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126.7 hrs on record (117.0 hrs at review time)
Good game but not as good as the first version of the game due to some new added stuff and some of the new zombies are just stupid. Its fun to play but will not hold you like the Dead Island 1 will.

Posted 30 October, 2014.
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138.3 hrs on record (125.4 hrs at review time)
I was always a huge fan of the Civ games and when Civ5 came out I was all over it, drooling on the counter in my local game stop and almost ran home. Any that's where my happiness with Civ5 ended because I found I could not save my Off-Line game. So after some time of hunting the web for a fix and not finding one that would work for me I un-instaled with the intention of waiting for a patch.
Well after a year I reinstalled and the Base game now saved but then I bought the DLC and the issue has returned.

What can I say about a game I loved? I can say dont by the DLC and expect it to work maybe some will but not all of it or maybe I just did not find the fix (and I tried all the ones I could find).

I recomend the Base Game alone! but not the DLC
Bye DLC at your own risk!
Posted 30 October, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
400.2 hrs on record (398.1 hrs at review time)
More of the same from Bethesda in the form of a world after a nuclear fallout as the name suggests. In many respects it improves on its Fallout 3 predecessor with the addition of things like a Hard core mode and other features but then fails in other areas like the in-games radio, no 3-Dog :(, a smaller map and not enough side quests.

To me it was not really worth the Release Day Price despite me having a spent a lot of time in the game and always enjoying it, but with all that said it is worth the reduced price you can now get it for on steam 6/10
Posted 30 October, 2014.
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537.0 hrs on record (530.8 hrs at review time)
This game will get mixed reviews depending on who you ask, including me!
Although I had a lot of fun playing this game both Solo, with Randoms and with friends it does have its problems that im not going into as you can Google them but despite it issues I personalty clocked up 516 hours of game play. So to me its well worth the money also has DLC but the Ryder White Campaign is a Single player mission but still fun.
Posted 30 October, 2014.
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1,014.6 hrs on record (1,010.0 hrs at review time)
Skyrim, the 5th Installment of the Elder Scrolls Series, Set in the same world as Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion it is graphically the Jewel in the crown for Bethesda. Using a new version of the engine they used for Fallout3 it really does show off what this engine can handle although a lot of player would like to see a new one used.

This is a awesome game and not one to be missed by either Hack and Slash fans or fans of TES in general. Well worth the money and has 3 DLC's and a huge modder following to extend its playability.
Posted 30 October, 2014. Last edited 30 October, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
2,079.0 hrs on record (2,004.4 hrs at review time)
Following on from the success of the hit zombie game Left4Dead 1 this was destined to be another smash for Valve. It is more of the same zombie killing except with new maps, New Special Zombies and even more and new weapons. Over all a great game.

Some things are not what I would have wanted ie.Hunter controls/physics etc but I will still give
it a 8/10...oh! and with more great game mode for you to challenge your self with your friends on.
Posted 30 October, 2014. Last edited 30 October, 2014.
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7.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Awesome team game for wasting a whole bunch of hours and not knowing until it morning and the sun is rising.
With a decent cast of characters to opt to play with and collectables (Hats) the Devs also make seasonable fun maps and events, servers are often full so there is no shortage of people to play with.
Posted 30 October, 2014.
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2,256.8 hrs on record (2,255.1 hrs at review time)
Simply one of the best games of the past 10 years for fun and value for money, If you like Zombies and shooting them with mates then this is for you as well as being a real challenge at time (settings dependent).

Play either Solo or as a 4 person team as well as a versus mode plus there are still server groups with upto 10 players coop and 8v8 versus to extend the playability even more.
Posted 30 October, 2014.
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11 people found this review helpful
39.9 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
If you are a lover of either Hunting with weapons from LongBow to Bolt Action Scoped Rifle and from CrossBow to Shotguns to Scoped Magnum Pistols or maybe you Just like to have a good walk with some thing to do with out spoiling it by knocking golf ballss about then this mybe be the game for you.

It not only looks beautifull it plays the way you would want it too and with some many creature to hunt with more being added.
A Must Play for Hunt Fans 8/10
Posted 25 June, 2014.
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26.6 hrs on record
A great game with so many cars to unlock and races to use them in and throw in the fair range of colour combinations to choose from at the body shop with solo player mode and online mode with up to 8 other players for £9.99 you cant go wrong if you like high speed racing and driffting if you buy this. Plus there are DLC's I have not checked yet, I have read the DLC's are now considered "Abandon ware" so you maybe be able to pick them up for free (but take care where you dl'd them from!) maybe better to buy them :)

My Bad there is no DLC...Maybe they are unlocks idk

Ps. There are bikes too and they are........sooooooooo fast :O
Posted 2 February, 2014. Last edited 2 February, 2014.
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