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Скорошни рецензии на Mr Zombie •̪̀

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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1,029.8 изиграни часа (1,026.3 часа по време на рецензията)
lot of fun and loads of character, they have milked the DLC marked to hell but all in all an awesome game for sure.
Публикувана 27 януари 2014.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
7.6 изиграни часа
Awesome Game....Nuff Said!
Публикувана 7 декември 2013.
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8.0 изиграни часа (7.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Although this game is still in Beta and has all the bugs, issues and problems that come with that and are expected of a Beta game that is in Early Access (or Open Beta, call it what you will) its a very nice game with a lot of potental.

I cant help but feel that once the bugs are sorted out and it's finishing touchies are made and added, like playing in 1080p not 720p and the keyboard option is pached in it could be "One Of" the best SandBox Zombie Servival Games of the year.

Although it has problems right now, its still worth the £14.00 i paid as it looks fun in coop but not so much in single player, if it was first person i think i would like it a lot more.
Публикувана 26 септември 2013.
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0.3 изиграни часа
Asuming you like platform games and awkward controls then this will be fun, the aspect of it being multi-players is a really nice idea, love that the graphics remind me of old commador 64 and it works in a oddly cool way 6/10
Публикувана 12 септември 2013.
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1.5 изиграни часа
I borght this on the basis that other people said the previous resident evil games are good and that this one would be too.
Well, may be it is good is like having next to no control over your character, a charcter that has a aiming set up that is desined to make you fail, a character that is so close to the players view point at times that you cant see, not to mention the nasty view angle and then if you couple that with a the game resrticting you in so many ways from the option to view your environment to having to let zombies that start upto 15ft away walk upto you before you can shoot or react to them.

I dont know about other players but I feel I have just wasted money on this and if this is normal then I not be buying the next Resident Evil or any other, for me this game is fail.

Maybe if i was willing to spend more time suffering and putting up with the way this game works I would maybe get used to it but im not going to if I have to suffer to play it then the developer have missed the point of playing as I feel i should be able to enjoy the game from the start not from half way through.

I give this game the following points -
8/10 for Graphics, the world looks awesome
7/10 for Sound Track (what I did hear of it seamed good)
3/10 for control of character, it so badly set up
?/10 for story, not a clue because I could not play it long enough to enjoy or to
get to know the story with out wanting to smashing up my PC.
7/10 Rage Factor

Hope you enjoy this crap way more than I do!!!
Публикувана 26 април 2013. Последно редактирана 30 октомври 2014.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
189.4 изиграни часа (186.2 часа по време на рецензията)
If you are a FPS lover or just a fan of Beth Games then this Awesome Game is for you!!
Публикувана 21 август 2012.
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535.3 изиграни часа (177.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Simply One of the Best 'Hack and Slash' games I have played.
Although the Graphics could be a little better Mount & Blade - WarBand
has to be in the Top Three in games of this type with it's missions in free
form play style and the ability to choose your side in the wars.

One of the things I like about this game is the huge range of Armors and
Weapons to choose from and that I can use the equipment of other factions
with out any penalty.

Having said that, once you have the cash to purchase the best stuff there is
then almost no choice of style if you want Armor and Weapons with the best
stats but then thats maybe a thing for role play as the game give great scope
for a wide range of that.

To go along with this great game the Availability of many Active Forums
including the Official Forum. The range of player made MOD's & Content
from new maps to New Model Skins to Changes to the Vanilia Game for both
Online and Offline play.
Публикувана 15 юли 2011.
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