afn   Brazil
''I had a dream last night - a vision
I saw a world full of people
Everybody was dancin' and screamin' loud
They were just there to listen to the music
Some even had their eyes closed
Everybody was just smilin'

It was deep
It was underground
It was magical
It was a happy place
Celebrating music!
Celebrating life!
Men and women - free - without a worry

Then, when I woke up, I realized
I wanna BE in that moment
The very essence of my existence is looking for that emotion
And when the weekend comes
I live for that energy''

總時數 3,640 小時
最後執行於 3 月 23 日
總時數 1 小時
最後執行於 3 月 13 日
總時數 0.4 小時
最後執行於 3 月 10 日
Carry 2 月 23 日 下午 6:40 
Joga muito mano, infelizmente nessa partida acabei pesando dms, mas joga pra caralho. Boa semana para você.
Pernas_KZ 2021 年 4 月 5 日 上午 5:48 
Tmj man!!!
Vlw pelo carinho S2

Singed by Luisão que te come e te abandona
ZKS 2021 年 4 月 5 日 上午 5:45 
Tmj man!!!
Vlw pelo carinho S2

Singed by LgM
Fejao meu ... na sua mao 2021 年 4 月 5 日 上午 5:45 
Tmj man!!!
Vlw pelo carinho S2

Singed by Rafas
Acabou-se um ciclo 2021 年 4 月 1 日 上午 11:42 
Tmj man!!!
Vlw pelo carinho S2

Singed by Nicoo