 hrs on record (999.3 hrs at review time)
Games kinda trash don't buy it.

Oh wait... its free
Posted 26 June, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
I enjoyed the little time I put into this game however it didn't feel worth while, it just feels like an older and unrefined version of Crusader Kings II and Europa Universalis IV. There exists mods for both games I referred to that incoporate everything in this game with the mechanics of evither CKII or EUIV.

Not the best but still a cheap alternative to the other paradox games.
Posted 25 December, 2019.
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1.7 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Good fun, nice short way to kill time
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
229.3 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Too much to say but to sum it up

This is the incest simulator.

Legit Warning though this game could ♥♥♥♥ you up to a point where saying oh ok I have to imprison and rape my sister now, and be totally fine with it.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
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1.3 hrs on record
Fun small game for a very low price, good laughs and good goofs,

a little diffucult if you are a weakling like me but if you have half the brain capacity of a normal human description this should be very easy, it only took me an hour but should take some less or if you are actually somehow dumber than myself than buckle up kid get some popcorn get some pepsi (other brands are available) and get ready for a long game of kicking a ball like a true Gopnik. Not only is this game fun just to play bu its fun to collect the achievments and mess around with the world, like constantly kicking the ball into the drunks face, or kicking the ball straight at the window or even my favourite, trying to hit the windmill (not sure if possible).

Fun short game with a very low price, I give a good 6/10 not great and definitly not going to get an awards soon but still fun for an hour and bit.
Posted 25 April, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
This is a good Dlc that adds a nice amount of things for a moderate price,my only hate with this mod is that it is diffucult for new players to understand,but apart from that the Dlc allows the player to play Democracy 3 in a completly new way with a more extreme society,this mod is very fun to mess around with but the results can also be very enjoyable when you do it right.
Posted 21 February, 2018.
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1.4 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
This is a weird one not really explainable in a couple of words,its one of those achievment boosting games that make you look cool but you really didn't do much.Yeah the gameplay is sort of fun for a while,it has an addictive rush and somehow this game frustrates you but apart from that its not that good,It sounded cool but turned out weirder than I thought,the game isn't even that responsive to some of the symbols like the ^ symbol.Only get this game if you either just want heaps of achievments for whatever reason or if you got a 90% off coupon for this game and really don't care about wasting 40 cents or whatever amount it costed me.Generally a game I thought was painful even for the first 2 minutes is a game that should not exist.

I rate this a solid 3/1000

Good meme
Posted 1 October, 2017.
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1 person found this review funny
534.7 hrs on record (308.6 hrs at review time)
I wrote a review for this game a couple years back when I had little less than 50 hours in the game. I deleted that last one because a friend brought it up stating that I needed to improve it since I now have more than 5 times the time played at 300 hours. So I went back and read it and as I began reading I realised all the flaws in that review, firstly was how little I knew about that game and how much of a messy review it was, secondly was the stupid length to information ratio and thirdly how generally unhelpful it was.

To get straight to the point I refer to this game as an ex-wife that you share kids with and have an unsettled alimony case. Somehow you found love within the game and played it everyday and eventually you loved it so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ much you get married to it, spending everyday with it and then soon enough you have a god given responsibility to it. You soon realize that its not as great as you first remember, long passionate nights screaming because in BR 3.5 and your being matched against smartasses who want kills and idiots who just want to ram every plane flying in their near proximity! The love and passion you felt for this game fades, soon you just show up because you have a responsibility to. 26 more days until day 100 reward, 17 more day until day 300 reward!

Lets put the memes aside for a minute and answer some quick questions

-Whats the game about?
You fight players in tanks and planes starting from the interwar period going all the way to late cold war planes and possibly further with up coming patches.

-Is the game hard and should my pooppoo nooby boi self not play?
No the game is actually quite sheltering to new players and gives a lot of helpful advice and tutorials for the player to learn and perfect the game, however the game does have quite a steep learning curve and can be tricky to master certain vehicles at certain BR (battle rating)

-How is the best way to enjoy the game?
There are two ways I've personally found are the most fun way to play, one is just playing the game on a once per day basis where you just play one game a day and try your best like a pu55y ♥♥♥♥♥ try hard or just have plane memes with firends.

-Does the game have in game purchase and is it super coporate bs that tries to milk the working class?
Yes but Its actually not too bad, personally I've spent a littler amount on the in game purchases but you could easily play and enjoy the game without putting your neck into the capatalist yoke! The only reason I spent money on eagles ways to get some quicker reasearch and extra lions just to boost you through the tech tree.

-Is the game fun?
Ofcourse not!
Why the ♥♥♥♥ do you think I spent 300+ hours playing this wenkstain of a game if i didn't enjoy it, because I'm addicted and don't have sex, yes that my friend is exactly why. The game is fun but be prepared for annouyingly painful learning curve, unfair and generally unbalanced BR and a community that has such a beutiful mix of european try hards and casual memer cuks lookin for a hot raming of their own teammates!

-Should you download this free game?
Yes it's free and belongs on every idiots steam library even if they like it or not!
Remember if I catch one of you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a steam library without WT I will turn your corpse into my land gears and purposefully never use them!

I can easily rate this game a 9/10 and a 4/20 with mates
have fun shltIords!
Posted 2 September, 2017. Last edited 12 October, 2019.
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5.1 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is nice and fun and worth the download since its a free game but it has its problems

1 You stop caring about the resources you've been collecting for the last few hours

2 Its fun charmgets lost after 3-4 hours and it feels more like ajob then a game

3 Honestly most games will try and make you want to click more but this games hook was its humor and after the humor was gone it felt boring

4 The game allways had you needing specific resources but as i said in my first point you stop caring and just get bored

So I uninsatlled the game becuase honestly even jumping on every now and then feels very annoying and painful just to play the slow and time consuming drag, and if you actually try to play the game with more brian power you just feel very bored, (starring at numbers is very boring and generally only intrest some people and evn thy like some fun in there numbers)

In conclusion Is it worth the download? yes will it be a fun use of time? yes Is it a great clicker? yes but only for the first hour or so I now rate this a

7/10 on the first few hours but after it drops to a 3/10
Posted 19 January, 2017. Last edited 6 April, 2017.
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